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 LOCALFriday 5 February 2016
Loyal visitors honored at the Divi Village Golf Resort

On the pictures Mr. Ricardo Croes from ATA together with Angelo & Linda and also David & Linda
with Gloria from the Divi Village.

Recently the following visi-  were honored as an distin-     Mr. Ricardo Croes repre-           other island ,top reason for   py Island”, the great
tors were honored as follow   guished visitor for Aruba.     senting Aruba Tourism Au-          returning provided by the      weather,and Friendly Aru-
: Angelo & Linda Bracco       The symbolic honorary title    thority conducted the cer-         honorees were they con-        ban Hospitality, white sand
were honored as an am-        is presented in the name       emony at the Divi Village          sider                          beaches and the local
bassador of goodwill for      of the Minister of Tourism as  Golf Resort.                       Aruba to be the “Hap-          food. q
the island of Aruba after     a token of appreciation to
visiting for more than 20     guests who visit Aruba for     Angelo commented that
years consecutive and         between 10 and 20              he will never change his
also David and Linda Muir     years consecutive.             vacation island for any

                                                                                                Pat & Rose Marie Fuschetto
                                                                                                honored at the Caribbean

                                                                                                          Palm Village

                                                                                                On the pictures Mr. Ricardo Croes from ATA together with Pat
                                                                                                & Rose Marie and also Daisy Gomez from the Caribbean Palm

                                                                                                Recently Pat & Rose Marie      emony at the Caribbean
                                                                                                Fuschetto were  honored as     Palm Village
                                                                                                an ambassador of goodwill
                                                                                                for the island of Aruba af-    Pat commented that he
                                                                                                ter visiting for more than 20  will never change his vaca-
                                                                                                years consecutive.             tion island for any other is-
                                                                                                The symbolic honorary title    land ,top reason for return-
                                                                                                is presented in the name       ing provided by the honor-
                                                                                                of the Minister of Tourism as  ees were they consider
                                                                                                a token of appreciation to
                                                                                                guests who visit Aruba for     Aruba to be the “Hap-
                                                                                                between 10 and 20              py Island”, the great
                                                                                                years consecutive.             weather,and Friendly Aru-
                                                                                                Mr. Ricardo Croes repre-       ban Hospitality, white sand
                                                                                                senting Aruba Tourism Au-      beaches and the local
                                                                                                thority conducted the cer-     food. q
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