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U.S. NEWSFriday 5 February 2016
Columbus joins airports boosting
human trafficking awareness
clude people who: Other industries have just because of the Super
—Have few or no personal
possessions and aren’t in ramped up trafficking Bowl,” said spokesman
control of their own money,
financial records or bank awareness. Colorado- Doug Yakel. “It’s a 365-day-
—Aren’t in control of their based Truckers Against a-year type of issue that we
identification documents
and aren’t allowed to Trafficking trains drivers to need to work through.”
speak for themselves.
—Can’t move freely in an recognize the signs and en- Cleveland Hopkins Interna-
airport or on a plane or are
being controlled, closely courages cooperation with tional Airport has trained
watched or followed.
Other clues include people police to stop it. its police officers and like-
who can’t give details of
their location or flight infor- Polaris, a Washington, D.C., ly will expand training to
mation, and have lost track
of time. anti-trafficking organiza- other employees ahead
“We certainly hope that
it’s going to be productive tion, works with the hotel of this summer’s Republi-
and result in helping some
of the victims out of this very industry to prevent traffick- can National Convention.
horrible situation,” said Ron
Borden, chief operations ing, including a current ini- Last March, a Cleveland
officer of the Columbus Re-
gional Airport Authority. tiative with the American man was indicted on pros-
The Homeland Security
messages pose a number Hotel and Lodging Asso- titution charges in a case
of scenarios. They include:
“Does she seem controlled ciation to provide training involving a woman alleg-
and afraid?” asks a ques-
tion superimposed over the for hotel employees in Bal- edly brought in from China
photograph of a young
woman. timore. through the airport. Charg-
“Is he forced to work for lit-
tle or no pay?” says a sec- The hotel and lodging as- es were dropped after a
ond question over a pic-
ture of a teenage boy. sociation is educating the witness couldn’t be locat-
Law enforcement officers
with the Transportation Se- employees on human traf- ed.
curity Administration and
U.S. Customs and Border ficking, establishing proce- The Cincinnati/Northern
Protection also get regular
training on how to recog- dures for reporting suspect- Kentucky International
nize and prevent traffick-
ing, as do TSA agents who ed cases and encouraging Airport has investigators
screen travelers.
This image provided by the Department of Homeland Security other companies to join the trained to detect traffick-
(DHS) shows a poster part of the Blue Campaign to raise public
awareness of human trafficking. fight. ing and has also trained
Associated Press The nonprofit Airline Am- employees to look for signs,
bassadors International said spokesman Bobby
ANDREW WELSH-HUGGINS 13 airports across the coun- has offered training at two Spann.
Associated Press try including JFK and La-
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Guardia in New York, Chi- dozen airports in the U.S. as Other airports where
The Columbus airport is cago-O’Hare and Los An-
joining its counterparts geles International Airport well as Kiev, Ukraine. Homeland Security anti-
nationwide in training em- where the Department
ployees to recognize signs of Homeland Security has Last month, San Francisco trafficking messages were
of human trafficking in an posted messages on video
effort to curb exploitation. monitors and airport shop- International Airport trained displayed last summer:
Beginning this month, all ping bags. Other industries,
400 employees at Port Co- including hotels and truck- about 220 employees who Baltimore-Washington; Bos-
lumbus International Air- ing, also are increasing ef-
port will view a 30-minute forts to detect trafficking. come in contact with the ton’s Logan International;
video on spotting signs of In Ohio, airport workers
trafficking. Workers include will see a film that defines public, including baggage Ontario International in San
police officers, mainte- human trafficking, gives
nance workers and people examples of cases in the handlers and maintenance Bernardino, California; San
staffing information booths. state and lists tips for rec-
The awareness campaign ognizing trafficking. Signs workers, the first in a series Diego International; Minne-
in Columbus joins those at of trafficked individuals in-
of sessions for Bay-area air- apolis-St. Paul Internation-
ports. al; Pittsburgh International;
The training targeted po- Miami International; and
tential trafficking ahead Ronald Reagan National
of Sunday’s Super Bowl, Airport in Washington, D.C.
but the airport is using the Similar messages are cur-
event to focus attention on rently on display in the
the overall problem. Houston, Jacksonville,
“Human trafficking is not Florida, and San Francisco
a new issue, it’s not here airports.q
Navy ship eyed for Maine-to-Nova Scotia ferry service
TOM BELL the Navy has never put the service, which failed to at- Wednesday that a tour King in an email said the
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — vessel into service. tract enough passengers to operator from Connecti- ferry service is a significant
The new operator of a ferry The Nova Scotia govern- sustain operations without cut has canceled dozens economic driver for the re-
service between Maine ment last fall selected the high subsidies. of room reservations at the gion and the state.
and Nova Scotia is having Canadian company to The province has selected Rodd Grand Hotel in Yar- “I will do all that I can to
such a hard time finding a run the service between Bay Ferries for the 2016 sea- mouth over concerns there help the City of Portland
vessel that it’s asking the Portland, Maine, and Yar- son, but the company’s may not be a ferry service position itself to resume the
U.S. Navy for help. mouth, inability to find a suitable between Nova Scotia and service as soon as possible,
Bay Ferries Ltd. is eying a Nova Scotia, but the up- vessel has stalled contract Maine this summer. including advocating on
mothballed high-speed coming summer season is negotiations with the prov- Pingree said in an email to the City’s behalf to the U.S.
vessel owned by the Navy. in jeopardy unless the com- ince. The Associated Press she is Navy to explore vessels that
Harold Pachios, an attor- pany quickly lines up a ves- The delay is making it diffi- doing everything she can could be put toward that
ney for the company, said sel. cult for Bay Ferries to mar- to restore the ferry service. use,” he said.
the vessel was formerly Nova Star Cruises ended ket the service to bus tour “If there is a surplus Navy Pachios said officials at Bay
used as a private ferry and the service in October after operators, who sell tickets vessel that can be put to Ferries are confident they
later acquired by the U.S. two years. Nova Scotia tax- months in advance. work in Portland it would be will secure a vessel before
government and turned payers spent $40.5 million The Canadian news ser- a win for Maine and a win the start of the summer
over to the Navy. He said (Canadian) subsidizing the vice CBC News reported for the Navy,” she said. season.q