P. 22
A22 sports
Monday 21 august 2017
Carr, Goff shine in Rams 24-21 exhibition win over Raiders
exhibition victory Saturday land have expressed bitter-
night. “Overall I thought the ness, the Raiders are sold
defense was poor, particu- out for the entire season
larly early,” coach Jack Del despite being lame ducks
Rio said. “We’ll have to get and drew a sellout crowd
a whole lot better there.” of 53,659 for their first home
Lynch returned to the field game of the preseason.
for the first time since retiring The most outward anger
following the 2015 season from the fans came when
and once again declined Goff led the Rams on a
to stand for the national 88-yard drive to open the
anthem. He delighted the game, capped by a 23-
hometown crowd in Oak- yard TD pass to Cooper
land when he burst through Kupp . Goff, who strug-
the line for a 6-yard run on gled as a rookie after be-
his first carry and added ing drafted first overall last
another 4-yard run before season out of California,
calling it a night. played extremely well in his
“It was awesome,” Carr return to the East Bay.
said. “It was really loud, I’m “We started the way we
not going to lie. It was really wanted to start and we
loud. That was good for the were aggressive offensive-
home crowd to see. Hon- ly,” Goff said. “We were
estly, it’s good to be home able to score on those two
again,” early drives and did what
Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch (24) runs against the Los Angeles Rams during the Lynch said he decided to we wanted to out there.”
first half of an NFL preseason football game in Oakland, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017. come out of retirement af- Carr capped the first drive
(AP Photo/Ben Margot) ter the Raiders announced with a perfectly placed
By JOSH DUBOW looked sharp in their first Carr threw two touchdown plans in March to move 19-yard touchdown pass
AP Pro Football Writer action of the preseason. passes in his first game to Las Vegas for the 2020 to tight end Lee Smith and
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — The starting defense once since breaking his leg last season. Lynch wanted to ended his night with a 13-
Derek Carr, Marshawn again was plagued by the season but Jared Goff led give something back to his yard score to Crabtree ,
Lynch and the rest of Oak- same issues that doomed three scoring drives for the hometown fans in Oakland. who juked Troy Hill on his
land’s first-team offense the Raiders last year. Los Angeles Rams in a 24-21 While some fans in Oak- way into the end zone.q
Lynch starts, Siemian throws TD as Broncos beat 49ers 33-14
By MICHAEL WAGAMAN portant,” Joseph said.
Associated Press “What’s important is we
SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) get it right. It could be this
— Vance Joseph isn’t yet week, it could be next
ready to declare a winner week.”
in the race to be Denver’s On a night when Denver
starting quarterback be- forced four turnovers in
tween Paxton Lynch and the first half, running C.J.
Trevor Siemian. Anderson got into the end
If he is, the Broncos’ head zone and Brandon McMa-
coach is keeping it to him- nus kicked four field goals,
self. the majority of focus was
Lynch led three scoring on the ongoing competi-
drives in his bid for the job tion between the Broncos’
while Siemian, who started two quarterbacks.
the preseason opener a Despite a plea earlier this
week ago, came off the week from vice president
bench to throw a touch- of football operations John
down pass as the Broncos Elway that one of the two
beat the San Francisco take control of the job, nei-
49ers 33-14 on Saturday Denver Broncos defensive end Shelby Harris (96) celebrates after recovering a fumble by the San ther quarterback did much
night. Francisco 49ers during the second half of a preseason NFL football game Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017, to separate himself from
“The time frame’s not im- in Santa Clara, Calif. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg) the other. q