Page 13 - Aruba Today
P. 13

                                                                                                                   Thursday 31 December 2015

Dande: A Beloved Part of Aruba’s New Year’s Tradition

CAROLINA BULOS               “tambor”. To complete the             group, 1 singer accompa-
Special to Aruba Today       nies the instruments that
ORANJESTAD – The tradi-      are played. A machete
tion of Dande is a beloved   has been used in the
part of Aruba’s New Year’s   past to give the Dande its
ritual – but what is Dande,  rhythm, which was also the
and where and how did it     way of the “wiri”.
come about? The Aruba        After celebrating the
Today shares some notes      opening of the New Year,
on the history of Dande:     the Dande groups would
                             head out to sing and play
HISTORY OF DANDE:            until the 3 Kings’ Day. This
The history of Dande has     meant that for almost a
been told many times,        week they would never ar-
but the question is where    rive home, but would be
did Dande come from.         out performing. This was
Dande is folklore of Aruba   because in the past, the
that initiated in 1890. The  houses used to be further
instruments that are used    away from one another
are known as “wiri” and      and the group had to walk

                                                           a lot. They would also trav-   come more modern, the          the words have also been
                                                           el via donkey to reach their   lyrics have also changed.      changed. Some of the
                                                           destinations faster. As soon   The rhythm of Dande is a       newly introduced instru-
                                                           as they arrive, the door is    smooth one, and not fast       ments are guitar, maracas,
                                                           closed they start singing      like other songs in other      mandolin, accordion or
                                                           and wait for the owner of      festivals. The lyrics are all  marimba, but no electron-
                                                           the house to invite them
                                                           in. Before the song finishes,
                                                           the group goes outside,
                                                           where the owner of the
                                                           house usually gives them
                                                           something for their perfor-

                                                           LYRICS OF DANDE:               about humility and have        ic instruments. The current
                                                           The singer sings the lead of   no politics whatsoever in-     generation is taking the
                                                           the house, it used to only     volved in them.                folklore of Aruba, which is
                                                           be men but now it can                                         Dande, but they need to
                                                           also be a woman, then          A MODERNIZED DANDE:            try to maintain the original-
                                                           the wives/husbands and         Slowly but surely, Dande       ity of this.
                                                           kids. The lyrics of Dande      has become more mod-
                                                           are sacred. It is a message    ern, whereas more instru-      GIVING OF MONEY:
                                                           of God to the house and        ments are being used, but      In the past, the Dande
                                                           family. They used to be                                       groups would finish playing
                                                           lyrics that request a bless-                                  and would be invited in-
                                                           ing of humility, harvesting                                   side the home, where the
                                                           and a lot more. But nowa-                                     homeowner would offer
                                                           days, since Dande has be-                                     them some local snacks.
                                                                                                                         They would also receive
                                                                                                                         some ginger. But this slowly
                                                                                                                         changed, and now the
                                                                                                                         singer will sing to the person
                                                                                                                         individually, giving them
                                                                                                                         blessings and the family will
                                                                                                                         put some money in a hat to
                                                                                                                         show their appreciation.q
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