Page 18 - Aruba Today
P. 18
SPORTSThursday 31 December 2015
NBA Roundup: Knicks player
Cleanthony Early
Horford leads Hawks over the Rockets 121-115
shot in the leg
Houston Rockets’ James Harden (13) loses the ball after being Hawks won for the seventh lead Milwaukee.
time in eight games. In New York, Carmelo An- COLLEEN LONG
fouled as Atlanta Hawks’ Al Horford (15) defends during the first Dwight Howard led Hous- thony scored 24 points and Associated Press
ton with 30 points and 16 Derrick Williams added 18 NEW YORK (AP) — New
quarter of an NBA basketball game Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2015, in rebounds, while James to lead six Knicks in double York Knicks player Clean-
Harden had 26 points, 10 figures and end a four- thony Early was shot in the
Houston. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip) rebounds and eight assists. game losing streak with a leg as he left a strip club
Atlanta took a lead late in 108-96 win over the Detroit on Wednesday by masked
HOUSTON (AP) — Al Hor- Atlanta trailed by 19 early the fourth quarter and em- Pistons. robbers who demanded
ford had 30 points and 14 in the game before ral- ployed the hack-a strat- Jose Calderon added 15 his “gold,” law enforce-
rebounds to lead the At- lying for the victory. Kent egy, intentionally fouling points, Kyle O’Quinn had ment officials said.
lanta Hawks to a 121-115 Bazemore added 26 points Howard and Clint Capela 12, Robin Lopez scored 11, Early left CityScapes in
victory over the Houston and Paul Millsap and Jeff repeatedly. The strategy and Kristaps Porzingis fin- Queens with his girlfriend
Rockets on Tuesday night. Teague both had 22 as the was largely successful until ished with 10. at about 4:30 a.m. in a cab
Howard made a free throw Ersan Ilyasova led the Pis- when the vehicle was sur-
to take the lead with just tons with 19 points. Marcus rounded by at least two
over two minutes remain- Morris and Reggie Jackson other cars and as many as
ing. each had 17. six men got out, the two of-
Atlanta then scored the fi- Williams scored 16 of his ficials said. Early handed
nal nine points of the game points in the final quarter, over two gold chains be-
to steal the road victory. hitting 5-of-6 shots from the fore he was shot in the right
Oklahoma City’s Russell field. kneecap, the officials said.
Westbrook scored 27 points The Memphis Grizzlies beat The men drove off. The
and Kevin Durant added the Miami Heat 99-90 after cab driver and girlfriend
26 to lead the Thunder to Marc Gasol scored seven were uninjured, and the
a 131-123 win over the Mil- of his 23 points in overtime. driver was robbed only of
waukee Bucks. Zach Randolph added 17 his identification. Early, 24,
Enes Kanter added 23 points for Memphis. Mike was hospitalized in a stable
points while rookie Cam- Conley and Jeff Green condition.
eron Payne had a career- had 16 apiece, and Mario The two law enforcement
high 16 for the Thunder. Chalmers scored 12 points. officials spoke to The As-
Westbrook and Durant Gasol would add eight re- sociated Press on condi-
both scored more than bounds, six assists and four tion of anonymity because
20 points for the 25th time blocks, including a pair of they were not authorized
this season as Oklahoma rejections in the closing to release the victim’s
City overcame an early minutes. name.
eight-point deficit to win In Denver, LeBron James The team said in a brief
for the 11th time in its last scored 34 points on the statement that it was
14 games. eve of his 31st birthday and aware of an incident in-
Khris Middleton scored a Iman Shumpert added a volving Early and “relieved
career-best 36 points to season-high 16 as the Cav- that he is not in a life-
aliers beat the Nuggets 93- threatening situation.”
87. Police were searching for
Kevin Love had eight suspects and trying to de-
points and 14 rebounds to termine if it was a carefully
help Cleveland finish off planned attack or a spur-
a four-game West Coast of-the-moment hit.
swing with a 2-2 mark. The The theft comes about
Cavaliers rested Kyrie Irving 10 days after Knicks for-
on the second night of a ward Derrick Williams was
back-to-back as he works robbed of $617,000 in jew-
his way back from a frac- elry from his home. He took
tured left kneecap.q home two women from a
Manhattan club.q