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sportsThursday 31 December 2015

2015: A Year Of Sports Scandals With a Silver Lining 

FIFA President Sepp Blatter arrives for a news conference in Zurich, Switzerland. 2015 was the                 as ongoing criminal probes      of matches. The alleged
year when scandals off the field of play eclipsed exploits on it. 	 (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)               in Switzerland and the Unit-    wrongdoing at the IAAF,
                                                                                                               ed States of soccer bribery     however, raised the pos-
JOHN LEICESTER                  gal orders.”                  liberately under-inflated                        and corruption, promise to      sibility that on-track results
AP Sports Writer                “In the old days, sport was   (and theoretically easier                        cloud FIFA’s ambitions for      were corrupted by off-
PARIS (AP) — For the past       well outside of anything      to grip) footballs in Janu-                      a fresh start with the elec-    track criminality, and that
12 months, scandals off         that governments had fo-      ary’s AFC title game on his                      tion of a new president in      dopers may have robbed
the field of play eclipsed      cused on,” Pound said in      way to winning the Super                         February. In track and field,   competitors of medals by
exploits on it. Beyond the      an Associated Press inter-    Bowl, and by the disgrace                        a cornerstone of the Olym-      paying the  sport’s  guard-
usual cases of doping and       view. “They were all pri-     of Sepp Blatter, kicked out                      pic Games, a World Anti-        ians to look the other way.
cheating that are sadly         vate organizations and        of soccer in December for                        Doping Agency-ordered           Contacted repeatedly by
common in modern sports,        they were kind of run infor-  unethical conduct, end-                          investigation that Pound        the AP, Diack’s lawyer has
shocking corruption in soc-     mally like clubs and so on,   ing his 17 scandal-scarred                       led concluded explosively       refused to comment.
cer and athletics begged        and have tried to pretend     years as president of FIFA.                      in November that doping         Tasked with cleaning up
the question of whether         that they can do that even    His heir-in-waiting, France’s                    in Russia was not only wide-    the mess is British former
the vast riches and ac-         in 2015 — and they can’t.”    former midfield star Michel                      spread and deep-rooted          middle-distance running
companying greed gen-           In short, this was a year     Platini, also was banned                         but also likely tacitly sanc-   great Sebastian Coe,
erated by professional          that left a sour taste        for a dubious $2 million                         tioned by President Vladi-      elected in August as Di-
sport  are rotting the entire   for  sports  fans but also    payment that Blatter ap-                         mir Putin’s government.         ack’s successor. But just
multi-billion dollar industry   offered some hope of          proved for the FIFA vice-                        A resulting blanket-ban         months into his new job,
to its core.                    a brighter future. It was     president in 2011. Their                         from competition could          the credibility of the chief
On the upside, the stink got    bookended by “Deflate-        appeals of the eight-year                        see Russian track and field     organizer of the 2012 Lon-
so bad that 2015 also saw       gate,” which saw star NFL     bans that decapitated the                        athletes miss the Rio de        don Olympics suffered a
the forces of law and or-       quarterback Tom Brady         leadership of the world’s                        Janeiro Olympics unless         blow when the BBC un-
der sit up and take action,     accused of throwing de-       most popular sport, as well                      the  sporting  powerhouse       covered in November that
opening criminal investiga-                                                                                    can convince the Interna-       Coe had spoken privately
tions, making high-profile      New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady smiles and                          tional Association of Ath-      to an executive at Nike, his
arrests and recovering tens     waves goodbye to the media in Foxborough, Mass. 2015 was                       letics Federations that it      long-time personal spon-
of millions of ill-gotten dol-  the year when scandals off the field of play eclipsed exploits                 has made real changes.          sor, about hosting the 2021
lars. That legal pressure       on it.                                                                         In March, the IAAF’s ethics     world championships in
sped change, notably at                                                                                        commission also started in-     Eugene. The Oregon city
soccer governing body                                                               (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)  vestigating alleged doping      about 100 miles (160 kilo-
FIFA, forcing administrators                                                                                   cover-ups in distance-run-      meters) south of the sports-
to abandon some of their                                                                                       ning power Kenya, which         wear giant’s headquarters
old-school, shoddy, back-                                                                                      topped the world cham-          outside Portland was sub-
room and amateur man-                                                                                          pionships medal table in        sequently and controver-
agement practices and                                                                                          August.                         sially awarded the com-
enact reforms that should                                                                                      Those probes were just          petition without an open
make them behave more                                                                                          the beginning of a scan-        bidding process.
professionally.                                                                                                dal that threatened to sink     Coe denied that working
“What we’re going through                                                                                      the IAAF in 2015, gravely       for both the IAAF and Nike
now, it’s like a tectonic                                                                                      undermining not only the        represented a conflict of
shift,” says International                                                                                     federation but trust in the     interest and severed his
Olympic Committee veter-                                                                                       entire  sport  it oversees. In  ambassadorial role with
an Dick Pound. “Sports  or-                                                                                    November, three months          the company. But the
ganizations are coming to                                                                                      after stepping down as          affair left doubts about
realize — voluntarily or in-                                                                                   IAAF chief, Lamine Diack        Coe’s judgment and, more
voluntarily — that they can                                                                                    was taken into police cus-      broadly, fed into a domi-
no longer operate outside                                                                                      tody in France, suspected       nant theme of 2015, which
of the larger social and le-                                                                                   of pocketing more than 1        was that sports administra-
                                                                                                               million euros ($1.1 million)    tors often appeared chron-
                                                                                                               in an alleged scheme to         ically out of touch with a
                                                                                                               blackmail athletes and          shift in the public mood
                                                                                                               hush up their doping cases.     against their clubby ways
                                                                                                               Diack, who presided at the      and, in worst cases, their
                                                                                                               IAAF for nearly 16 years, is    criminal habits.
                                                                                                               under formal investigation      “It simply won’t work in
                                                                                                               for corruption and mon-         this day and age,” Pound
                                                                                                               ey laundering. If proven        said. “You have to be
                                                                                                               by France’s investigating       more transparent, which
                                                                                                               magistrates, the allega-        doesn’t mean that you run
                                                                                                               tions could be even grav-       around buck naked, but
                                                                                                               er than soccer’s massive        people have got to under-
                                                                                                               scandal. The U.S. Depart-       stand how a decision was
                                                                                                               ment of Justice’s sprawling     reached, and by whom,
                                                                                                               soccer case alleges more        and for what reasons, and
                                                                                                               than $200 million in bribes     that sort of thing that never
                                                                                                               and kickbacks in the selling    used to happen. There was
                                                                                                               of media and marketing          a code of silence.”
                                                                                                               rights. Although grievous,      “Sport  has got to change
                                                                                                               the schemes seemingly           ...,” he added, “or it’s go-
                                                                                                               didn’t affect the outcome       ing to be changed.”q
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