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                                                                                                                                                                        Thursday 31 December 2015

The Year In Sports:

Super Pick, Flubbed Kick Highlight Best Games of 2015 

EDDIE PELLS                       in one case, not even line       ever on YouTube. “That’s        much for who lost at the      then again two minutes
AP National Writer                up at the Belmont. Ameri-        why football is loved so        end, as who won. The 2015     later. The United States
The games people play.            can Pharoah finally broke        much in America,” Michi-        U.S. Open will be remem-      scored four goals in the
There are around 300 in pro       through. He started slow         gan State coach Mark            bered for both. There was     first 16 minutes, capped by
football, 2,500 in baseball,      and carried a two-length         Dantonio said. “It’s be-        Dustin Johnson’s hard-to-     Lloyd’s shot from midfield,
1,500 in basketball and           lead through most of the         cause things like this hap-     watch three-putt from 12      and went on for a 5-2 vic-
thousands in soccer ev-           race. But then, he showed        pen. Every now and then,        feet that cost him the title  tory. For a while after the
ery year — and that’s just        the heart and speed of a         they happen.”                   — a title that went to Jor-   match, Lloyd’s Wikipedia
at the very highest levels.       champion, pulling away                                           dan Spieth, hardly a fluke    page listed her as “Presi-
Most blend into each oth-         over the last five furlongs to   FOR OPENERS: The first in-      winner in anybody’s book.     dent of the United States.”
er. Only a few stand out.         cross the finish line in 2 min-  ning of Game 1 included         It was the second major
Those that leave a lasting
impression do so because
of, say, a flubbed snap on
a punt, or a play call that
decides a title, or a near-
perfect, once-in-a-gener-
ation race to the finish line.
Those games and races
kept us at the edge of our
seats in 2015 — then even-
tually brought us com-
pletely out of our chairs
and made us shake our
heads upon realizing,
once again, that just when
we think we’ve seen it all,
we’re reminded that we
really haven’t.
A look at some of the best
games and events of 2015:

SUPER CALL: Seattle had           In this Oct. 17, 2015 photo, Michigan State defensive back Jalen Watts-Jackson, lower right, falls into the end zone after
the ball at the New Eng-
land 1-yard line with two,        recovering a fumbled snap on a punt in the closing seconds of the second half of an NCAA college football game in Ann Arbor,
maybe three, chances
to let one of the best run-       Mich. Michigan punter Blake O’Neill fumbled the snap and Watts-Jackson pulled it in, cradled it to his body and ran 38 yards for a
ning backs in the game,
Marshawn Lynch, bull in           touchdown. 											                                                                         (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)
for what would have been
the winning touchdown.            utes, 26.65 seconds — end-       the first inside-the-park       of the year for Spieth and    RUGBY UPSET: It was sup-
Instead, Seahawks coach           ing nearly four decades of       home run in a World Se-         he set it up with a 284-yard  posed to be a tuneup for
Pete Carroll called for a         close calls.                     ries in 86 years. Later, there  3-wood from the near-bar-     perennial title contender
pass. Patriots defensive                                           was a power outage that         ren 18th fairway at Cham-     South Africa. It ended up
back Malcolm Butler, a            THE FLUB: All Michigan           stopped play and knocked        bers Bay that led to a bird-  being “a rugby miracle”
one-time do-everything            punter Blake O’Neill had         the telecast off the air. The   ie. Four days of listening    at the World Cup, as the
employee at a fast-food           to do was field the snap         game lasted 14 innings          to players grumble about      TV announcers called it,
chicken restaurant, had           and get off the kick, just       and, at 5 hours, 9 minutes,     conditions on the course,     pulled off by none other
been focusing on that ex-         as he’d done hundreds of         was the longest World Se-       then watching most of         than 1,000-1 longshot Ja-
act play call during the          times previously in prac-        ries Game 1 played. Kan-        them play down to their       pan. The “Cherry Blossoms”
week in practice. He rec-         tices and games. Instead,        sas City hit a game-tying       expectations, ended with      only other victory on the
ognized it, stepped in front      O’Neill fumbled the snap         home run in the bottom          30 minutes of pure drama      world’s biggest stage had
of the receiver and inter-        and Michigan State’s Jalen       of the ninth and went           — and with Spieth cradling    come back in 1991. This
cepted the pass to save           Watts-Jackson pulled it in,      on to beat the Mets 5-4.        the trophy.                   time, they played South
the game for the Patriots.        cradled it to his body and       And if that wasn’t drama                                      Africa toe-to-toe for more
Carroll then spent hours,         ran 38 yards for a touch-        enough, there was the           FLURRY OF GOALS: In a         than 80 minutes, and
days and weeks defending          down. The Spartans won           underlying story of starting    rematch of the previous       into extra time. Trailing
his play call, while Butler no    27-23, and because of that       pitcher Edinson Volquez,        World Cup final, the U.S.     by three, Japan decided
longer had to worry about         win, they are still in the hunt  who pitched even though         team played Japan, which      against kicking for a tie,
returning to the chicken          for the national title. Some     his father had died only        had beaten the Americans      and instead got the ball to
joint.                            of the most memorable            hours before the game.          on penalty kicks four years   replacement back Karne
                                  reactions came from the                                          earlier. Thanks to Carli      Hesketh, who squeezed
TRIPLE CROWN: It had been         heartbroken, close-to-tears      THE 3-WOOD AND THE              Lloyd, this game was any-     into rugby’s version of the
37 years since Affirmed           Michigan fans, a few of          THREE-PUTT: So many ma-         thing but a repeat. Lloyd     end zone for the winning
crossed the finish line first at  which were captured for-         jors are remembered as          scored in the third minute,   points in a 34-32 victory.q
the Belmont Stakes to win
the last Triple Crown. And
over those 37 years, horse
racing and its fans had
seen 13 horses win the first
two legs, only to falter — or,
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