Page 24 - Aruba Today
P. 24
BUSINESSThursday 31 December 2015
Another drop in energy stocks leads market lower Ride-hailing app
company Sidecar
ALEX VEIGA extending its losses for the Nasdaq is up about 7 per- Consol Energy shed 46 stopping service
AP Business Writer year to nearly 40 percent. cent, while the Dow is on cents, or 5.6 percent, to
The latest downturn in “You have oil prices affect- track to end 2015 with a $7.78. Natural gas compa- MARLEY JAY
crude oil prices put in- ing the market negatively loss of 1.2 percent. ny Chesapeake Energy fell AP Markets Writer
vestors in a selling mood today,” said Quincy Krosby, The major stock indexes 18 cents, or 3.9 percent, to NEW YORK (AP) — Delivery
Wednesday, pulling U.S. market strategist for Pru- headed lower from the $4.40. and ride-hailing pioneer
stocks lower for the second dential Financial. get-go on Wednesday as In other energy trading Sidecar, which struggled to
time this week. “You throw in exceedingly investors tracked the lat- in New York, wholesale compete with bigger rivals
The market decline, which low volume and it’s a reci- est swings in oil and natural gasoline fell 5 cents, or 3.6 Uber and Lyft, says it will
wiped out some of the pe for skewing the market, gas prices. percent, to $1.23 a gallon, stop offering services.
gains from a rally the day in this case to the down- Benchmark U.S. crude fell while heating oil declined In a message posted to
5 cents, or 4.5 percent, to Medium, co-founders Sunil
Trader Gregory Rowe, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. The latest down- $1.079 a gallon. Paul and Jahan Khanna
turn in crude oil prices put investors in a selling mood Wednesday, pulling U.S. stocks lower for the Natural gas slumped 15.6 said Sidecar’s rides and
second time this week. cents to $2.214 per 1,000 deliveries will end at 5 p.m.
cubic feet. Eastern time on Thursday.
(AP Photo/Richard Drew) Traders found good rea- “Today is a turning point for
sons to bid up other stocks. Sidecar as we prepare to
before, came on lighter- side.” $1.27 to close at $36.60 Weight Watchers Interna- end our ride and delivery
than-usual trading ahead The Dow Jones industrial a barrel in New York. It’s tional vaulted 19 percent service so we can work on
of the New Year’s Day holi- average fell 117.11 points, down 39 percent this year. after announcing an ad- strategic alternatives and
day. or 0.7 percent, to 17,603.87. Brent crude, which is used vertising campaign featur- lay the groundwork for the
Energy companies fell the The S&P 500 index dropped to price international oils, ing Oprah Winfrey, who next big thing,” they wrote.
most among the 10 sectors 15 points, or 0.7 percent, to slid $1.33, or 3.5 percent, to owns a 10 percent stake The three-year-old San
in the Standard & Poor’s 2,063.36. The Nasdaq com- close at $36.46 a barrel in in the company. The stock Francisco company’s in-
500 index, 1.5 percent. The posite lost 42.09 points, or London. added $3.68 to $23.05. vestors included Google
sector is down 23.8 percent 0.8 percent, to 5,065.85. Several energy companies In Europe, trading volumes Ventures and Richard
for the year. Southwest- The day’s market action closed lower, including No- were low on the last full Branson. While Uber Tech-
ern Energy fell 6.8 percent, cut into the S&P 500’s slim ble Energy, which fell $1.18, day of the year ahead of nologies says it’s operating
while Consol Energy sank gain for the year. or 3.5 percent, to $32.22, the New Year’s holiday. 68 countries and Lyft gives
5.6 percent. The index remains essen- and Southwestern Energy, Many European markets rides in 190 cities, Sidecar
The price of oil shed 3.4 tially flat with an increase which tumbled 46 cents, or will be open only for a half didbusiness in just eight
percent on Wednesday, of 0.2 percent this year. The 6.8 percent, to $6.30. day on Dec. 31. Germany’s markets across the U.S.
DAX fell 1.1 percent, while Paul and Khanna posted
France’s CAC 40 lost 0.5 that Sidecar faced a “cap-
percent. Britain’s FTSE 100 ital disadvantage.”
slipped 0.6 percent. Uber and Lyft have raised
Precious and industrial met- billions of dollars in fund-
als prices ended mixed. ing, and along the way
Gold lost $8.20 to $1,059.80 they have taken the lead
an ounce, silver fell 9 cents in the ride-hailing market.
to $13.84 an ounce and Chinese taxi-hailing com-
copper gained 1 cent to pany Didi Kuaidi recently
$2.15 a pound. announced a partnership
Bond prices edged higher. with Lyft. Apps for hail-
The yield on the 10-year ing rides have become a
Treasury note fell to 2.29 huge business in just a few
percent. years, but it’s not clear how
In currencies, the dollar many companies will sur-
rose to 120.55 yen from vive as the industry grows.
120.39 yen late Tuesday. Companies are grappling
The euro slipped to $1.0924 with new regulations and
from $1.0939. q unionization pushes and
other industries are trying
Pep Boys agrees to be bought by Icahn for $1 billion to borrow some of their in-
novations. Since Sidecar
NEW YORK (AP) — Pep day, $1.50 more per share phia, operates more than he has been looking for a was struggling to gain pas-
Boys will be acquired by than the most recent offer 800 locations around the company to pair with Auto sengers, it tried to retool in
Carl Icahn for $1 billion, from Bridgestone. country that sell auto parts, Plus, an auto parts distrib- August by focusing on busi-
ending a weeks-long bid- With the contest becom- fixes vehicles and offer uter that Icahn Enterprises ness-to-business deliveries
ding war with the Japa- ing too rich, Bridgestone other services. The com- bought earlier this year. of food and products over
nese tire company Bridge- bowed a few hours later. pany’s tire business has Shares of Pep Boys fell 57 giving rides.
stone. Because Pep Boys had been under pressure and cents, or 3 percent, to Harry Campbell, who
The deal is expected to already agreed to a deal it has looked for new ways $18.37 in morning trading drives part-time for Lyft
close in the first quarter of with Bridgestone Corp., to generate cash. Wednesday. Icahn Enter- and Uber and blogs as The
next year. Icahn Enterprises will pay a Icahn said in a statement prises LP shares slipped 77 Rideshare Guy, said that
Icahn Enterprises offered $39.5 million break-up fee. that Pep Boys has “enor- cents, or 1.3 percent, to distinction won’t exist in a
$18.50 in cash for each Pep Boys - Manny, Moe & mous growth potential.” $60.75.q few years. Today Uber and
share of Pep Boys on Tues- Jack, based in Philadel- The activist investor said Lyft mostly move passen-
gers and Postmates only
delivers food, but he thinks
the companies will evolve
into networks.q