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Thursday 31 December 2015
Kings of Leon usher in 2016 with fireworks and new music
KRISTIN M. HALL From left, Matthew Followill, got a feeling. we are doing a little more, overwhelming and just kin-
Associated Press Jared Followill, Nathan Caleb: I am just looking not getting overwhelmed da enjoy it. And try to be a
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Followill and Caleb Followill forward to enjoying what by the moments that are better me.q
The Kings of Leon took it of the band Kings of Leon,
easy this year after finish- pose for photographers in
ing up their international Amsterdam, Netherlands. The
tour for their 2013 album Kings of Leon took it easy this
“Mechanical Bull,” but the year after finishing up their
Grammy-winning family international tour for their
rock group is ready to start 2013 album “Mechanical
2016 with a bang, literally. Bull,” but the Grammy-
They are headlining the winning family rock group
New Year’s Eve celebra- is ready to start 2016 with
tions in downtown Nash- a bang, literally. They are
ville, Tennessee, where headlining the New Year’s
they’ve made their home Eve celebrations in downtown
for 15 years. The festivities Nashville, Tenn., where
will include a giant musi- they’ve made their home for
cal note dropping at the 15 years.
stroke of midnight, fire-
works and performances (Joel Ryan/Invision/AP)
by Grammy-nominated
country singer Chris Staple- for someone and at times
ton, Kelsea Ballerini, Sugar it feels like you’re just back-
& The Hi-Lows, The Whigs, ground music, or the house
Wild Cub and LANco. band. The setting is always
Singer Caleb Followill and nice, but it just doesn’t feel
drummer Nathan Followill right. That’s why we want-
talked to The Associated ed to do this. We wanted
Press about drinking on to play a show where we
New Year’s Eve, resolutions could go up there and
and working on a new al- people are going to be
bum for 2016. The answers there for a good time and
have been edited for brev- not walking around eating
ity and clarity. sushi.
AP: What does 2016 look AP: What’s the secret for a
like for you? great New Year’s Eve set
Nathan: We’ve already list?
started pre-production in Nathan: You want to have
our studio for the next re- a nice mixture in there. But
cord, but the main thing we’re all realists and not
on the calendar for 2016 is all 150,000 people or how
getting the record finished. many people are there
And then the whole press are like die-hard Kings of
machine kicks up and do- Leon fans. You gotta play
ing press for the record. songs that everyone will
Caleb: We enjoy this part know, throw a cover or two
of the process. Obviously in there so that they know
there’s a lot of work that that as well. But then we
goes into it and it can get have to keep it fun for us as
stressful at times, but we’re well. That’s the three parts
all in a good place and to the show. AP: So when
we’re having fun with it do you get to celebrate
and we’re all excited to do the New Year?Caleb: So I
something new. decided I am not going to
AP: Are you going to split have a drink until next year.
the recording between So I am patiently waiting.
Nashville and Los Angeles? So we’ll do our set and they
Caleb: We might just try to will have the big fireworks
get a little change of scen- and then we’ll come back
ery. Our first two albums we and do another half hour
recorded in L.A., so we’re or so. And that last half
going to try to go back hour, we’ll probably be a
and see if it inspires us. If it little fuzzy cause as soon
doesn’t, we always have a as we do the countdown,
studio at home, so we can I am starting to drink.
always come back. AP: What are your New
AP: What’s your experi- Year’s resolutions?
ence playing on New Nathan: To not eat my
Year’s Eve? feelings and to lose some
Caleb: We’ve done it be- weight. 2016 is going to
fore where you’re playing be fun with the new re-
cord and all that. I am sure
some of us are probably
going to grow our families.
Some of us will not. 2016 is
going to be a good year, I