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PEOPLE & ARTSThursday 31 December 2015

Looks easy, isn’t: Lots of work goes into New Year’s Concert 

GEORGE JAHN                   the world’s most-watched
Associated Press              classical music event of
VIENNA (AP) — One, two,       the year.
three, one, two, three. A     “It’s very, very difficult,”
Strauss waltz is a musical    said Vienna Philharmonic
cinch, right?                 Orchestra chairman and
Not even for the mem-         violinist Andreas Grossbau-
bers of one of the world’s    er ahead of Friday’s big
best orchestras. Listening    event. “Take the ‘Blue Dan-
in to the final rehearsal of  ube’ waltz for instance. To
the Vienna Philharmonic’s     create beautiful phrases
annual New Year’s con-        here, these are really diffi-
cert quickly reveals that     cult things.”
lots of work goes into the    The effort that goes into
final product of what is      each concert is as well

                                                             Latvian conductor Mariss Jansons listens during an interview with The Associated Press in Vienna,

                                                             Austria. Jansons will conduct the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra for the traditional New Year’s

                                                             concert on Friday, Jan. 1, 2016 at the Musikverein in Vienna. The effort that goes into each

                                                             concert is as well hidden to the more than 50 million people tuning in from nearly 100 countries

                                                             worldwide. It was originally a morale booster staged by the Nazis to draw attention away from a

                                                             losing war. 							                                           (AP Photo/Ronald Zak)

                                                             hidden to the more than        for a slickly staged experi-   18 pieces from an original
                                                             50 million people tuning       ence that can cost more        list of 800. Even the tradi-
                                                             in from nearly 100 coun-       than 1,000 euros (more         tionally comic segments
                                                             tries worldwide as the dark    than $1,000) for those lucky   needed honing. Blaring
                                                             origins of the event. It was   enough to get a ticket.        into a plastic horn to emit
                                                             originally a morale boost-     But it’s a tough slog to get   a discordant triad, Jansons
                                                             er staged by the Nazis to      there.                         asked repeatedly “can
                                                             draw attention away from       For three hours this week,     you hear?” before putting
                                                             a losing war.                  musicians clad in jeans        down the toy and picking
                                                             But now, as then, the mu-      and T-shirts instead of their  up his baton. Relaxing af-
                                                             sic from the Strauss dynasty   concert finery repeatedly      ter rehearsal, the Latvian
                                                             and their contemporaries is    went over passages during      maestro also took issue
                                                             lilting. And the visuals have  their final rehearsal. Con-    with the idea that “light”
                                                             evolved.                       ductor Mariss Jansons was      music is light work.
                                                             The floral arrangements        jovial but firm as he cajoled  “It’s not easy when you
                                                             are spectacular, TV audi-      them to do it just a little    take it seriously and want
                                                             ences are treated to bal-      better each time — more        to conduct a very high-
                                                             let segments and stunning      piano here, a smoother         class concert,” he said.
                                                             Vienna vistas, while the       passage elsewhere.             “You must have a very
                                                             gilt Musikverein concert       He and orchestra mem-          special relationship to this
                                                             hall is the perfect venue      bers picked each of the        music.”q

                                                             San Francisco investigating Bieber graffiti 

                                                             SAN FRANCISCO (AP) —           used chalk, according to       and other neighborhoods.
                                                             San Francisco’s city at-       Herrera. Herrera said pub-     City officials have received
                                                             torney is demanding that       lic works crews have re-       complaints about it, Her-
                                                             Justin Bieber’s music pub-     moved some of the graffiti     rera said.
                                                             lisher help determine who      at great expense, although     “This prohibited market-
                                                             is responsible for sidewalk    he did not provide a figure.   ing practice illegally ex-
                                                             graffiti promoting the pop     The city attorney’s office     ploits our city’s walkable
                                                             star’s latest album.           released photographs of        neighborhoods and ro-
                                                             City attorney Dennis Her-      eight instances of the graf-   bust tourism, intentionally
                                                             rera sent a letter to Univer-  fiti and asked for Univer-     creates visual distractions
                                                             sal Music Group earlier in     sal’s help in determining its  that pose risks to pedestri-
                                                             the week, saying the graf-     full scope. Emails seeking     ans on busy rights of way,
                                                             fiti appears to have been      comment from represen-         and irresponsibly tells our
                                                             applied with spray paint       tatives of Universal Music     youth that likeminded law-
                                                             that has not come off even     Group were not immedi-         lessness and contempt for
                                                             after recent rainstorms.       ately returned. The graffiti   public property are con-
                                                             That contrasts with other      promoting Bieber’s new al-     doned and encouraged
                                                             recent sidewalk market-        bum, “Purpose,” has been       by its beneficiaries,” Her-
                                                             ing campaigns that have        found in Haight-Ashbury        rera said in his letter.q
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