Page 31 - Aruba Today
P. 31

people & arts A31
                                                                                                                        Thursday 31 December 2015

A cartoon series brings laughs to raging immigration debate 

FRAZIER MOORE                  update of Archie Bunker,       the show’s characters not     met for me, man! The stars     “He went even further than
AP Television Writer           the apoplectic working         as stereotypes, but as ar-    aligned!”                      WE did,” adds Alcaraz with
NEW YORK (AP) — Let’s get      man from the pioneering        chetypes.                     Alcaraz co-wrote the           a laugh. “He said, ‘The
one thing straight: Donald     1970s sitcom “All in the       “My own dad was a gar-        “Borderwall” episode with      MEXICANS are gonna pay
Trump is not a consultant to   Family.” Like Archie, Bud      dener and I gardened          Hentemann more than a          for MY border wall!’”
“Bordertown.”                  is “a white guy who feels      with him on Saturdays,”       year ago. Their hero, Bud,     Reflecting his recent stint
To be sure, this new Fox ani-  he’s losing his place in the
mated comedy does tar-         world. He’s contrasted with    This photo provided by FOX shows Bud Buckwald, left, with his Border Patrol colleagues on the
get issues like immigration,   an immigrant who’s build-      series premiere of “Bordertown,” airing Sunday, Jan. 3, 2016, at 9:30 p.m. ET/PT on FOX.
the drug war and the em-       ing a life for himself in the
battled American Dream.        United States.”                                                                                                                                           (Fox via AP)
But it’s been in develop-      Growing up in Cleveland,
ment since 2007, long be-      Hentemann was inculcat-        says Alcaraz. “My mother      proposes the wall be paid      running “Family Guy” (and
fore the furor sparked by      ed with a version of the       cleaned houses for mid-       for with confiscated drug      the role of “Family Guy”
Trump upon his entry last      immigration story by his fa-   dle-class white people in     money. But it works too        mastermind Seth MacFar-
June into the presidential     ther.                          San Diego. I’m from that      well, destroying the local     lane as an executive pro-
race.                          “Every time he had a glass     background.”                  economy and leaving Bud        ducer), Hentemann’s new
The series’ premiere (Sun-     of wine, he would tell my      Alcaraz went on to earn a     jobless.                       show takes plenty of shots
day, 9:30 p.m. EST) deals      siblings and me how his        master’s degree in archi-     “At the time I remember        at pop culture, including
with a toughest-in-the-        dad came over from Ger-        tecture at the University     worrying that all the fu-      Bud’s 5-year-old daughter
nation anti-immigration        many in the ‘20s with noth-    of California at Berkeley,    ror over border walls had      (a chubby beauty-pag-
bill passed by Mexifornia,     ing, seeking a better life,    where he found his comic      kind of faded,” says Hen-      eant veteran who picks up
the U.S. desert community      working three jobs,” Hen-      voice reflecting his experi-  temann. “Was this going to     where Honey Boo Boo left
where “Bordertown” is set.     temann recalls. “It was his    ence growing up.              feel old hat when we aired     off) as well as the threat
The second episode, airing     way to communicate the         Now he describes the ar-      it? Then a few months later    of interplanetary aliens, vi-
Jan. 10, is about the con-     values he wanted us to         rival of “Bordertown” —       Donald Trump announced         sions of the Virgin Mary,
struction of a border wall     embrace, and not take for      framing the immigrant ex-     his candidacy and brought      Philip Seymour Hoffman’s
meant to protect Mexifor-      granted what we have.          perience in terms he was      it roaring back into the na-   drug overdose and the
nia from undesirables from     “Every family has their        born to lampoon — as “Kis-    tional conversation.”          WNBA.q
down Mexico way.               immigration story some-
“It’s about time we did        where back through the
something about immigra-       decades,” he says. “That’s
tion! The Southwest be-        what compelled me to
longs to retired art teach-    write about this. This show
ers and meth-lab entrepre-     seemed to be an opportu-
neurs,” roars Bud Buckwald,    nity to do a smart cultural
a dunderheaded Border          satire.”
Patrol guard who fears his     Even as the broader
American Dream is slip-        themes felt second nature
ping away in an America        to him, Hentemann did not
where ethnic minorities are    wish to perpetuate stereo-
projected to become the        types, so he brought in a
majority within a few years.   team that included Latino
After all, next door to Bud    writers.
and his family reside the      Among them: Lalo Alcaraz,
Gonzalezes, whose genial       creator of the Latino comic
patriarch, Ernesto, has a      strip, “La Cucaracha,” who
thriving landscape busi-       brings to the show informed
ness after less than a de-     details (like Latino men’s
cade settled in the U.S.       huge belt buckles and the
According to creator Mark      practice of Christmas lights
Hentemann, “Bordertown”        strewn year-round outside
began as a modern-day          Latino homes). He regards

Reruns and sports: last week’s most-watched gifts to viewers 

FRAZIER MOORE                  edies (a trio of repeats       and the final half-hour at-   2.30 million, and ABC Fam-     Pre-Kick,” NBC, 14.22 mil-
AP Television Writer           of “The Big Bang Theory”       tracting a Scrooge-like       ily had 2.21 million viewers.  lion; “The OT,” Fox, 13.09
NEW YORK (AP) — Football       made it into the Top 20),      955,000.                      NBC’s “Nightly News”           million; NFL Football: De-
and reruns prevailed on        along with such popular        NBC, in second place for      topped the evening news-       troit at New Orleans, ESPN,
television Christmas week,     holiday fare as an Andy        the week, averaged 5.3        casts with an average of       10.90 million; “NCIS,” CBS,
according to the Nielsen       Griffith special and a color-  million viewers, while ABC    9.3 million viewers. ABC’s     10.80 million; “Football
ratings company.               ized hour of classic “I Love   had 3.6 million, Fox had 3.1  “World News Tonight” was       Night in America,” NBC,
NBC’s Sunday night clash       Lucy.” For the week, CBS       million, Univision had 1.7    second with 8.7 million and    10.67 million; “60 Minutes
between the New York Gi-       led in prime time with an      million, Telemundo had 1.4    the “CBS Evening News”         Presents,” CBS, 10.54 mil-
ants and the Minnesota         average 5.7 million view-      million, ION Television had   had 7.5 million viewers.       lion; “The Big Bang Theory”
Vikings claimed the lead       ers.                           1.3 million, and the CW       For the week of Dec. 21-27,    (Monday, 8:30 p.m.), CBS,
with almost 18 million view-   Not so successful: ABC’s       had 1.1 million.              the top 10 shows, their net-   8.52 million; “The Big Bang
ers.                           four-episode block of          ESPN was by far the week’s    works and viewerships: NFL     Theory” (Monday, 8 p.m.),
But CBS was not to be          “Muppets” reruns on Sun-       leading cable network, av-    Football: New York Giants      CBS, 8.42 million; “NCIS:
outdone with its slate of      day, the first of which drew   eraging 3.37 million view-    at Minnesota, NBC, 17.87       New Orleans,” CBS, 8.20
encore dramas and com-         a puny 1.9 million viewers,    ers in prime time. USA had    million; “Sunday Night NFL     million.q
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