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U.S. NEWSThursday 31 December 2015
The Aruba Today Newspaper announces that due to the New Year’s Holiday, we will
not be in circulation Friday and Saturday, January 1st and 2nd, 2016. We will be back
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thing in the morning, Monday, January 4th, 2016. Until then, Happy New Year’s from
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Bill Cosby charged with drugging, sexually assaulting woman
MARYCLAIRE DALE Actor and comedian Bill Cosby is helped as he leaves a court tions and sets the stage for She was “frozen, paralyzed,
Associated Press appearance where he faced a felony charge of aggravated perhaps the biggest Holly- unable to move,” Mont-
ELKINS PARK, Pa. (AP) — indecent assault Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2015, in Elkins Park, Pa. wood celebrity trial of the gomery County District
Bill Cosby was arrested in Cosby was arrested and charged Wednesday with drugging mobile-news era. Attorney-elect Kevin Steele
the twilight of his life and and sexually assaulting a woman at his home in January 2004. “Make no mistake: We in- said. In court papers, pros-
career Wednesday and tend to mount a vigorous ecutors said the drugs were
charged with a decade- (AP Photo/Mel Evans) defense against this unjus- the cold medicine Benad-
old sex crime after a bar- tified charge, and we ex- ryl or some other, uniden-
rage of accusations from was released on $1 million Cosby has been charged pect that Mr. Cosby will be tified substance. Steele
dozens of women made exonerated by a court of noted that Cosby has ad-
a mockery of his image as bail. with sexual misconduct de- law,” his attorney Monique mitted giving quaaludes to
TV’s wise and understand- Pressley said in a state- women he wanted to have
ing Dr. Cliff Huxtable. The case marks the first time spite years of lurid allega- ment. sex with.
Holding a cane, the The decision to prosecute Cosby acknowledged un-
78-year-old comedian came just days before der oath a decade ago
walked slowly and un- Pennsylvania’s 12-year that he had sexual contact
steadily into court on the statute of limitations for with Constand but said it
arms of his lawyers to an- bringing charges was set was consensual.
swer charges he drugged to run out. It represents an Wearing a black-and-
and sexually assaulted a about-face by the district white hooded sweater,
woman less than half his attorney’s office, which un- Cosby tripped on a curb
age at his suburban Phila- der a previous DA declined as he made his way into
delphia home in 2004. He to charge Cosby in 2005 court. Inside, he seemed
had no comment as he when the woman first told to have trouble seeing the
police that the comic put paperwork and finding the
his hands down her pants. place to sign, and his law-
The former “Cosby Show” yers helped him hold the
star and breaker of racial pen. But he seemed at
barriers was charged with ease, laughing and chat-
aggravated indecent as- ting with his attorneys.
sault, punishable by five When the judge said,
to 10 years in prison and “Good luck to you, sir,” he
a $25,000 fine. He did not shouted: “Thank you!”
have to enter a plea. Prosecutors reopened the
Prosecutors accused Cos- case over the summer as
by of plying former Temple damaging testimony was
University employee An- unsealed in Constand’s re-
drea Constand with pills lated civil lawsuit against
and wine, then penetrat- Cosby and as dozens of
ing her with his fingers with- other women came for-
out her consent while she ward with similar accusa-
was drifting in and out of tions that destroyed his
consciousness, unable to good-guy image as Amer-
resist or cry out. ica’s Dad.q
US levees monitored for flooding
J. SALTER to transfer an unknown
A. SCHER ZAGIER number of inmates from a
Associated Press state prison and declare
ST. LOUIS (AP) — The dan- disasters governor in seven
gers from a rare winter counties. Missouri’s gover-
flood in the U.S. Midwest did nor to activate the Nation-
not let up Wednesday, with al Guard to help divert traf-
officials keeping watch on fic away from submerged
19 vulnerable levees along roads. At least 20 deaths
the Mississippi River and its over several days in Missouri
tributaries as well as several and Illinois were blamed on
smaller streams and lakes. flooding, mostly involving
Swollen rivers and streams vehicles that drove onto
were pushed to heights swamped roadways, and
not seen since massive at least two people were
1993 floods, causing Illinois still missing Wednesday. q