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                                                                                                                                               Thursday 31 December 2015

US officials: ‘Affluenza’ teen likely won’t be deported soon 

                                                                           ful that’s not the case.     termed “affluenza.” The        vere brain damage in the
                                                                           We’re hopeful the Mexican    condition is not recognized    crash.
                                                                           immigration court will make  as a medical diagnosis by      Couch’s attorneys in
                                                                           a quick and decisive deci-   the American Psychiatric       the U.S. issued a statement
                                                                           sion and return the Couch-   Association, and its invoca-   Wednesday saying they
                                                                           es to America.”              tion during the legal pro-     couldn’t comment on the
                                                                           During the sentencing        ceedings drew ridicule.        case because they weren’t
                                                                           phase of Couch’s trial in    “Couch continues to make       licensed to practice law in
                                                                           2013, a defense expert       a mockery of the system,”      Mexico. It wasn’t immedi-
                                                                           argued that his wealthy      said Fort Worth attorney Bill  ately clear which attorneys
                                                                           parents coddled him into     Berenson, who represent-       were handling the case in
                                                                           a sense of irresponsibility  ed Sergio Molina, who was      Guadalajara.
                                                                           — a condition the expert     paralyzed and suffered se-     Mexican police say Couch

Richard Hunter, chief deputy U.S. Marshal’s Office Southern
District of Texas, speaks about the Ethan Couch case during
a media conference at the Federal Courthouse in Houston on
Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2015.

                               (Melissa Phillip/Houston Chronicle via AP)

M. GRACZYK                     Hunter said Couch’s moth-
E. CASTILLO                    er, Tonya Couch, also
Associated Press               wouldn’t be deported as
HOUSTON (AP) — The Texas       originally planned Wednes-
teenager known for using       day, but he didn’t say if she
an “affluenza” defense in      also had been granted a
a fatal drunken-driving ac-    court delay. The pair were
cident likely won’t return to  being held by immigration
the  U.S. anytime soon be-     officials in Guadalajara.
cause of a Mexican judge’s     The ruling earlier Wednes-
decision to delay his de-      day by the Mexican court
portation on Wednesday,        gives a judge three days to
a U.S. law enforcement of-     decide whether the young-
ficial said.                   er Couch has grounds to
Richard Hunter, chief dep-     challenge his deportation
uty for the  U.S. Marshals     based on arguments that
Service in South Texas, said   kicking him out of the coun-
during a news conference       try would violate his rights.
in Houston that a three-day    Hunter said the legal ma-
court injunction granted to    neuver basically takes the
Ethan Couch will likely take   decision out of an immi-
at least two weeks to re-      gration agent’s hands and
solve.                         asks a higher authority to
Authorities believe the        make the deportation de-
18-year-old Couch, who         cision. He said such cases
was sentenced only to pro-     can often take anywhere
bation for the 2013 wreck in   from two weeks to several
Texas, fled to Mexico with     months, depending on the
his mother in November as      priorities of the local courts.
prosecutors investigated       “It also depends on the
whether he had violated        fact the Couches have le-
his probation. Both were       gal counsel. And it seems
taken into custody Mon-        to me, if they wanted to,
day after authorities said a   they could pay them as
phone call for pizza led to    much money as they want
their capture in the resort    to drag this thing out,”
city of Puerto Vallarta.       Hunter said. “We’re hope-
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