P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 27 June 2017

            AL Capsules

            Rangers power up for big lead, hold off Yankees 7-6

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Texas’  cisco  Liriano  (4-3)  earned
            South Korean slugger Shin-   his 100th career victory.
            Soo Choo homered off Mi-     Osuna didn’t pitch in a save
            chael Pineda, so did Adrian  situation  on  Friday  night,
            Beltre and Drew Robinson,  and the Blue Jays’ bullpen
            helping  the  Rangers  hold  let  a  game  get  away.  On
            on for this road win.        Saturday,  the  22-year-old
            Choo hit a three-run homer  reliever said he was out of
            in  the  second.  Robinson’s  sorts  mentally  and  feeling
            solo shot was his first major  anxious.
            league hit and put Texas up  Osuna  returned  to  the
            7-0 in the fourth inning. The  mound in a non-save spot
            Rangers  improved  to  11-5  and  gave  up  an  infield
            over their past 16 games.    single while getting the last
            New York has lost 10 of 12  three outs.
            since  reaching  a  season-  Jorge  Bonifacio  homered
            high  15  games  over  .500.  for  the  Royals.  Scott  Alex-
            Pineda  (7-4)  gave  up  sev-  ander (0-2) got the loss.
            en runs in four innings.     ASTROS 8, MARINERS 2
            Nick Martinez (3-3) gave up  SEATTLE  (AP)  —  George
            four  runs  in  five  innings,  in-  Springer,  Yuli  Gurriel  and
            cluding a three-run shot by  Evan  Gattis  homered  as
            Sanchez.                     the Astros wrapped up an-
            TWINS 4, INDIANS 0           other winning road trip.
            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Ervin  Houston improved to a ma-
            Santana struck out seven in  jor league-best 29-9 on the
            six  innings  and  Jason  Cas-  road.  It  also  owns  the  top
            tro  drove  in  three  runs  as  record in baseball at 52-25.  Texas Rangers third baseman Adrian Beltre, left, tags New York Yankees’ Gary Sanchez as he
                                                                      tries to slide into third base during the seventh inning of the baseball game at Yankee Stadium
            the Twins swept the Indians.  Four relievers combined to   Sunday, June 25, 2017 in New York.
            Santana  (10-4)  allowed  shut  out  the  Mariners  on                                                                          Associated Press
            nine  hits,  but  Cleveland’s  three hits for seven innings,
            lineup   struggled   again.  with Michael Feliz (3-1) get-  gels.                      (AP)  —  Joey  Rickard  hit  a  back homers in the ninth.
            The  Indians  were  shut  out  ting the win.              Bridwell (2-0) gave up two  tiebreaking  double  in  the  Gray (3-3) picked up his first
            twice,  went  1  for  23  with  Seattle  left-hander  Ariel   runs and seven hits. Yusmei-  ninth  inning,  sending  Balti-  win  since  May  24.  Rosales
            runners  in  scoring  position  Miranda (6-4) allowed four   ro Petit pitched two score-  more to the road win.     and  Joyce  broke  it  open
            and  stranded  30  baserun-  runs and five hits in 7 1/3 in-  less innings for his first save.  It  was  5-all  when  Joseph  with  their  drives  against
            ners in the weekend series.  nings.                       TIGERS 7, PADRES 5           opened  the  ninth  with  his  David Robertson and Chris
            Josh  Tomlin  (4-9)  allowed  ANGELS 4, RED SOX 2         SAN  DIEGO  (AP)  —  Mikie  third  hit,  a  single  off  Alex  Beck to start the ninth, and
            four  runs  in  5  2/3  innings  BOSTON  (AP)  —  Parker   Mahtook  drove  in  three  Colome  (1-3).  Rickard  put  Oakland  completed  the
            for  Cleveland,  which  was  Bridwell  pitched  6  2/3  in-  runs,  including  a  tiebreak-  the Orioles ahead, Schoop  three-game  sweep  after
            coming off a 7-1 road trip.  nings  and    the  Angels    ing  two-run  single  in  the  was hit by a pitch with the  getting dominated by Der-
            BLUE JAYS 8, ROYALS 2        scored three runs after their   ninth  inning,  as  the  Tigers  bases  loaded  and  Adam  ek Holland.
            KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP)  challenge  overturned  an     snapped  an  eight-game  Jones added a sacrifice fly.     Oakland  grabbed  a  3-2
            — Blue Jays closer Roberto  inning-ending  double  play   losing streak.               Brad  Brach  (2-1)  earned  lead  in  the  eighth  on  RBI
            Osuna struck out three in a  in the second.               Bruce Rondon (1-1) pitched  the win with two innings of  singles  by  Khris  Davis  and
            scoreless ninth inning a day  Doug Fister (0-1) lost his Red   a  scoreless  eighth  to  earn  shutout relief.      Yonder    Alonso   against
            after saying he was dealing  Sox debut, giving up three   the  victory.  Justin  Wilson  ATHLETICS 5, WHITE SOX 3   Tommy  Kahnle  (0-2)  and
            with anxiety issues.         runs  and  seven  hits  in  six-  retired the side in the ninth  CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Sonny  Robertson.
            Jose  Bautista  homered  for  plus innings. He was signed   for  his  sixth  save  in  seven  Gray pitched seven effec-  Santiago  Casilla  gave  up
            Toronto  and  drove  in  a  by  Boston  on  Friday  after   chances.                   tive  innings  for  Oakland,  a  leadoff  homer  to  Melky
            season-high four runs. Fran-  being released by the An-   ORIOLES 8, RAYS 5            and  Adam  Rosales  and  Cabrera  in  the  ninth  but
                                                                      ST.   PETERSBURG,   Florida  Matt  Joyce  hit  back-to-   earned his 13th save.q
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