P. 24

Tuesday 27 June 2017 BUSINESS

                    BMW announces $600M expansion as it celebrates 25 years

            By SEANNA ADCOX              the state. BMW, which has  separately  invest  $200  mil-  reached a milestone with its  McMaster. Others in atten-
            Associated Press             already  invested  $8  billion  lion over five years on work-  2  millionth  exported  BMW.  dance  Monday  included
            BMW  said  Monday  it  will  in  South  Carolina,  also  un-  force training,          The overwhelming majority  U.S.  Sen.  Lindsey  Graham
            invest  an  additional  $600  veiled  its  2018  BMW  X3,  a   Krueger said.           of its exports leave through  and U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson of
            million  to  expand  its  South  compact sports vehicle ex-  The  company  touts  the  the Charleston port.         South Carolina.
            Carolina  plant,  creating  pected  to  be  available  in  South  Carolina  plant  as  its  “BMW is the company that,  BMW announced plans for
            1,000  new  jobs  over  the  November.                    largest worldwide, produc-   in  many  ways,  put  South  a  South  Carolina  plant  in
            next four years.              It will be built at the plant in  ing  more  than  411,000  X  Carolina on the map when  June 1992.
            CEO  Harald  Krueger’s  an-  Greer  alongside  the  BMW  models last year.             its  leadership  decided  to  Production at the plant off
            nouncement       coincided  X4, X5 and X6.                About 70 percent of BMWs  build its first North American  Interstate  85  between  At-
            with  the  German  auto-     The  expansion  will  boost  made  there  are  exported  manufacturing  facility”  in  lanta and Charlotte, North
            maker’s  celebration  of  25  its workforce to more than  to more than 140 countries.  the  state  a  quarter  cen-  Carolina, began two years
            years  of  manufacturing  in  10,000  people.  BMW  will  Last   year,   the   plant  tury  ago,  said  Gov.  Henry  later.q
                  ‘Like bombs’: Bankrupt company’s air bags still out there

            DEE-ANN DURBIN                                                                                                      contacted a Subaru deal-
            MARI YAMAGUCHI                                                                                                      er, only to be told it didn’t
            Associated Press                                                                                                    have the parts. He was put
            Takata’s  lethally  defec-                                                                                          on  a  waiting  list  and  told
            tive air bags proved to be                                                                                          he  would  have  his  car  re-
            the  company’s  undoing                                                                                             paired  in  June.  It  hasn’t
            Monday. But it could take                                                                                           happened yet. In the U.S.,
            years to get the dangerous                                                                                          more  than  16  million  infla-
            devices off the road in the                                                                                         tors  have  been  repaired
            U.S. and around the world.                                                                                          so far, or 38 percent of the
            Crushed  by  lawsuits,  fines                                                                                       total. In Japan, 70 percent
            and recall costs, the Japa-                                                                                         have  been  replaced,  ac-
            nese  auto  parts  supplier                                                                                         cording  to  Takata.  That’s
            filed  for  bankruptcy  in  To-                                                                                     partly   because    Japan
            kyo and Delaware and will                                                                                           won’t renew vehicle regis-
            sell most of its assets for $1.6                                                                                    trations unless recalls have
            billion to a rival company.                                                                                         been completed. Because
            A  small  part  of  Takata  will                                                                                    of  the  type  of  chemical
            continue  to  manufacture                                                                                           propellant used by Takata,
            replacements for the faulty   Japanese air bag maker Takata Corp. CEO Shigehisa Takada bows at the beginning of a press   the defective air bags can
            air bag inflators. The prob-  conference in Tokyo, Monday, June 26, 2017. Takata Corp. has filed for bankruptcy protection in   inflate with too much force
            lem,  though,  is  that  100   Tokyo and the U.S., overwhelmed by lawsuits and recall costs related to its production of defective   and spew deadly shrapnel
            million  of  the  Takata  infla-  air bag inflators.                                                                at drivers and passengers.
            tors worldwide have been                                                       (Akiko Matsushita/Kyodo News via AP)  Takata sold the inflators to
            recalled,  69  million  in  the   for at least 16 grisly deaths  Morrison,  the  lawyer  for  a  overseeing the recall.  19  automakers,  including
            U.S.  alone  in  the  biggest   worldwide,  11  of  them  in  young  Las  Vegas  woman  “I  don’t  think  I  have  any   Toyota, Subaru, BMW, Hon-
            automotive recall in Ameri-  the  United  States.  Many  grievously injured by an ex-  options,”  lamented  Marv    da, Ford and Nissan.
            can history. It will take the   owners  have  been  put  on  ploding air bag in March.  Muller, the owner of a 2009   Takata’s  bankruptcy  filing
            industry  years  to  produce   waiting lists by their dealers  In  fact,  the  last  batch  of  Subaru Impreza. “It’s really   clears the way for most of
            that many replacements.      until the parts arrive.      U.S. repairs is not scheduled  bad.”Muller,  a  recruiter  in   its assets to be taken over
            In the meantime, millions of   “The  big  problem  is  the  to  begin  until  September  New  York,  received  a  let-  by  Key  Safety  Systems,  a
            car  owners  are  forced  to   air  bags  are  still  out  there.  2020, according to the Na-  ter in January saying his car   Chinese-owned  company
            nervously wait for someone   They’re like bombs waiting  tional Highway Traffic Safe-  needed to have its passen-   based in suburban Detroit.
            to  fix  a  problem  blamed   to  explode,”  Billie-Marie  ty  Administration,  which  is  ger  air  bag  repaired.  He   q

             Rocket engine plant announced for Alabama by Bezos’ company

            HUNTSVILLE,  Ala.  (AP)  —  A  will  locate  a  production  the  nation,  (and)  explore  procurement.              a  $30  million  tax  credit  for
            private  spaceflight  com-   factory  for  the  BE-4  rocket  the  universe,”  Meyerson  In  making  the  announce-  investment  and  up  to  $10
            pany  owned  by  Amazon-     engine in Huntsville upon a  said at a news conference  ment,  Blue  Origin  said  it  million  in  reimbursements
            founder  Jeff  Bezos  plans  contract being signed. Ac-   in  Huntsville.  Blue  Origin  is  would invest $200 million in  for eligible capital costs.
            to  build  a  powerful  new  cording  to  the  company’s  considered a leading con-    the  Huntsville  facility  and  Ivey said the project would
            rocket  engine  in  Alabama  website,  the  powerful  BE-4  tender for the contract af-  expects  to  employ  up  to  build  on  the  historic  role
            for  space  flight,  the  com-  engine  is  designed  to  end  ter it and ULA entered into  350  people  producing  as  that  Huntsville  and  Ala-
            pany and state officials an-  dependence  on  Russian-    a partnership last year with  many as 30 engines a year.  bama  have  played  in  the
            nounced Monday.              built  engines  for  launching  the U.S. Air Force to devel-  “Blue  Origin,  welcome  to  development of the Ameri-
            Blue  Origin  President  Rob-  payloads into space.       op a new rocket propulsion  Alabama,”  Gov.  Kay  Ivey  can space program.
            ert Meyerson said his com-   “Alabama  is  a  proven  system  to  power  Vulcan,  said  in  an  announcement  The BE-4 is fueled by liquid
            pany  is  seeking  a  produc-  leader in aerospace manu-  ULA’s new rocket designed  Monday. “We thank you for  oxygen and liquefied natu-
            tion  contract  with  United  facturing  with  the  highest-  to  carry  heavy  payloads  investing in our people.”  ral gas to produce 550,000
            Launch  Alliance,  a  private  skilled  workforce,  business  into space.              The  Alabama  Develop-       pounds (250,000 kilograms)
            company  that  provides  climate  and  leadership  A  spokeswoman  for  ULA  ment office said in a release  of thrust and is intended to
            satellite  launches  for  the  that  we  need  to  produce  declined  by  email  to  dis-  that the state offered an in-  be  used  in  both  govern-
            U.S.  government  and  oth-  low-cost  rocket  engines  cuss the status of the proj-   centive  package  of  more  ment and commercial mis-
            ers.  He  said  the  company  that  we  need  to  protect  ect, saying it is an ongoing  than  $50  million,  including  sions. q
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