P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 27 June 2017
                  Pepe lives: Cartoonist resurrecting frog hijacked by trolls

            By MICHAEL KUNZELMAN         about it.                    fringe movement, a loosely
            Associated Press             Furie said he was surprised  connected  mix  of  white
            Pepe  the  Frog  is  coming  by  the  wave  of  public-   nationalists,  neo-Nazis  and
            back from the dead.          ity  generated  by  Pepe’s  other right-wing extremists.
            Los  Angeles-based  car-     “death.”                     “It  all  just  happened  so
            toonist  Matt  Furie  told  The  “It was supposed to just be  fast,”  he  said.  “Make  no
            Associated  Press  on  Mon-  a joke,” he said.            mistake:  They’re  basically
            day that he intends to res-  The  “Save  Pepe”  cam-      the new (Ku Klux Klan).”
            urrect  the  character  he  paign  that  Furie  launched  The       Anti-Defamation
            killed off last month in what  Monday on Kickstarter says  League  branded  Pepe  as
            appeared  to  be  a  rebuke  its aim is “reclaiming his sta-  a  hate  symbol  in  Septem-
            to  racist,  anti-Semitic  inter-  tus as a universal symbol for  ber  2016  and  promoted
            net  trolls  who  hijacked  his  peace,  love,  and  accep-  Furie’s efforts to reclaim the
            creation,  transforming  it  tance.”  If  the  campaign  character.
            into a hate symbol.          meets its goal, Furie said he  Furie  said  his  plans  for
            Furie and his brother, Jason,  would  see  that  as  “proof  Pepe’s  resurrection  —  in
            launched  a  crowdfunding  that  Pepe  is  still  a  positive  the first “Boy’s Club” comic
            campaign to raise $10,000  thing.”                        book since 2010 — are top
            for a new comic book fea-    Furie’s  “chill  frog-dude”  secret.
            turing Pepe. He also has an  debuted  in  a  2006  comic  “Once  we  get  the  money
            attorney,  Kimberly  Motley,  book  called  “Boy’s  Club.”  together,  we’re  going  to   In this undated image released by Matt Furie, an illustration of
            exploring possible litigation  Pepe’s  likeness  became  a  do it from scratch,” he said.  Pepe the Frog is shown.             Associated Press
            against  those  profiting  off  popular canvas for benev-  In the meantime, Furie said
            Pepe’s  image  without  Fu-  olent internet memes.        he’s  also  trying  to  “gain
            rie’s permission.            But the user-generated mu-   some  entrepreneurial  con-  based  lawyer,  said  all  of  dise such as T-shirts, posters
            A  cartoon  released  in  tations became increasing-      trol” over Pepe with his at-  the characters in his comic  and hats.
            May  showed  Pepe  in  an  ly  hateful  and  ubiquitous  torney’s help.                book  are  copyright-pro-    “This  isn’t  about  crush-
            open casket. Furie said he  more  than  a  year  before  “It’s  a  very  American  tale,   tected.  She  said  she  is  still  ing  people’s  rights  to  free
            created  that  cartoon  as  the  2016  presidential  elec-  trying to control that which   in  “research  mode”  and  speech,”  she  said.  “This  is
            “art  therapy”  shortly  after  tion.  Furie  was  horrified  to  cannot  be  controlled,”  he   hasn’t sued anyone yet for  about  taking  Pepe  back
            November’s     presidential  see  his  creation  become  said.                         using Pepe’s image without  to  where  he  belongs  as  a
            election  and  nearly  forgot  a mascot for the “alt-right”  Motley,  Furie’s  Milwaukee-  permission to sell merchan-  positive image.”q
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