P. 32

                    Tuesday 27 June 2017
                Summer of Slime: DIY goo takes over tweens’ lives

            By TAMARA LUSH                                                                                                      significantly since the slime
            Associated Press                                                                                                    trend  took  off,”  Elmer’s
            ST.  PETERSBURG,  Fla.  (AP)                                                                                        spokeswoman Caitlin Wat-
            — Call this The Summer of                                                                                           kins wrote in an email.
            Slime.                                                                                                              Because  of  the  increased
            The slime trend is probably                                                                                         demand, the Elmer’s team
            happening  right  now  in                                                                                           boosted production of var-
            your home, if you live with                                                                                         ious  glues.  Many  parents
            a tween girl. Or maybe it’s                                                                                         feel the need to purchase
            on  your  phone,  in  endless                                                                                       glue  in  gallon  jugs  online
            video  loops  that  crackle                                                                                         because  of  shortages  in
            and pop on Instagram and                                                                                            brick-and-mortar stores.
            YouTube.                                                                                                            At  least  one  teacher  re-
            For Boomers and Gen X-ers                                                                                           ports that tubs of glue have
            who aren’t aware, slime is                                                                                          been  stolen  from  schools
            like modern-day Silly Putty.                                                                                        for at-home slime-making.
            Or Play-Doh. But instead of                                                                                         “It’s  really  the  most  basic
            being able to copy news-                                                                                            science  recipe  that  you
            print  on  the  gooey  sub-                                                                                         can  have.  You  can  put
            stance  (remember  news-                                                                                            basic  ingredients  together
            print?) or sculpt a grubby,                                                                                         and  you  get  to  be  a  little
            avocado-green       animal                                                                                          scientific  and  a  little  cre-
            that  resembles  a  Picasso                                                                                         ative  at  the  same  time,
            nightmare,  21st  century                                                                                           and  I  think  people  enjoy
            slime  is  slick  and  pretty.                                                                                      that,” said Amy Anderson,
            It’s  DIY  and  social  media                                                                                       a  blogger  at  Mod  Podge
            ready.                       In this June 21, 2017 photo, Astrid Rubens demonstrates the elasticity of homemade slime in her   Rocks,  who  is  planning  on
            It’s   bright   and   fluffy,   kitchen in St. Paul, Minn. Glue, baking soda and contact lens solution are all it takes to make sat-  showcasing  slime  recipes
            crunchy  and  glittery.  Like   isfyingly stretchy slime.                                                           this  summer.  The  goo  has
            unicorn  poop  would  be,                                                                          Associated Press  become  something  of  a
            if  unicorns  existed  and                                                                                          cottage industry for tweens
            pooped.                      too  wet,  not  too  sticky,  Toronto,  whose  Instagram  questions such as “Is there   who want to earn a bit of
            “It’s  just  really  soothing  to   stretchy  and  malleable.  slime videos have hundreds  any  way  to  revive  old,   pocket money, or at least
            touch and stuff,” observes   When squooshed by hand,  of thousands of views. “Es-      hardened slime?” (Try add-   cover the cost of supplies.
            Stella  Templin,  a  13-year-  it emits satisfying pops and  pecially  people  with  anxi-  ing  water  and  kneading   Alyssa  has  an  Etsy  store,
            old  from  Northampton,      bubbles,  sounds  that  are  ety. My followers have said  with your hands) and “Can    and  Stella  and  her  friend
            Massachusetts.  “And  the    part  of  the  allure.  Some  it helps them sleep.”       slime  be  used  on  furniture   sell on another site.
            noises  it  makes  are  really,   fans watch videos of peo-  Elmer’s,   the   venerable  or walls?” (Absolutely not.)  “Slime has been one of our
            really satisfying.”          ple  playing  with  slime  be-  childhood glue, has pages  “It  takes  one  bottle  of  El-  top search items since last
            Full disclosure: this reporter   cause  they  find  the  noises  of slime recipes on its web-  mer’s  glue  to  make  one   October,” said Dayna Isom
            purchased  a  4-oz  jelly  jar   relaxing.                site.  Colored  slime,  glitter  batch  of  slime,  and  many   Johnson, a trend expert at
            of Cherry Bomb Slime from    “The  videos  are  satisfying  slime,  galaxy  slime.  Large,  consumers   are   making   Etsy.  Slime  can  be  annoy-
            Stella  who,  with  a  friend,   because they help people  jumbo   and    extra-large  multiple batches or ‘extra-  ing to parents, which could
            has  a  slime-making  busi-  calm  down,”  said  Alyssa  slime.  It  also  has  a  helpful  large’  batches  of  slime  —   be part of its lure, as well.
            ness that sells the concoc-  Jagan,  a  15-year-old  from  FAQ on slime, with pressing  so  demand  in  glue  is  up   Stella’s  mom,  Naomi  Shul-
            tions for $8 each.                                                                                                  man, says that a batch of
            Yes,  they  are  slime-trepre-                                                                                      pink-dyed  slime  has  left
            neurs.                                                                                                              streaks  in  the  family’s  up-
            More  on  that  in  a  minute.                                                                                      stairs  bathroom  sink  that
            Let’s back up and explain                                                                                           might not come out.
            these blobs that have tak-                                                                                          It’s also a way to connect
            en  America  by  storm.  It’s                                                                                       with  others.  Slime  is  tailor-
            mostly  girls  who  make  it,                                                                                       made  for  social  media
            video it and sell it.                                                                                               because it’s so pretty — es-
            Slime is easy to create with                                                                                        pecially  when  it  contains
            a  bit  of  a  mad-scientist                                                                                        rainbow-colored  beads  or
            feel  to  the  process.  Sure,                                                                                      shimmery blue glitter.
            there’s  pre-made  slime,                                                                                           Since March 1, Elmer’s has
            but  there’s  not  much  ex-                                                                                        received  nearly  200,000
            citement in that.                                                                                                   social   media   mentions
            Glue,  baking  soda  and                                                                                            about  slime.  And  Alyssa,
            contact  lens  solution  are                                                                                        the  15-year-old  in  Can-
            all it takes to make satisfy-                                                                                       ada,  has  nearly  650,000
            ingly  stretchy  slime.  Some                                                                                       fans  on  Instagram,  all  be-
            recipes  call  for  Borax  (al-                                                                                     cause  of  her  slime  videos.
            though    concerns    over                                                                                          Her  book,  “Ultimate  Slime:
            chemical  burns  have  led                                                                                          DIY  Tutorials  for  Crunchy
            some  goo-makers  to  sub-                                                                                          Slime, Fluffy Slime, Fishbowl
            stitute  other  ingredients),                                                                                       Slime, and 50 Other Oddly
            shaving  cream  or  Tide     In this June 21, 2017 combination photo, Astrid Rubens demonstrates the elasticity of homemade   Satisfying  Recipes--Totally
            laundry detergent.           slime in her kitchen in St. Paul, Minn.                                                Borax  Free!”  comes  out  in
            The  optimal  slime  is  not                                                                       Associated Press  November.q
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