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                                                                                        people&arts Tuesday 27 June 2017
            Real-life drama in age of Trump challenges TV’s storytellers

            By FRAZIER MOORE                                                                                                    to women she had planned
            AP Television Writer                                                                                                to decry.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Say                                                                                             By  then  the  scripts  were
            you’re  a  storyteller  whose                                                                                       long  since  finished  and  a
            TV  show  draws  inspiration                                                                                        number  of  episodes  shot.
            from real-life Washington.                                                                                          Even so, “we were able to
            Whether  portraying  the                                                                                            course-correct  our  narra-
            noble geopolitics of “Mad-                                                                                          tive  right  into  the  midst  of
            am  Secretary”  or  the  dirty                                                                                      that  conflict,”  Gansa  says.
            deeds on “House of Cards,”                                                                                          “As  we  moved  forward,
            the  high-stakes  fumbling                                                                                          we were keeping one eye
            on  “Veep”  or  the  scourge                                                                                        on what was happening in
            of  terrorism  that  haunts                                                                                         real life and one eye on our
            “Homeland,”  script  writ-                                                                                          fiction. We were on a high
            ers have always faced the                                                                                           wire as we headed toward
            challenge  of  staying  topi-                                                                                       the end of the season.”
            cal  yet  inventive  without                                                                                        The  entire  fifth  season  of
            straying outside the bounds                                                                                         “House  of  Cards”  was  re-
            of plausibility.                                                                                                    leased  just  a  few  weeks
            “We  are  in  extremely  un-                                                                                        ago. But already its writers,
            usual times,” he says, “and                                                                                         like the “Homeland” team,
            sometimes  it  feels  like                                                                                          are  looking  ahead  to  next
            nothing  we  dramatize  on   This  image  released  by  Netflix  shows  Kevin  Spacey  in  a  scene  from  “House  Of  Cards.”   season.
            ‘Homeland’ can be nearly     Writing  TV  shows  based  on  real  life  in  Washington  has  always  been  a  challenge.    “We  don’t  know  yet  what
            as scary as what’s actually                                                                       Associated Press  ‘the Age of Trump’ is,” says
            happening  on  the  world                                                                                           showrunner Frank Pugliese.
            stage.”   Melissa    James  David  Mandel,  showrun-      project  them  into  the  fu-  a  diplomatic  stir  by  scold-  “But instead of focusing on
            Gibson  is  a  showrunner  for  ner for HBO’s political satire  ture,”  she  says.  “But  now,  ing  other  NATO  members,  Trump, we’re talking about
            Netflix’s  “House  of  Cards,”  “Veep,”  where  Julia  Louis-  in some cases, we have to  and  appeared  to  shove  what Trump is a product of.
            which stars Kevin Spacey as  Dreyfus  plays  a  blunder-  just decide that the show IS  Montenegro’s  prime  minis-  If  we  look  at  that,  it  might
            a cut-throat chief of state.  beset   former   president.  our  world.  Then  we  make  ter to get a prime spot for  give  us  a  sense  of  where
            She  has  a  similar  lament  “We  work  very  hard  on  up our own rules.”            the  photo  op.  “Madam  we  are,  and  where  our
            about Trump’s impact.        our  scripts.  They  seem  to  The  recent  season  finale  Secretary” isn’t the only se-  characters might go.
            “It’s true that we are being  be better at the job than I  found  Secretary  McCord  ries where fiction and real-   “Our job is to research and
            met  with  a  certain  brand  am.” But trying to forecast  seeking  help  from  NATO  ity  crisscrossed  in  surprising  explore  what’s  possible,
            of audacity in real life,” she  true-life foreign relations as  nations to ease an interna-  ways.                  then take it to the extreme
            says.  “I  think  it  engenders  grist for storytelling has be-  tional flare-up.      On  “Veep”  last  month,  to  entertain  and  grab  at-
            a  sick  impulse  —  ‘What’s  come  even  trickier  in  the  Then, by chance, the fina-  hapless  former  president  tention.  That’s  still  what
            he  gonna  do  today?’  —  Trump  Era,  says  “Madam  le’s  May  airing  coincided  Selina  Meyer  traveled  to  we’re trying to do.
            where  we’re  looking  for  Secretary”  executive  pro-   with  Trump’s  visit  to  Brus-  Qatar.  There,  addressing  “But   it’s   concerning,”
            our drama from the real-life  ducer and creator Barbara  sels.  Even  though  by  that  an Arab conference on hu-   he  adds,  “when  a  politi-
            president, as if THAT were a  Hall.                       point  he  had  reversed  his  man  rights,  she  gave  in  to  cian  feels  they  have  to
            show.”                       “In the past, we would take  position  on  NATO’s  “ob-   political  pressure  and  tried  do  the  same  thing  for
            “I’m  very  jealous,”  jokes  current  events  and  try  to  solescence,”  he  created  to gloss over the oppression  themselves.”q
            CNN retracts story about

            supposed Russian meeting

            By DAVID BAUDER              U.S. entities in Russia. Scar-  by  reporter  Thomas  Frank,
            AP Television Writer         amucci,  in  the  story,  said  did  not  appear  on  any  of
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  CNN  he exchanged pleasantries  CNN’s television networks.
            wasn’t    saying   Monday  in a restaurant with Dmitriev  The  network  hasn’t  dis-
            what led it to retract a story  on January 16.            cussed precisely what was
            about  a  supposed  investi-  The  report  also  said  that  wrong  with  its  story,  what
            gation into a pre-inaugural  two  Democratic  senators  led  to  the  retraction  or
            meeting between an asso-     wanted  to  know  whether  whether  this  will  change
            ciate  of  President  Donald  Scaramucci had indicated  how  it  reports  stories  on
            Trump  and  the  head  of  a  in  the  meeting  whether  Trump and Russia. CNN has
            Russian investment fund.     sanctions  against  Russia  had  a  tense  relationship
            The  story  posted  Thursday  would be lifted, a decision  with the president, who has
            on  CNN’s  website  said  that  could  impact  the  in-   called  the  network  “fake
            Senate  investigators  are  vestment fund.                news”  and  not  granted  it
            looking  into  the  meeting  On  Friday  night,  CNN  re-  any interviews.
            between  Anthony  Scar-      moved  the  story  from  its  For  his  part,  Scaramucci
            amucci,  a  member  of  website and disabled links,  tweeted that CNN “did the
            Trump’s  transition  team,  saying  it  did  not  meet  the  right  thing.  Classy  move.   In  this  Jan.  13,  2017  file  photo,  Anthony  Scaramucci,  a
            and  Kirill  Dmitriev,  whose  news  organization’s  stan-  Apology  accepted.  Every-  senior  adviser  to  President-elect  Donald  Trump,  talks
            Russian  Direct  Investment  dards.  CNN  apologized  one  makes  mistakes.  Mov-      to  reporters  in  the  lobby  of  Trump  Tower  in  New  York.
            Fund guides investments by  to  Scaramucci.  The  story,  ing on.”q                                                            Associated Press
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