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Saturday 21 November 2020 locAl

            Cas di Cultura Aruba & Arts Connection presents:

            The Miami New Media Festival 2020 Censorship - XV Edition

            ORANJESTAD  —  The  Miami  New  •       Hernando Urrutia (Portugal)
            Media  Festival  is  a  multimedia  •   José Cruzio & Isabel Pérez del
            platform held in Miami by Arts Con-     Pulgar (Portugal)
            nection  Foundation,  since  2006.  •   María Beatríz Granero (Brazil)
            Aruba’s national theatre will show  •   David Anthony Sant (Australia)
            a selection of nine video artworks  •   Challet Comellas-Baker (USA)
            by  artists  from  different  countries.  •   Rina Momose (Japan)
            This  15th  edition  also  includes  a  •   Daniela Lucato (Italy)
            special guest, Olga Gabrielle (Aru- •   Andrea Leoni (Italy)
            ba)  with  recent  artwork  entitled
            SOTAVENTO.                          The  festival  promotes  art  through
                                                the  exploration  of  new  technolo-  The Caribbean, Italy, France, and  You  may  join  the  presentation  at
            Under  the  representation  for  the  gies  and  interactive  narratives,  Spain. Since its creation, this festival  Cas  di  Cultura  Thursday,  Novem-
            Insular and Continental Caribbean  such as video art, animation, digi-  has presented more than 210 art-    ber 26th at 6 pm.
            Jimmy Yánez International Official  tal  art,  and  interactive  mapping.  ists from 15 countries, 400+ videos,  For  more  information  please  con-
            Curator  &  Museographer,  the  fol-  The  festival  also  presents  exhibi-  installations,  3D  digital  art  pieces,  sult  their  Facebook  page  Cas  di
            lowing artists were selected:       tions in cities in Latin America,   and performances.                   Cultura.q

            Dutch singer Odillia and Foundation Trampolin pa Trabou:

            Watch and join a great fundraising event supporting Aruban community

            ORANJESTAD — Odillia (24)  shot  on  Aruba.  The  singer  Ataniro y su banda Bambu,  ed  the  video  for  the  song  middle  name  as  a  stage
            is a Dutch rapper and sing-  is  organizing  a  fundraising  Eltienne  Yarzagaray,  Kar-  with  Snoop  Dogg  that  I  name  -  got  a  lot  of  rejec-
            er. For her latest song 'Break  event  coming  Sunday  to  la  Kingz  and  the  Popcorn  wanted to come back and  tions.  But  she  did  not  give
            it  down'  she  collaborated  support  local  community.  Dancers  from  4.30pm  to  give back.  My message to  up.  “Eventually  I  got  to
            with  not  the  least  name  You  are  most  welcome  to  8pm.                         the  foundations’  clients  is  know my current manager
            in  the  music  industry:  the  enjoy  live  presentations                             to  follow  your  dreams,  to  through a friend,” she says.
            one and only Snoop Dogg.  through      Facebook     and  The goal is to raise funds in  not give up on your idea of  That  manager  put  her  in
            The video for the song was  on  TV  of  local  artists  like  different  ways,  it  can  be  life.”                 touch  with  Snoop  Dogg.
                                                                      money,  food,  clothing  or                               "He's been in the music in-
                                                                      other donations, everything  The  event  coming  Sunday  dustry for twenty years and
                                                                      that is of help to the foun-  is broadcasted live by Aru-  knows a lot of people. He's
                                                                      dations. On Odillia's last visit  ba TV channel 49 and is to  also friends with Snoop." So
                                                                      in Aruba in July she realized  be  seen  live  on  Facebook  from  one  day  to  the  next
                                                                      she didn't had enough time  Aruba.TV. MC of the event  she  found  herself  sitting
                                                                      to stay on the island but she  is  Bryan  D  of  CoolFM  and  across from Snoop Dogg. "I
                                                                      fell  in  love  with  the  island  Lee  Croes  will  be  the  DJ.  was allowed to visit him to
                                                                      and the people. She want-    All  funds  raised  during  this  let him hear my new song.
                                                                      ed to come back to Aruba  event will go to the founda-    He  thought  the  beat  was
                                                                      to  know  more  and  give  tions. If you wish to contrib-  really dope.
                                                                      back to the community.       ute  please  contact  Tram-  He  went  all  out  bouncing
                                                                      Odillia  is  organizing  the  polin pa Trabao, at phone  when  I  played  it.  He  also
                                                                      event in collaboration with  number +297 582 9485, ad-    liked the nineties vibe very
                                                                      the  Foundation  Trampolin  dress is Pavia 13E.           much."  Then  something
                                                                      pa Trabou. She visited sev-                               happened she never dared
                                                                      eral foundations, her inten-  About Odillia               dream:  "He  went  into  the
                                                                      tion  is  to  empower  the  cli-  Ever  since  she  was  young,  booth  to  do  his  own  thing
                                                                      ents and at the same time  Odillia  has  had  a  dream:  with the song. Very unreal.
                                                                      create  awareness  about  she  wants  to  earn  a  living  At  one  point  he  looked
                                                                      the great work these foun-   by making music. That was  at  me  and  sang:  Odillia,  I
                                                                      dations  do.  “I  received  so  initially  disappointing:  Odil-  adore  you.  Well,  I  blushed
                                                                      much love from the people  lia - who in real life is called  completely. It suddenly be-
                                                                      on this island when I record-  Frederique;  she  uses  her  came very real. "q
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