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P. 23
Wednesday 30 December
Dream of being a bird? Flight simulator can bring you close
Carrie Fitzsimmons begins her first flight aboard Birdly, a virtual reality flying machine, at Le Labo- toward the sky, the whole they have great feelings,”
ratoire Cambridge in Cambridge, Mass. The simulator looks like a futuristic examining table where machine tilting his body up- he said. “We tried to model
users lie on their bellies and spread their arms like wings. Using virtual reality goggles, they get a ward, and then he reversed this experience like those
bird’s eye view of New York City. By rotating their hands and flapping their arms, they navigate the motion to take a down- dreams.”
the skyline. ward dive. To speed up, he They aimed to make the
flapped his long arms over maneuvers as intuitive as
(AP Photo/Stephan Savoia) and over. possible. After a couple
The whole time, a nearby minutes, most people pick
fan rustled his hair, and the it up naturally, Rheiner said.
sound of wind whirred in On the exhibit’s recent
the headphones. When he opening day, more than
turned his head, he had a 100 visitors lined up to
sweeping view of the entire spend a few minutes trying
horizon. the simulator. Since then,
“That was great. I loved organizers have had to
it,” he said afterward. “The take appointments. Many
turning and the diving was give rave reviews, but
all pretty straightforward.” some found it jarring. Car-
Because there’s no way to rie Fitzsimmons, the art cen-
know how a bird feels in ter’s executive director,
flight, Rheiner and his team hopped off the simulator
tried to replicate human when it gave her vertigo.
dreams of flying. After more than a year, the
“People who have dreams Birdly team is winding down
about flying, they can just its tour and ramping up its
fly without training and company, q
COLLIN BINKLEY Saturday at Le Laboratoire, ing their palms flat against
Associated Press a small art and design cen- tilting boards that act as
CAMBRIDGE, Massachu- ter tucked in Cambridge’s the flight feathers. After
setts (AP) — With a few sprawling technology hub. they slip on a set of head-
flaps of his arms, Kip Fen- “Birdly is actually the dream phones and virtual reality
ton soared into the New of flying come true,” said goggles, the machine tilts
York City skyline, veering Rheiner, who has been tak- forward to bring their legs
around a sea of skyscrap- ing his invention around the farther off the ground.
ers as the wind whistled in world since the summer of Suddenly, the goggles fill
his ears. Then, all too soon, 2014. It looks like a futuris- up with a bird’s eye view
the goggles came off and tic examination table with of Manhattan and every-
he was back in a bright wings. Users climb on, belly thing is moving. During his
white room near Boston, down, and stretch their test run, Fenton rotated
no longer a bird but a arms out to either side, rest- his palms upward to climb
59-year-old software de-
veloper in blue jeans and a
green plaid shirt. Outside a
tall window, a man with a
cellphone stopped to snap
a photo of Fenton and the
odd contraption that had
given him the sense of
flight. “I’ve always wanted
to fly,” said Fenton. “It’s
sort of one of those fantasy
things where, if I could be
an animal, I would be a
bird.” The human fascina-
tion with flight is what in-
spired Max Rheiner, a Swiss
artist and scholar, to invent
the flight simulator that
Fenton tested on Thursday.
Called Birdly, the prototype
is being exhibited through