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P. 24


BUSINESSWednesday 30 December

         Pep Boys heads for new highs on latest offer from Icahn 

NEW YORK (AP) — Shares of     from Japanese tiremaker         the exit of CEO Mike Odell                                      ing for more action from         from just last year, accord-
Pep Boys are heading for      Bridgestone turned into a       and the arrival of three                                        Bridgestone. About an hour       ing to Dealogic.
their highest point in eight  fight for control with Icahn,   new board members who                                           before the opening bell,         It is the first time that take-
years after the company       who boosted his bid for the     were nominated by a huge                                        shares were hitting levels       overs have exceeded the
received yet another offer    Philadelphia auto chain on      stakeholder in the compa-                                       not seen since the middle        $5 trillion level, fueled by
from activist investor Carl   Monday to $18.50 a share in     ny. The company’s tire busi-                                    of 2007.                         extremely low interest rates.
Icahn, putting the deal in    cash. That’s up $2 per share    ness  has been under pres-                                      The fight over Pep Boys is       The Federal Reserve raised
the neighborhood of $1 bil-   from Icahn’s earlier bid and    sure and it has sought new                                      a small part of an unprec-       interest rates for the first
lion.                         its $1.50 better than the lat-  ways to generate cash.                                          edented year in mergers          time in nearly a decade
Shares of the auto parts      est from Bridgestone Corp.      Shares have jumped 78                                           and acquisitions. The val-       less than two weeks ago.
and services retailer have    The initial offer from Bridge-  percent from this time last                                     ue of buyouts proposed           Pep Boys has about 800
been ratcheting steadily      stone was for $15 per share.    year and are up 6 percent                                       and completed this year          outlets selling auto parts
higher over the past two      Rumors of a sale rose more      in premarket trading Tues-                                      has reached a staggering         and offering vehicle
months as a takeover bid      than two years ago with         day and investors are wait-                                     $5.03 trillion, up 37 percent    maintenance.q

American home prices climb, helped by solid job market 

                                                                                                                              strengthened confidence          rate — what banks charge
                                                                                                                              in the economy.
                                                                                                                              “The U.S. housing market         each other to lend over-
                                                                                                                              as a whole made great
                                                                                                                              progress in 2015, as the big     night — remains low at 0.25
                                                                                                                              and occasionally volatile
                                                                                                                              bounce off the bottom            percent to 0.5 percent,
                                                                                                                              we experienced from 2012
                                                                                                                              through 2014 gave way to         such that mortgage rates
                                                                                                                              a more stable and sustain-
                                                                                                                              able environment,” said          are unlikely to return to their
                                                                                                                              Svenja Gudell, chief econ-
                                                                                                                              omist at the real estate firm    historic averages.
                                                                                                                              Rising demand, however,          When the Fed previous-
                                                                                                                              hasn’t been met with an in-
                                                                                                                              crease in sales listings, caus-  ly hiked this rate from 1
                                                                                                                              ing prices to rise much fast-
                                                                                                                              er than inflation or wages       percent to 5.25 percent
                                                                                                                              this year. This could limit the
                                                                                                                              number of first-time buy-        through the middle of 2007,
                                                                                                                              ers coming into the market
                                                                                                                              next year. Still, many buyers    mortgage rates increased
                                                                                                                              are also benefiting from 30-
                                                                                                                              year, fixed-rate mortgages       a mere 0.75 points.
                                                                                                                              averaging less than 4 per-
                                                                                                                              cent, making it cheaper to       “These data suggest that
                                                                                                                              borrow for a home. Mort-
                                                                                                                              gage rates have historical-      potential  homebuyers
                                                                                                                              ly been closer to 6 percent.
                                                                                                                              Borrowing costs are ex-          need not fear runaway
                                                                                                                              pected to rise shortly after
                                                                                                                              the Federal Reserve this         mortgage interest rates,”
                                                                                                                              month raised a key short-
                                                                                                                              term interest rate for the       said David Blitzer, chairman
                                                                                                                              first time in nearly a de-
                                                                                                                              cade. Yet the federal funds      of the index committee at

                                                                                                                                                               S&P Dow Jones.

                                                                                                                                                               But the gains have been

                                                                                                                                                               uneven. San Francisco,

                                                                                                                                                               Denver and Portland, Or-

A sign indicates a site has been sold in a new home development in Nashville, Tenn. Steady job                                                                 egon led with reported
growth, low mortgage rates and tight inventories helped fuel rising U.S. home prices in October,
according to a report released Tuesday.                                                                                                                        increases of 10.9 percent

                                                                                                    (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)                                   over the past year. Prices in

                                                                                                                                                               Chicago and Washington,

                                                                                                                                                               District of Columbia rose

JOSH BOAK                     Case-Shiller 20-city home       pace during much of 2015,                                                                        less than 2 percent. The
Associated Press              price index rose 5.5 per-       as strong hiring has bol-
WASHINGTON (AP) —             cent in the 12 months end-      stered a real estate market                                                                      20-city index remains 11.5
Steady job growth, low        ing in October, up from a       still recovering from a hous-
mortgage rates and tight      5.4 percent pace in Sep-        ing bust that triggered a                                                                        percent below its peak in
inventories helped fuel ris-  tember, according to a re-      recession eight years ago.
ing U.S. home prices in Oc-   port released Tuesday.          Home sales have increased                                                                        July 2006, with metro ar-
tober.                        Home values have climbed        this year as the 5 percent
The Standard & Poor’s/        at a roughly 5 percent          unemployment rate has                                                                            eas such as Cleveland,

                                                                                                                                                               Detroit, Miami, Minneapolis

                                                                                                                                                               and Tampa still significantly

                                                                                                                                                               below their pre-recession


Healthy job market lifts consumer confidence in December 

AP Economics Writer           consumers’ assessment           est rate it controls for the                                    “U.S. consumers regained         cans’ mood — the Univer-
                              of the current state of the     first time since 2006.                                          a bit of their swagger in        sity of Michigan’s consumer
WASHINGTON (AP) — A           economy remains posi-           Hiring has been healthy in                                      December,” Jennifer Lee,         sentiment index — rose this
                              tive, particularly their as-    2015. Employers are add-                                        senior economist at BMO          month to the highest level
stronger job market lifted    sessment of the job mar-        ing an average of 210,000                                       Capital Markets, wrote in a      since July. The Michigan in-
                              ket,” said Lynn Franco, the     jobs a month through No-                                        research report. She noted       dex rose to 92.6 in Decem-
consumer  confidence          group’s director of eco-        vember. Unemployment                                            that confidence rebound-         ber from 91.3 last month. It
                              nomic indicators. More          has stayed at a seven-                                          ed the most among young          has averaged 92.9 in 2015,
in December, a  busi-         than two-thirds of consum-      year low 5 percent for two                                      households (those headed         the highest annual aver-
                              ers said they expected in-      straight months. Confi-                                         by someone younger than          age in 11 years. The Michi-
ness group said Tuesday.      terest rates to rise over the   dence had dipped unex-                                          35), potentially a sign that     gan survey finds that Ameri-
                              next year, highest share        pectedly in November and                                        more first-time homebuy-         cans are pleased with low
The Conference Board’s        since August 2013. On Dec.      this month remained below                                       ers are ready to enter the       inflation, including low gas-
                              16, the Federal Reserve         readings around 100 from                                        housing market.                  oline prices, which boosts
consumer confidence in-       raised the short-term inter-    August through October.                                         Another gauge of Ameri-          their purchasing power. q

dex rose to 96.5 this month

from November’s revised

92.6. Americans were more

optimistic about current

conditions and about the


“As 2015 draws to a close,
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