P. 30

                      Tuesday 24 July 2018

            Meghan McCain a feisty new presence on ‘The View.’

            By DAVID BAUDER                                                                                                     mor,” Behar said, giving her
            Associated Press                                                                                                    co-host  a  dismissive  wave.
            NEW YORK (AP) — Meghan                                                                                              “That’s your problem.”
            McCain’s first instinct when                                                                                        When  McCain  urged  her
            approached  to  join  “The                                                                                          colleagues  not  to  give
            View” was to say no — until                                                                                         Trump  a  blanket  condem-
            her  father,  Sen.  John  Mc-                                                                                       nation,  and  instead  deal
            Cain,  convinced  her  to                                                                                           with  different  topics  indi-
            look past her trepidation to                                                                                        vidually, Behar said, “there
            see the opportunity.                                                                                                aren’t  that  many  years  in
            In  less  than  a  year,  she’s                                                                                     my life to take him issue by
            become a reason to watch                                                                                            issue.”
            ABC’s  daytime  talk  show.                                                                                         A  discussion  about  what
            McCain  brings  a  feisty                                                                                           the  hosts  did  during  a
            spirit  to  the  conservative                                                                                       Fourth of July week off ex-
            commentator  role  where                                                                                            posed  their  cultural  gap.
            predecessors     frequently                                                                                         McCain  talked  about  tub-
            seemed overmatched and                                                                                              ing down a creek with her
            overlooked.  She  often  re-                                                                                        husband and downing Jel-
            flects the views of President                                                                                       lo shots. Behar, 42 years her
            Donald  Trump’s  supporters                                                                                         senior, didn’t know what a
            at  a  table  and  city  where                                                                                      Jello shot was.
            they  are  deeply  unpopu-                                                                                          The show is clearly sensitive
            lar, despite ample personal                                                                                         to  any  perception  of  per-
            reasons to despise him.                                                                                             sonal animus; Goldberg last
            The past few weeks alone,                                                                                           week referenced media re-
            McCain  stared  down  the                                                                                           ports that speculate about
            fury  of  Whoopi  Goldberg                                                                                          how  people  get  along  by
            to explain her opposition to   This Feb. 28, 2018 photo released by ABC shows Meghan McCain on the set of “The View,” in New   showing a picture of Behar,
            abortion and labeled Rob-    York.                                                                                  McCain and co-host Sunny
            ert  De  Niro  “gross”  for  his                                                                   Associated Press  Hostin  holding  up  glasses
            Tony Awards denunciation  president  to  “a  pathetic     “She  is  smart,  considered  in that I couldn’t be intimi-  from a liquid lunch the day
            of Trump. She feuded with  puppy who was complete-        and  utterly  fearless,”  said  dated  by  the  others  and  before.  Backstage,  Mc-
            a  conservative  guest  who  ly neutered” for his appear-  Brian  Teta,  executive  pro-  their  strong  opinions,”  she  Cain said she’s developed
            called  Trump  supporters  ance  alongside  Russian       ducer of “The View.”         said.  “These  are  all  smart,  a  kinship  with  Behar  since
            cult-like,  while  likening  the  President Vladimir Putin.  Some bravery is necessary,  strong women. I had to stay  they’re the show’s most po-
                                                                      since  McCain’s  workplace  true to my convictions and  larizing hosts.
                                                                      defines the term “Manhat-    my politics and not let the  “I like her a lot,” Behar said.
                                                                      tan liberal.” When a comic  physical  audience  in  front  “She’s  a  very  intelligent
                                                                      warming up the studio au-    of  me,  which  is  normally  girl. She has qualities in her
                                                                      dience  before  a  show  this  very  liberal,  or  the  audi-  personality that I admire in
                                                                      month  asked  how  many  ence  on  social  media  im-     myself.  For  example,  she’s
                                                                      people  were  Republicans,  pact  my  politics.  Because  very  direct.  She  does  not
                                                                      he  heard  one  whoop,  a lot of things I say are un-     take  hostages  —  she  just
                                                                      some stray claps and most-   popular.”                    says  it  and  moves  on  and
                                                                      ly silence. That was before  Her abortion discussion with  I  like  that  about  her.”  Mc-
                                                                      the panelists came out.      Goldberg  stepped  on  the  Cain and her family are no
                                                                      Goldberg so detests Trump  third  rail  of  American  poli-  fans  of  Trump  personally,
                                                                      she  won’t  say  his  name,  tics.  “I  don’t  believe  that  given  swipes  at  her  father
                                                                      preferring  “the  guy  in  the  murder  should  be  legal  in  that began with a denigra-
                                                                      White  House.”  The  sharp-  the United States of Amer-   tion of his POW status in the
                                                                      tongued  Joy  Behar  says  ica  and  I  believe  abortion  Vietnam War. She said her
                                                                      she’s  offended  by  Repub-  is murder,” she said on the  toughest day on the show
                                                                      licans.                      air. “It’s really that simple.”  followed reports of a former
                                                                      The show has spit out previ-  Squabbles with Behar draw  Trump  aide,  Kelly  Sadler,
                                                                      ous  conservatives.  Nicolle  the  most  attention.  Seeing  dismissing  Sen.  McCain’s
                                                                      Wallace is a hit on MSNBC,  them develop is like watch-   opposition  to  a  presiden-
                                                                      but  was  a  bad  fit  on  “The  ing a storm gathering; nei-  tial  appointment  because
                                                                      View.” Jedediah Bila lasted  ther  woman  has  a  poker  he’s  “dying  anyway”  of
                                                                      a  year.  Raise  your  hand  if  face.                    brain   cancer.   McCain
                                                                      you  remember  Candace  McCain  erupted  during  said that day that “I don’t
                                                                      Cameron  Bure.  Elisabeth  a  discussion  about  adult  understand  what  kind  of
                                                                      Hasselbeck  had  the  most  film  actress  Stormy  Daniels  environment  you’re  work-
                                                                      staying  power  until  leav-  when Behar joked, “Happy  ing in when that could be
                                                                      ing  for  the  comfort  of  Fox  birthday, Melania.”      acceptable  and  you  can
                                                                      News.                        “Was that necessary?” Mc-    come  into  work  the  next
                                                                      The  33-year-old  McCain  Cain said. “Come on, that  day and still have a job.”
                                                                      heard the stories.           was so mean.” She said Be-   Yet  McCain  feels  that  it’s
                                                                      “This  is  no  shade  at  wom-  har was making fun of the  her  job  to  make  sure  the
                                                                      en  who  have  been  here  first lady’s pain.             voices of people who sup-
                                                                      before,  but  I  knew  going  “You have no sense of hu-   ported Trump are heard.q
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