P. 25

BUSINESS                 Tuesday 24 July 2018

                                             $449,000.00                 $729,000.00                 $355,000.00                 $674,150.00


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            Banks lead stocks slightly higher, reversing morning slide

            By ALEX VEIGA                                                                                                       in the day. Benchmark U.S.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    crude  dropped  51  cents
            U.S.  stocks  veered  slightly                                                                                      to $68.75 per barrel in New
            higher  in  afternoon  trad-                                                                                        York.  Brent  crude,  used  to
            ing Monday as the market                                                                                            price  international  oils,  lost
            recovered  from  an  early                                                                                          36 cents to $72.71.
            slide. Banks accounted for                                                                                          BOND  YIELDS:  Bond  prices
            much of the market’s gains                                                                                          fell.  The  yield  on  the  10-
            as  bond  yields  rose,  point-                                                                                     year  Treasury  rose  to  2.96
            ing  to  higher  interest  rates                                                                                    percent from 2.89 percent
            on  consumer  loans.  Auto-                                                                                         late  Friday.  The  increase
            makers, retailers and indus-                                                                                        in  bond  yields  helped  lift
            trial  companies  declined.                                                                                         bank  shares.  Interest  rates
            Investors  were  focused  on                                                                                        on  mortgages  and  other
            corporate  America  as  the                                                                                         consumer  loans  tend  to
            busiest  week  of  the  earn-                                                                                       move in tandem with bond
            ings  reporting  season  got                                                                                        yields.  Rising  rates  trans-
            underway.                                                                                                           late  into  bigger  profits  for
            KEEPING  SCORE:  The  S&P                                                                                           banks  from  credit  cards,
            500  index  rose  4  points,  or                                                                                    mortgages and other con-
            0.2 percent, to 2,806 as of                                                                                         sumer  loans.  JPMorgan
            1:30 p.m. Eastern Time. The                                                                                         Chase  added  2.5  percent
            Dow  Jones  Industrial  Aver-                                                                                       to $114.03.
            age  added  12  points,  or   Trader James Dresch works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Monday, July 23, 2018.  CURRENCIES: The dollar fell
            0.1 percent, to 25,070. The                                                                        Associated Press  to  111.43  yen  from  111.52
            Nasdaq  gained  13  points,  THE  QUOTE:  “Earnings  are  of  its  suppliers  to  refund  a   cause of bottlenecks in get-  yen  on  Friday.  The  euro
            or 0.2 percent, to 7,833. The  coming  in  better  than  ex-  portion  of  what  the  com-  ting the oil and gas they’re  weakened to $1.1700 from
            Russell 2000 index of small-  pected,  but  you’re  not  pany has already spent to     producing  to  market.  The  $1.1726.
            er-company  stocks  picked  getting much of a reaction  help  it  become  profitable.   drilling  services  company  MARKETS OVERSEAS: In Eu-
            up 3 points, or 0.2 percent,  from  the  marketplace,”  The  plea  raised  questions   also noted that the cost of  rope,  Germany’s  DAX  fell
            to  1,700.  The  S&P  500,  the  said  Tom  Martin,  senior  about Tesla’s cash position,   materials is rising. The situa-  0.1 percent while the CAC
            market’s benchmark index,  portfolio  manager  of  Glo-   which has dwindled follow-   tion will stymie further price  40  in  France  slid  0.4  per-
            is on a three-week winning  balt  Investments.  “People  ing some production issues.   increases in the third quar-  cent.  The  FTSE  100  index
            streak.                      are biding their time.”      JUST  ONE  SLICE:  Papa      ter, the company said.       of  leading  British  shares
            EYE  ON  EARNINGS:  A  third  SUDDEN  EXIT:  Fiat  Chrysler  John’s sank 9.2 percent to   READY  TO  PLAY:  Shares  in  declined  0.3  percent.  Ma-
            of  the  companies  in  the  Automobiles  slid  2.4  per-  $46.86 after the pizza deliv-  Hasbro  surged  13.6  per-  jor  indexes  in  Asia  finished
            S&P  500  are  set  to  report  cent to $18.86 on news that  ery  company  adopted  a   cent  to  $106.68  after  the  mixed.
            second-quarter    earnings  CEO  Sergio  Marchionne  shareholder  rights  plan  to     toy  maker’s  latest  quar-  Japan’s Nikkei 225 tumbled
            this week. So far, corporate  has  been  replaced  unex-  keep  founder  and  ousted   terly earnings topped Wall  1.3 percent and South Ko-
            earnings have been gener-    pectedly due to complica-    chairman  John  Schnat-      Street’s   forecasts.   Rival  rea’s  Kospi  dropped  0.9
            ally  better  than  expected,  tions from shoulder surgery  ter  from  buying  a  major-  Mattel  also  got  a  boost,  percent.   Hong   Kong’s
            reinforcing  the  underly-   last month.                  ity  stake.  The  company  is   climbing  4.4  percent  to  Hang Seng added 0.1 per-
            ing  perception  in  financial  The  FCA  board  on  Sat-  struggling to distance itself   $16.68.                  cent  to  28,256.12.  Austra-
            markets that the U.S. econ-  urday  named  long-time  from  Schnatter,  who  re-       ENERGY:  Oil  prices  fell,  lia’s  S&P-ASX  200  fell  0.9
            omy  is  performing  strongly  Jeep executive Mike Man-   signed  this  month  after  his   erasing  gains  from  earlier  percent to 6,227.60.q
            and  that  the  Federal  Re-  ley as CEO, accelerating a  use of a racial slur during a
            serve will raise interest rates  transition that was planned  media training session was
            next month.                  for  early  next  year.  Boards  revealed.  Schnatter  has
                                         also  named  replacements  since  said  his  resignation
                                         for  Marchionne  as  Ferrari  was  a  “mistake”  and  criti-
                                         CEO  and  CNH  Industrial  cized the company’s han-
                                         chairman.  Shares  in  Ferrari  dling of the incident.
                                         fell 4.4 percent to $133.90,  FRACKED:       Halliburton
                                         while  CNH  Industrial  gave  slumped  8.3  percent  to
                                         up 1.4 percent to $10.13.    $41.47  after  management
                                         CASH QUESTIONS: Tesla skid-  said  in  a  conference  call
                                         ded 3.5 percent to $302.61  with  analysts  that  some
                                         after The Wall Street Journal  customers are pulling back
                                         reported  that  the  electric  on  production,  particularly
                                         car maker has asked some  in  the  Permian  basin,  be-
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