P. 20

                      Tuesday 24 July 2018
            RYAN LOCHTE                  that Lochte "fully cooperat-                                                           no  longer  can  be  found
            Continued from Page 17       ed"  with  according  to  U.S.                                                         on his Instagram page. He
            He  said  the  IV  contained  officials.                                                                            reiterated  Monday  that
            B-12  and  other  vitamins  "Lochte  received  an  in-                                                              he  wants  to  compete  in
            that  could  be  purchased  travenous  infusion  of  per-                                                           the  2020  Tokyo  Olympics,
            at any pharmacy.             mitted  substances  at  an                                                             though those hopes would
            He and his wife both got IV  infusion  clinic,"  the  USADA                                                         seem to be in at least some
            infusions in Gainesville, Flor-  announcement  of  the  sus-                                                        doubt now.
            ida, he said, to bolster their  pension  said.  Under  most                                                         "I  should  know  better,"
            immune systems.              circumstances,     athletes                                                            Lochte  said.  Lochte  spent
            "I've  been  swimming  my  cannot  receive  IVs  unless                                                             much  of  his  career  por-
            whole  life  and  I've  been  related to a hospitalization                                                          traying a party-boy image,
            monitored  by  USADA  for  or  when  allowed  under                                                                 while  his  wildly  successful
            my  entire  competitive  ca-  the  terms  of  a  USADA-ap-                                                          exploits  in  the  pool  —  six
            reer,"  Lochte  said.  "I  have  proved  exemption  —  and     In  this  Tuesday,  Aug.  9,  2016,  file  photo,  United  States'  Ryan   Olympic  golds,  36  world
                                                                      Lochte checks his time in a men's 4x200-meter freestyle heat at
            never  taken  a  prohibited  Lochte  fell  into  neither  of   the 2016 Summer Olympics, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  championship  gold  med-
            substance.  I  have  never  those categories.                                                      Associated Press  als,  no  fewer  than  four
            attempted to gain any ad-    Suspensions for use of an IV                                                           world  records  —  were  al-
            vantage  over  my  compe-    are extremely rare: The USA-  a  significant  step  forward  that a court there recently  ways overshadowed by 28-
            tition  by  putting  anything  DA  database  shows  only  for  Lochte,  who  was  en-  decided that he could still  time Olympic medalist and
            illegal in my body. I would  two  other  athletes  being  tered in four events at the  face prosecution for filing a  23-time Olympic champion
            never do that."              sanctioned for using such a  U.S.  championships  at  Ir-  false report.               Michael  Phelps.  After  Rio,
            In  Brazil,  he  there  were  method, one of them get-    vine,  California  and  was  Lochte  was  not  only  sus-  Lochte was dropped by at
            questions about his version  ting a six-month suspension  preparing  to  compete  in  pended 10 months for that  least  four  major  sponsors
            of what happened.            and  the  other  a  14-month  what would have been his  debacle, but also forfeited  including Speedo USA and
            This time, he revealed what  ban,  just  like  Lochte.  That  biggest  competition  since  $100,000  in  Olympic  med-  Ralph  Lauren,  though  he
            happened — obviously un-     same database shows that  the Rio Games. Lochte said  al  bonus  money  and  was  has added some endorse-
            aware  of  the  ramifications  before  Monday,  no  other  that he and three other U.S.  banned  from  competing  ment  deals  since.  He  was
            it would bring.              U.S.  swimmer  in  the  last  10  Olympic  swimmers  there  in  last  year's  national  and  also  apparently  targeted
            Lochte's violation came to  years,  for  any  reason  in-  were  robbed  at  gunpoint  world championships.         by two men wearing t-shirts
            light  when  he  posted  the  cluding   actual   positive  at a gas station, a story that  And now, he's back in hot  bearing   an   anti-Lochte
            photo  of  him  getting  the  tests, had been suspended  quickly unraveled.            water.  USADA  agreed  to  message  rushed  the stage
            IV  on  his  social  media  ac-  for more than one year by  The  investigation  in  Brazil  start  the  14-month  clock  while  he  was  competing
            counts.  That  triggered  the  USADA.                     is  continuing,  and  Lochte  on  May  24,  the  day  that  on ABC's "Dancing with the
            USADA  investigation,  one  This week could have been  said it's "concerning" to him  he  posted  the  photo  that  Stars."q
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