P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 24 July 2018

            Browns’ Gordon missing camp

            to deal with addiction recovery

            By TOM WITHERS               Gordon’s  disclosure  came  ate the awesome support I
            AP Sports Writer             as  the  Browns  are  prepar-  have received from team-
            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Days  ing  to  begin  camp  under  mates,  friends,  fans,  and
            before    opening     train-  coach Hue Jackson follow-   the  Browns  organization.
            ing  camp,  the  Cleveland  ing a 0-16 season.            Just  like  you,  I  am  excited
            Browns  learned  Josh  Gor-  The  team  overhauled  its  to  start  the  season  and  I
            don will be missing again.   roster  during  the  offsea-  have every intention of be-
            For  how  long  remains  un-  son, adding former Buffalo  ing ready and available to
            clear.                       quarterback  Tyrod  Taylor,  join my teammates soon to
            The troubled wide receiver,  Pro  Bowl  receiver  Jarvis  help bring winning football
            who  has  been  suspended  Landry  and  a  few  other  to our fans.”
            numerous  times  over  the  potential  starters  in  trades  Gordon  later  followed  up
            past  six  years  by  the  NFL  before  drafting  Heisman  with  a  tweet  that  said,   In this June 5, 2018, file photo, Cleveland Browns wide receiver
            for drug violations, said on  Trophy-winning  QB  Baker  “Thanks  again..  See  ya     Josh  Gordon  warms  up  during  the  team’s  organized  team
            Twitter  that  he  won’t  be  Mayfield with the first over-  soon.”                    activity at its NFL football training facility, in Berea, Ohio.
            with the team for the start  all pick. Gordon had been  Because he is in Stage 3 of                                             Associated Press
            of  camp  as  he  continues  a major part of Cleveland’s  the NFL’s substance-abuse  been  encouraged  by  his  2002 and have lost at least
            to  recover  from  addic-    plans  for  2018,  but  those  program, Gordon is subject  commitment  to  staying  10  games  in  15  seasons
            tions that have derailed his  could now be on hold.       to random drug testing. He  clean and active.             since 1999.
            once-promising career.       In recent weeks, rumors that  faces  another  indefinite  Browns  general  manager  During      minicamp      last
            Gordon has missed two full  Gordon  failed  a  drug  test  suspension  for  any  viola-  John Dorsey said the team  month, Gordon claimed to
            years after being indefinite-  circulated on social media.  tion.  Gordon  has  missed  has Gordon’s back.          be in the best shape of his
            ly  suspended  by  Commis-   But it wasn’t until he posted  43  of  Cleveland’s  past  48  “We  will  continue  to  sup-  life  and  boasted  that  with
            sioner  Roger  Goodell  and  his message Monday that it  games because of suspen-      port Josh as he receives the  he and Landry, the Browns
            hasn’t  played  a  complete  became  known  he  could  sions.  Last  year,  he  was  care  needed  to  maintain  had  the  league’s  best  re-
            season  since  2013,  when  be sidelined again.           reinstated  by  Goodell  fol-  his  progress,”  Dorsey  said.  ceiving corps.
            he led the league in yards  “I am reaching out to you  lowing  a  three-month  stay  “We  are  going  to  respect  Gordon  also  said  he  felt
            receiving  and  scored  nine  all  personally  and  letting  in  a  rehab  facility.  He  re-  his privacy while he is away  fortunate to be getting an-
            touchdowns.                  you  know  that  I  am  not  turned for the Browns’ final  from the team. Josh will be  other chance.
            While  Gordon’s  social  me-  only doing great physically  five games and caught 18  placed on the non-football  “Right  now  for  me  it’s  a
            dia  post  was  vague,  NFL  but mentally as well,” Gor-  passes for 335 yards and a  illness  reserve  list  until  he  is  bunch of the small victories
            spokesman Brian McCarthy  don  wrote  in  a  statement  touchdown.                     ready to return.”            day to day, just being able
            said the 27-year-old has not  directed to “my Cleveland  Before  he  returned,  Gor-   Cleveland  will  have  its  first  to come to work,” he said
            been suspended.              Browns and NFL Family.”      don revealed the depths of  practice  Thursday.  Gor-     on June 12. “Like the little,
            “We will address the matter  “You  will  notice  that  I  will  his  substance  abuse,  say-  don’s announcement is an-  little  things.  Having  some
            at  the  appropriate  time,”  not be in Cleveland for the  ing he had never played in  other blow to an organiza-   structure in my life.”
            McCarthy said in an email  start of training camp. Rest  an NFL game sober.            tion trying to rebuild follow-  Gordon  has  played  in  just
            to  The  Associated  Press,  assured,  this,  too,  is  a  part  Gordon  participated  in  ing  numerous  losing  sea-  40 career games since the
            adding  “there’s  no  time-  of  my  overall  health  and  Cleveland’s offseason pro-  sons.  The  Browns  haven’t  Browns selected him in the
            table” on Gordon’s return.   treatment  plan.  I  appreci-  grams,  and  the  team  has  been  to  the  playoffs  since  2012 supplemental draft.q

            Johnny Manziel traded from Hamilton to Montreal

            MONTREAL  (AP)  —  Johnny                                                              at Calgary.                  yards and a touchdown.
            Manziel  is  headed  to  the                                                           “We have acquired an ex-     “Professional  salute  &  re-
            Montreal Alouettes in a re-                                                            ceptional quarterback with  spect  for  @Ticats  @ticat-
            union with the coach who                                                               undeniable  talent,”  Alou-  mitchell &Coach Jones for
            recruited him to Texas A&M.                                                            ettes  general  manager  doing  the  rgt  thing.Thank
            The   Canadian     Football                                                            Kavis Reed said in a state-  y’all for the opp &great luck
            League  team  acquired                                                                 ment  in  a  team  release.  in future!” Manziel’s agent,
            the former Heisman Trophy                                                              “With his great mobility, his  Erik   Burkhardt,   tweeted
            from  the  Hamilton  Tiger-                                                            athletic abilities and his in-  Sunday night.
            Cats in a blockbuster trade                                                            stinct  we  believe  that  he  Montreal  (1-4)  hosts  Ed-
            Sunday.                                                                                will have a positive impact  monton on Thursday night.
            “I  look  forward  to  reunit-                                                         on  our  offence.  Landon  The Alouettes have scored
            ing with Johnny again and                                                              Rice and Tony Washington  a CFL-low 69 points and al-
            working with him,” first-year                                                          are two skilled players that  lowed a league-high 148.
            Montreal coach Mike Sher-     In this Thursday, July 19, 2018, file photo, Hamilton Tiger-Cats   will considerably solidify our  “This  is  a  move  both  Kavis
            man, the former Green Bay    quarterback Johnny Manziel looks on from the sideline during   offensive line.”        Reed and I felt we needed
            coach and GM who lured       second-half CFL football game action against the Saskatchewan   Making  a  comeback  af-  to make at this time,” Sher-
            Manziel to College Station,   Roughriders in Hamilton, Ontario.                        ter  being  released  by  the  man  said.  “Neither  one
            told the Montreal Gazette.                                            Associated Press  Cleveland Browns in March  of us believes in the status
            Montreal also got offensive  and first-round draft picks in  the season. Montreal back-  2016,  Manziel  was  unable  quo and felt we needed to
            linemen  Tony  Washington  2020 and 2021.                 up Jeff Mathews also is out  to get on the field in Ham-  shake  things  up.  Johnny  is
            and Landon Rice from the  The  Alouettes  made  the  with  a  foot  injury,  leaving  ilton behind starter Jeremi-  someone  we  believe  can
            Tiger-Cats  for  defensive  move  a  day  after  starting  third-stringer  Matt  Shiltz  to  ah Masoli. In two preseason  elevate  one  of  the  most
            end  Jamaal  Westerman,  quarterback Drew Willy sus-      play the final three quarters  games,  the  former  Texas  important  positions  on  our

            wide receiver Chris Williams  tained  his  second  injury  of  Saturday night in a 25-8 loss  &M star was 21 of 32 for 168  team.”q
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