P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 24 July 2018
            Troy Merritt wins rain-delayed Barbasol, gains spot in PGA

            By GARY B. GRAVES                                                                                                   pars for a 23-under 265.
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    "We  knew  it  was  going  to
            NICHOLASVILLE,  Ky.  (AP)                                                                                           take a lot of birdies to get
            —  Troy  Merritt  briefly  won-                                                                                     the job done, but we didn't
            dered about trying another                                                                                          focus on any final number,"
            line of work as time passed                                                                                         Merritt said. "We just contin-
            following his initial PGA Tour                                                                                      ued to do our best on each
            victory  more  than  three                                                                                          shot and counted them up
            years ago.                                                                                                          at the end, and it was one
            He  can  now  look  forward                                                                                         shot in the positive for us."
            to two more years as a pro-                                                                                         Billy  Horschel  (67),  Richy
            fessional  and  participation                                                                                       Werenski  (66)  and  Tom
            in next month's PGA Cham-                                                                                           Lovelady (68) were a stroke
            pionship  after  clutch  put-                                                                                       behind. J.T. Poston was fifth
            ting earned him his second                                                                                          at 21 under, with Brian Gay
            trophy.                                                                                                             sixth at 20 under.
            Merritt  shot  a  5-under  67                                                                                       The Monday finish was the
            on Monday to win the rain-                                                                                          PGA Tour's second this sea-
            delayed  Barbasol  Cham-                                                                                            son  and  first  since  Jason
            pionship by one stroke. He                                                                                          Day won the Farmers Insur-
            led or shared the lead after                                                                                        ance  Open  in  January  on
            each  round.  This  was  his                                                                                        the sixth playoff hole.
            second  career  PGA  Tour                                                                                           The final round had a play-
            victory  and  came  with  a                                                                                         off  feel  as  well,  with  Mer-
            spot in the PGA Champion-     In this July 20, 2018, file photo, Troy Merritt celebrates with caddie Wayne Burch on the 18th green   ritt,  Robert  Streb,  six-time
                                         after completing the second round of the PGA Tour's Barbasol Championship golf tournament at
            ship at Bellerive in St. Louis.  Keene Trace Golf Club in Nicholasville, Ky.                                        PGA  Tour  winner  Hunter
            A  pretty  nice  payoff  for                                                                       Associated Press  Mahan  and  Lovelady  tied
            renewed  dedication  that                                                                                           for  the  lead.  Competition
            helped  him  keep  his  tour  He  also  is  exempt  through  run for Merritt, who is 34-un-  Barbasol began. He made  remained tight as the lead-
            card after struggling to fol-  the 2019-20 season.        der  par  in  his  last  seven  five  birdies,  including  an  ers dealt with a course left
            low  up  his  2015  Quicken  "To get a win like this late in  rounds dating back to the  eagle  on  the  par-4  eighth  mushy by steady showers.
            Loans National victory.      the season and move up to  second round of last week's  hole, to stay in contention.   Merritt  passed  the  down-
            "You always ask yourself, is  No. 65 on the points list and  John Deere Classic. He tied  Consecutive birdies on Nos.  time by watching the final
            this the time to move on?"  secure a job for two more  for 43rd.                       14  and  15  at  the Champi-  round  of  the  British  Open
            said  Merritt,  who  earned  years,  it's  a  pretty  good  Merritt was one of four play-  ons  Trace  at  Keene  Trace  and  used  the  rest  to  play
            $630,000  and  300  FedEx  feeling."                      ers  tied  for  the  lead  at  18  Golf Club put him into the  his way into the final major
            Cup points with the victory.  The  win  highlights  a  good  under  when  the  round  at  lead before he finished with  of the season.q

            Furyk not ready to commit to

            taking Woods for Ryder Cup

            By DOUG FERGUSON             ments  remaining  before  for  the  $10  million  Bridges-
            CARNOUSTIE,       Scotland  the  top  eight  qualify  for  tone Invitational next week
            (AP) — Ryder Cup captain  the Sept. 28-30 matches in  at Firestone, where he has
            Jim Furyk says it was fun to  Paris.  Points  are  based  on  won eight times.
            watch  Tiger  Woods  con-    money, and the two events  Furyk looked at more than
            tend  at  the  British  Open  left  for  Woods  —  a  World  just Woods.
            and  briefly  take  the  lead  Golf  Championship  and  Over the weekend at Car-
            in the final round. Whether  PGA Championship — offer  noustie, no fewer than sev-
            that means Woods is a lock  two of the largest purses.    en  players  had  a  chance
            for the U.S. team is still to be  Woods  already  has  been  to move into the top eight   Tiger  Woods  of  the  US  walks  onto  the  18th  green  during  the
            determined.                  appointed    an    assistant  in the standings — Woods,   final  round  for  the  147th  British  Open  Golf  championships  in
            "I'm  going  to  handle  him  captain,  just  as  he  was  at  Xander  Schauffele,  Kevin   Carnoustie, Scotland, Sunday, July 22, 2018.
            the  way  I  do  everyone  Hazeltine  two  years  ago.  Kisner,    Kevin   Chappell,                                            Associated Press
            else,"  Furyk  said  Monday  He  has  hinted  at  being  a  Tony  Finau,  Zach  Johnson
            before boarding a flight for  playing assistant.          and Matt Kuchar.             zeltine in 2016 and was un-  Golf  National,  where  the
            the Canadian Open. "I'll ask  He has played just 12 events  "We  had  a  lot  of  guys  in  der  consideration  for  one  matches  will  be  played.
            my top eight guys. The way  that offer Ryder Cup points,  pretty  good  form,"  Furyk  of the four captain's picks.  Furyk and a few Americans
            he's  playing,  he  might  be  about half as many tourna-  said. "Flip over to Tiger, you  He  was  involved  in  frank  took a scouting trip on the
            one of them. I'll ask the vice  ments  as  most  American  look at him because he's Ti-  discussions  with  the  cap-  weekend  before  the  Brit-
            captains,  collectively,  and  prospects.                 ger, and he's earned a lot  tain, and he sees this situa-  ish  Open.  He  said  Finau
            I think we'll do the best we  Woods  had  the  lead  for  of attention. ... I loved see-  tion — if it comes down to  played  the  course  mainly
            can to round out the team.  three  holes  at  Carnoustie  ing  him  play  well.  I  loved  that — unfolding the same  with  a  3-iron,  and  Justin
            We  want  the  guys  playing  until a double bogey at No.  seeing him jump to 20th. It's  way.                      Thomas hit only seven driv-
            the best."                   11, and he wound up tied  fun to watch. But we'll han-    Furyk said a big part of his  ers over 72 holes during the
            Woods moved from No. 31  for  sixth.  It  at  least  moved  dle him like everyone else."  decision on captain's picks  French Open.
            to No. 20 in the Ryder Cup  him  to  No.  50  in  the  world  Furyk  was  a  vice  captain  would  be  matching  play-  "It's  a  good  second-shot
            standings  with  two  tourna-  ranking, making him eligible  under Davis Love III at Ha-  ers  with  the  course  at  Le  golf course," he said.q
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