P. 16
Tuesday 24 July 2018
Thanking Simon Gollo, for the musical gift Aruba Symphony Festival
phony Festival will continue
in the Ritz-Carlton Ballroom
with a very varied program
starting with a tango by
Piazzola and ending with
music by Schubert. The
masters will play different
instruments solo, in trio or
quintet. Among the instru-
ments featured are the
bassoon, flute, clarinet, cel-
lo, violin and others. This is
an opportunity that no one
should pass up. Admission
is free, thanks to a gener-
ous gesture by Mrs. Louella
Brezovar - van Veen, direc-
tor of the prestigious hotel.
See you tonight at 8 at the
Ritz-Carlton Ballroom. q
ORANJESTAD ― Saturday one choir sing with the oth- all the way from the other
night Aruba Symphony er as the need emerged. side of our planet, Japan,
Festival 20018 had its long- Mozart's Ave Verum moved and ending with the violin-
awaited inaugural concert many in the audience and ist Ronald Villabono, from
at the Cas di Cultura with Rufo Wever's Pan Cayente our own hemisphere, all
two local choirs, Cantare received a deafening ap- the competitors impressed
and Ars Nova, and the in- plause. An amateur piano the public with their high
ternationally renowned Pi- player commented to me: level of dexterity with which
ano Trio Reverón. The pro- "Ana Maria's piano spoke they played their musical
gram was indeed varied. sweetly in all languages". instruments. Daniela Perez
Cantare consists of only Piano Trio Reverón indeed a 13 year old violinist from
women while Ars Nova has earned the standing ova- Venezuela who played two
tenors and basses. They tion and curtain call it re- pieces by J. S. Bach cap-
sang classical numbers ceived from a very impas- tured the hearts of all of us
of different eras, different sioned audience. present. The American cel-
genres, different parts of list Calvin Armstrong mas-
the world, including songs Sunday morning eight stu- terly interpreted a piece
by Aruba composers Padú dents competed in the Cas from Sonata for Cello solo
del Caribe and Rufo Wever. di Cultura for the "Clyde No. 8 by the Hungarian
Some were interpreted a Harms" scholarship that the musicologist Zoltan Koda-
capella, others were ac- Aruba Symphony Festival ly, a number that's difficult
companied by piano, gui- presents to the winner ev- to play, lacks melody yet
tar and or cuatro. ery year. The prize includes, very interesting to listen to.
among others, free partici- I don't envy the members
Although both choirs were pation and the chance to of the jury that has to select
short of singers who were on play solo in a concert the a winner who will be an-
vacation, the director, Cu- following year. nounced during the closing
ban born Mayra Kock-Gar- concert July 29th at Cas di
rido had a successful eve- Beginning with the violinist Cultura.
ning by having members of Yuko Tanaka who came Tonight the Aruba Sym-