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A4   U.S. NEWS
                      Tuesday 24 July 2018
            Georgia lawmaker uses racial slur, drops pants in TV series

            ATLANTA (AP) — A Georgia                                                               any reckoning for Spencer  from office. He also said he
            lawmaker is the latest pub-                                                            at the ballot box this year.  has received death threats
            lic  figure  caught  with  his                                                         A  Republican  challenger  in the past and thought the
            pants  down  on  provoca-                                                              already defeated the law-    techniques in the Showtime
            teur  Sacha  Baron  Cohen's                                                            maker in Georgia's May 22  segment  would  prevent
            new  cable  TV  series,  this                                                          primary.                     "what I believed was an in-
            time  literally,  as  the  state                                                       The  Georgia  legislator  has  evitable attack."
            legislator  exposes  his  bot-                                                         been  accused  in  the  past  The Atlanta newspaper re-
            tom,  speaks  with  a  mock                                                            of  making  offensive  state-  ported Spencer had earlier
            Asian  accent  and  yells  a                                                           ments  and  proposals.  In  threatened legal action to
            racial slur all in the name of                                                         2016,  Spencer  sought  to  prevent  the  network  from
            fighting terrorism.                                                                    update  a  1951  state  law  airing footage of him.
            In Sunday night's broadcast                                                            that outlawed Ku Klux Klan  The  Islamic  Council  on
            of Cohen's Showtime series                                                             members  from  wearing  American-Islamic  Relations
            "Who  Is  America?"  Cohen                                                             hoods at public rallies. Civil  also  called  for  Spencer's
            poses  as  an  Israeli  military                                                       rights and Muslim advoca-    resignation.
            expert  who  persuades  Re-                                                            cy groups called Spencer's  "The  ignorance  and  mal-
            publican Rep. Jason Spen-                                                              bill a veiled attempt to ban  ice  behind  Islamophobia
            cer  to  take  part  in  several                                                       Muslim women from wear-      has led Mr. Spencer to not
            outlandish  exercises.  The                                                            ing religious headgear that  only  pursue  bad  policy,
            lawmaker  is  told  they're                                                            covers  their  faces  in  pub-  but  engage  in  humiliating
            making  a  counterterrorism                                                            lic. He quickly dropped the  and  hateful  behavior  un-
            video.                       In this Feb. 28, 2018 photo, Rep. Jason Spencer, of Woodbine,   proposal.              becoming of anyone — es-
            Spencer repeatedly shouts    speaks at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta.           Spencer isn't the first public  pecially  a  state  legislator,"
            a racial slur for black peo-                                          Associated Press  figure to be fooled by Co-  said Edward Ahmed Mitch-
            ple  after  Cohen  tells  him                                                          hen  in  his  Showtime  series.  ell,  director  of  the  group's
            the tactic is useful for draw-  The  segment  also  shows  Ralston  said  Spencer  "dis-  Former  Republican  vice  Georgia chapter.
            ing bystanders' attention to  Spencer  speaking  with  a  graced himself and should  presidential candidate Sar-    Spencer faced calls for his
            an unfolding attack.         mock  Asian  accent  while  resign immediately," The At-  ah Palin , Democratic Sen.  resignation  last  year  after
            He  also  drops  his  pants,  pretending  to  use  a  selfie-  lanta  Journal-Constitution  Bernie Sanders and former  he warned a black former
            then his underwear, before  stick to surreptitiously insert  reported.                 Arizona sheriff and U.S. Sen-  state  legislator  that  she
            backing  his  exposed  rear  a  camera  phone  under  a  GOP  Gov.  Nathan  Deal  ate  candidate  Joe  Arpaio  won't be "met with torches
            end  toward  Cohen  while  Muslim woman's burqa.          said in a tweet: "There is no  have also been duped.      but  something  a  lot  more
            shouting "USA!" and "Amer-   Spencer's       on-camera  excuse  for  this  type  of  be-  In  a  statement  Monday,  definitive"  if  she  continued
            ica!"  Cohen  told  Spencer  conduct  horrified  fellow  havior, ever, and I am sad-   Spencer apologized for the  to  call  for  the  removal  of
            the move would incite fear  Republicans  in  Georgia.  dened and disgusted by it."     "ridiculously  ugly  episode,"  Confederate   statues   in
            in  homophobic  jihadists.  State House Speaker David  Regardless, there won't be  but he refused to step down  southern Georgia.q

                                                                      Judge postpones Paul

                                                                      Manafort trial until next week

                                                                      from  a  firm  that  handled  Manafort has pleaded not  the  Trump  campaign  as
                                                                      Manafort's    bookkeeping  guilty  and  denied  all  the  well  as  his  ties  to  former
                                                                      and the electronic devices  charges. He faces a sepa-     Ukrainian  President  Viktor
                                                                      of Rick Gates, his longtime  rate  trial  in  the  District  of  Yanukovych.
                                                                      business  associate.  Gates  Columbia,  where  he  was  Prosecutor  Greg  Andres
                                                                      pleaded  guilty  earlier  this  indicted last October.    told  Ellis  that  Manafort's
                                                                      year  and  is  expected  to  In  addition  to  pushing  the  position in the Trump cam-
                                                                      testify against Manafort.    trial  back,  Ellis  on  Monday  paign  is  relevant  to  some
                                                                      Manafort's  trial  will  be  the  approved  and  unsealed  of the bank fraud charges
            Kevin Downing, attorney for Paul Manafort, walks towards the   first  arising  from  Mueller's  requests   from   Mueller's  because  a  chairman  of
            Alexandria  Federal  Courthouse  in  Alexandria,  Va.,  Monday,   investigation  into  potential  prosecutors  to  offer  immu-  one  of  the  banks  allowed
            July 23, 2018, for a hearing on the final motions ahead of the
            upcoming bank and tax fraud trial for President Donald Trump's   coordination  between  the  nity to five witnesses in ex-  Manafort  to  file  inaccu-
            former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.                  Trump campaign and Rus-      change for their testimony.  rate  loan  information  in
                                                     Associated Press   sia  during  the  2016  presi-  Prosecutors   had   asked  exchange for a job on the
                                                                      dential election.            for  the  information  to  be  campaign and the promise
            By CHAD DAY                  ginia.                       The   indictment   against  sealed unless and until the  of  a  job  in  the  Trump  ad-
            Associated Press             But  U.S.  District  Judge  Manafort     doesn't   focus  witnesses actually testified.  ministration.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  T.S.  Ellis  III  pushed  the  trial  on  his  work  on  the  Trump  The  immunity  offers  mean  Andres  did  not  name  the
            federal  judge  on  Mon-     back  until  July  31  to  give  campaign  or  accuse  him  prosecutors  will  not  use  bank employee but noted
            day postponed the trial of  Manafort's  lawyers  more  of  being  involved  in  elec-  the  witnesses'  statements  that  the  Trump  administra-
            former  Trump  campaign  time to review thousands of  tion  interference.  Instead,  against  them  in  any  crimi-  tion  position  never  materi-
            chairman  Paul  Manafort  pages  of  data  and  docu-     it accuses him of funneling  nal case.                    alized.
            until next week.             ments turned over by spe-    the  proceeds  of  Ukrainian  Prosecutors  also  disclosed  Jury selection in the case is
            The  tax  and  bank  fraud  cial  counsel  Robert  Muel-  political  consulting  work  that  they  will  be  present-  set  to  begin  next  week,  a
            trial  had  been  scheduled  ler's office in the last several  through  offshore  accounts  ing   a   limited   amount  process  Ellis  said  he  would
            to start Wednesday in fed-   weeks.                       and using the funds to pay  of    evidence    regarding  be  keeping  tight  control
            eral court in Alexandria, Vir-  The   documents   come  for a lavish lifestyle.        Manafort's  connection  to  over.q
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