P. 5
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 24 July 2018
U.S. Southwest swelters with
temperatures up to 120 degrees
By ANITA SNOW sued an excessive heat tage of cooler indoor build-
PHOENIX (AP) — An exces- warning with temperatures ings.
sive heat warning was is- this week expected to ap- The tweet says officials
sued for a broad swath of proach 109 degrees (43 "can't stress enough that it
the southwestern U.S. Mon- Celsius). The weather ser- will become dangerously
day with temperatures ex- vice said the warning for hot early this week."
pected to approach 120 Utah's Dixie and Lake Pow- Firefighters and city officials
degrees (almost 49 Celsius) ell regions will be in effect on Monday morning dis-
this week in what forecast- Tuesday through Thursday. tributed bright red cloth vi-
ers say could prove to be A lesser heat advisory was sors, hand fans and cooling
the hottest days of the year. in effect for west Texas and neckerchiefs to downtown Phoenix firefighter Juan Rodriguez hands out a cooling
The National Weather Ser- southeast New Mexico commuters, advising them neckerchief to morning commuter Arielle Thomas early Monday,
vice said southern Arizona into Monday evening, with to stay inside as much as July 23, 2018, in downtown Phoenix.
will experience tempera- high temperatures well into possible. Associated Press
tures from 112 to 119 de- the triple digits, the service "I'm hoping to stay in the
grees (44 to 48 Celsius) said. Still, it was so hot in Las air conditioning all day, dozens of calls a day about area last year from heat-
through Wednesday. Cruces Monday morning and I'm planning to take it heat-related illnesses dur- caused illnesses like heat
The heat warning extend- that afternoon school bus easy," Lisa Kirby said, who ing excessive heat warn- exhaustion and heat stroke.
ed to southeastern Califor- service was cancelled. was visiting from Rhode Is- ings. "They range from Forecasters say monsoon
nia, including desert com- Some of the highest tem- land for a conference. Kir- someone who just needs to moisture will slowly return to
munities such as El Centro, peratures over the next by said she visited the area get inside to someone who the Phoenix area from the
Palm Springs, Twentynine few days were expected in several summers ago and needs to get urgently to east by the weekend.
Palms and Blythe, as well Phoenix, where the weath- had a hard time dealing the hospital," he said. Arizona's monsoons are
as north to Las Vegas and er service issued a tweet with the heat. Maricopa County pub- summer rains that can
other parts of Nevada. to warn residents to stay Fire Capt. Jake Van Hook lic health officials say 155 cause flash flooding and
Parts of Utah were also is- hydrated and take advan- said the department gets people died in the Phoenix bring heavy winds.q
Husband of adult film performer Stormy Daniels seeks divorce
KAUFMAN, Texas (AP) — Rothwell Pool, said he had to Daniels, should be which require disclosure of been made regardless of
The husband of adult film no comment since the investigated by the Federal campaign expenditures. his presidential candidacy,
performer Stormy Daniels case is currently in litigation. Election Commission as Trump's attorneys have and that no violation
has filed for divorce in Daniels has said she had sex potential violations of argued that any payments occurred.
Texas. with Trump in 2006 when he campaign finance laws, to accusers would have q
Daniels, whose real name was married, which Trump
is Stephanie Clifford, has has denied. As part of their
said that she had sex with investigation into Trump's
Donald Trump before lawyer Michael Cohen,
he became president, prosecutors have been
something Trump has examining the $130,000
denied. payment that was made
Glendon Crain filed the to Daniels as part of a
petition for divorce on July confidentiality agreement
18 in state district court in days before the 2016
Kaufman County, located presidential election.
just southeast of Dallas. In In April, FBI agents raided
his 13-page divorce petition Cohen's home, office
filed July 18, Crain alleged and hotel room as part of
adultery as grounds for a probe into his business
the divorce and seeks sole dealings and investigators
custody of the couple's were seeking records
7-year-old daughter and about the nondisclosure
child support from Clifford, agreement that Daniels
as well as a financial award had signed, among other
and disproportionate share things.
of the couple's community In May, Rudy Giuliani, one
property. of Trump's attorneys, said
Daniels' lawyer Michael the president had repaid
Avenatti said in a tweet Cohen for the $130,000
that Daniels and Crain payment to Daniels,
decided mutually to end contradicting Trump's prior
their marriage and that the claims that he didn't know
"accuracy" of the divorce the source of the money.
petition is "vehemently Transparency groups and
disputed." Democrats have argued
A woman answering the that the secret efforts to
phone in the Terrell, Texas, silence Trump accusers,
office of Crain's attorney, including the payment