P. 23
SPORTS Friday 22 June 2018
Summer of Ovi: Cup celebrations, fatherhood await Ovechkin
By STEPHEN WHYNO "O has had it quite a bit, but
AP Hockey Writer he makes sure that other
Alex Ovechkin has already guys raise it and other guys
done a "keg stand" with the get a drink out of it and
Stanley Cup, performed other guys enjoy their time
shirtless pushups in a foun- with it, too," winger T.J. Os-
tain full of teammates and hie said. "He's been sharing
lifted hockey's prestigious the wealth a little bit."
trophy so often in joy that Ovechkin wants to share
it could be considered up- the Cup back home with
per-body training. his family — "my grandma,
"That's my summer work- she will touch it, she will kiss
out," said Ovechkin, with a it," he said — and take it to
smile. his childhood program, the
The Summer of Ovi is just Dynamo Hockey School.
beginning. That's his way of paying it
Over the next few months, forward after Russian-born
Ovechkin will return home Red Wings champion Igor
to Moscow and have his Larionov brought the Cup
day with the Cup, cel- to the locker room when he
ebrate Russia hosting the played for Dynamo Mos-
World Cup and become cow and it served as inspi-
a father when wife Nas- ration to him and others.
tya gives birth to their first "He showed us how he
child. For the first time in practices, how he enjoyed
the superstar's 13-year ca- the moment to be in the
reer, the offseason won't NHL and be a Stanley Cup
include questions about champion," Ovechkin said.
whether he can get it done "It was something special.
in the playoffs and help the One day, I wanted to be in
Washington Capitals win it his position to raise the Cup
all. and in the future I will share
"He deserves it," friend and Washington Capitals' Alex Ovechkin poses with the Maurice Richard Trophy, the Stanley Cup, the this moment with some
Conn Smythe Trophy, and the Prince of Wales Trophy, from left, after the NHL Awards, Wednesday,
Capitals teammate Alex June 20, 2018, in Las Vegas. kids. Because when you're
Chiasson said. "There's Associated Press a kid, you don't know what
been a lot of critiques on your life is going to be, who
him and all that stuff, and kid, for the child. And get from a player of his age teammates before he ac- you're going to be."
now he's proven so many ready for next year." since Hall of Famer Phil Es- cepted the Stanley Cup Soon, Ovechkin and his
people wrong." Last summer, Capitals posito in the 1970s. from Commissioner Gary wife will have their own kid,
Ovechkin cemented his coach Barry Trotz visited Absent this time is the prod- Bettman in Las Vegas on and he called becoming
legacy with a playoff MVP Ovechkin in Moscow and ding from management. June 7 and handed it to a father "the best feeling
performance and a Stanley delivered the message that General manager Brian Nicklas Backstrom in what ever." MacLellan said dur-
Cup ring so glaringly miss- the team needed more MacLellan doesn't think he called the easiest de- ing the playoffs he believes
ing from his resume. Next from him. He delivered with Ovechkin needs it. cision of his life. He and getting married helped
he faces the significant a league-leading 49 reg- "He'll be the same next Backstrom were back on Ovechkin mature as a
challenge of not letting his ular-season and playoff- year," MacLellan said. "I the Strip at the NHL awards hockey player, and Trotz
game slip. Ovechkin turns best 15 goals, and was the don't know what we can show on Wednesday night, expects the Great 8 to be
33 in September, so with all driving force on the way to tell him. Tell him to work on the latest stop on his whirl- a great dad and not lose a
the partying and momen- Washington's first champi- his keg stands? He was out- wind tour with the Cup. step on the ice.
tous occasions on and off onship. standing this year. I really Stops have included the "I think he'll be a real good
the ice, it's up to him not to Trotz is gone after resigning think the success he's had Hakkasan nightclub with father," Trotz said. "He's al-
slack off. , so Ovechkin can't lean on this year in the playoffs is Tiesto, several Washington- ways going to be Ovi. He
"It's going to be a short sum- a relationship cultivated going to carry over to next area bars and restaurants, loves to have fun. He's al-
mer," Ovechkin said. "Of during the past four years. year. He's excited about Nationals Park , the parade ways going to be a family
course, you're going to cel- Longtime assistant Todd playing, he's excited about down Constitution Avenue guy. I think that's in his DNA.
ebrate, but you don't want Reirden is considered the winning. You can just feel it and visits to a local rink, You see that with his family
to lose your shape. We're front-runner to be Ovech- in him." police station and hospital. and his parents. It's not go-
going to spend one month kin's sixth NHL coach as he Ovechkin's excitement cul- He has slept with the Cup, ing to mellow him. He's still
in Russia and come back tries to replicate the goal- minated with an almost in- hugged it and adored it as going to be a beast on the
here to get ready for the scoring success not seen credulous look back at his much as any player. ice."q