P. 20

                        Friday 22 June 2018
            Messi, Argentina beaten 3-0 at World Cup, Croatia advances

            By STEPHEN WADE                                                                                                     hurt  by  this  defeat,  but  I
            NIZHNY  NOVGOROD,  Rus-                                                                                             probably didn't understand
            sia  (AP)  —  Lionel  Messi's                                                                                       the match the way I should
            frustrating international ca-                                                                                       have."
            reer may be coming to an                                                                                            And it got worse as Argenti-
            early and anti-climactic fin-                                                                                       na crumbled, frustrated by
            ish  after  Argentina's  worst                                                                                      the Croatian defense. Mo-
            loss  in  World  Cup  group                                                                                         dric scored with a hooking
            play in 60 years.                                                                                                   shot  in  the  80th  and  Ivan
            With    Diego   Maradona                                                                                            Rakitic  added  the  third  in
            watching  from  the  stands,                                                                                        stoppage time.
            the  2014  runners-up  were                                                                                         Croatia  frustrated  Argen-
            routed by Croatia 3-0 Thurs-                                                                                        tina throughout the match
            day. The Croats are moving                                                                                          and  never  gave  Messi
            on to the round of 16.                                                                                              space to operate.
            Messi  didn't  get  a  single                                                                                       "Argentina   wasn't   con-
            shot  off  in  a  defeat  that                                                                                      fused. We were excellent,"
            pushed  Argentina  to  the                                                                                          Croatia  coach  Zlatko  Dal-
            brink  of  elimination.  Messi,                                                                                     ic  said.  "We  beat  a  great
            who  turns  31  on  Sunday,                                                                                         Argentina  with  the  best
            has  never  won  a  major                                                                                           player in the world playing,
            title  with  Argentina's  senior   Croatia's Luka Modric scores his side's second goal during the group D match between Argentina   Messi."
            national  team  despite  of   and  Croatia  at  the  2018  soccer  World  Cup  in  Nizhny  Novgorod  Stadium  in  Nizhny  Novgorod,   Croatia,  which  reached
            decade  of  championships    Russia, Thursday, June 21, 2018.                                                       the 1998 World Cup semifi-
            with  Barcelona  and  five                                                                         Associated Press  nals but has not advanced
            player of the year awards.                                                                                          past the group stage since
            "He is our captain, he leads  poor  play  of  goalkeeper  since  failing  to  qualify  for  clearance  and  kicked  the  then,  will  face  Iceland  on
            the team and we quite sim-   Willy  Caballero  on  Thurs-  the  1970  World  Cup,  has  ball  toward  Croatia  de-  Tuesday in Rostov-on-Don.
            ply  couldn't  pass  to  him,"  day,  had  not  lost  by  such  not  been  eliminated.  But  fender  Ante  Rebic,  who  "Let's keep our feet firmly on
            Argentina  coach  Jorge  a  large  margin  in  the  first  the   two-time   champi-    one-timed it into the net in  the ground and prepare for
            Sampaoli said. "We work to  round  since  a  6-1  defeat  ons  need  to  win  their  next  the 53rd minute.         the next matches," said Mo-
            give  Leo  the  ball,  but  the  to Czechoslovakia in 1958.  match  against  Nigeria  on  Caballero  buried  his  face  dric, the man of the match.
            opponent  also  works  hard  Caballero gained the start-  Tuesday, as well as get help  in  his  hands  while  a  giant  "We should be focused on
            to prevent him from getting  ing  role  because  of  an  in-  from other matches.      television  screen  showed  what  awaits.  Every  next
            the ball."                   jury to No. 1 keeper Sergio  Thursday's  humiliating  loss  Maradona doing the same.   game is going to be more
            Messi also missed a penalty  Romero in the run-up to the  came in humiliating fashion  "After they scored on us, we  difficult,  but  our  main  ob-
            kick  in  his  team's  opening  tournament.               for one of soccer's most sto-  were  emotionally  broken,"  jective has been reached.
            1-1 draw against Iceland.    Argentina,  which  has  not  ried nations.                Sampaoli said. "I had a lot  It looks easy, but it was not
            Argentina,  hurt  by  the  missed  the  second  round  Caballero       mangled     a  of  hope.  I  am  extremely  that easy."q

                                                                      France defense excels in 1-0

                                                                      victory over Peru in Group C

                                                                      "Unlike  their  other  games,  upfront was visible. France  compact,  to  work  togeth-
                                                                      France  had  very  strong  was more fluid than in the  er. It was very important to
                                                                      tactical  discipline  to  neu-  2-1  victory  over  Austra-  have very solid defense."
                                                                      tralize Peru. Something that  lia  and  the  cooperation  France neutralized Guerre-
                                                                      wasn't  visible  in  their  other  between  midfielders  Paul  ro to a single chance in the
                                                                      matches."                    Pogba  and  Ngolo  Kante  first  half.  But  goalkeeper
                                                                      After  Peru  lost  its  open-  with  the  attackers  resulted  Hugo  Lloris,  who  made  his
                                                                      ing game to Denmark 1-0,  in a number of scoring op-      100th international appear-
            France's Kylian Mbappe scores his side's opening goal during   it  needed  a  least  a  point  portunities.  But  when  Peru  ance,  saved  his  low  shot
            the group C match between France and Peru at the 2018 soccer
            World Cup in the Yekaterinburg Arena in Yekaterinburg, Russia,   against  France  to  stay  in  was  on  a  desperate  at-  from close range.
            Thursday, June 21, 2018.                                  contention  following  a  36-  tack, they all were ready to  In the second half, France
                                                     Associated Press  year  absence  from  the  help at the back.              kept  Peru  at  a  distance,
                                                                      tournament.  With  striker  It  was  not  just  defenders  allowing  mostly  only  long
            By KAREL JANICEK             Thursday after his team lost  Paolo Guerrero back in the  Benjamin  Pavard,  Rapha-    range attempts on goal.
            YEKATERINBURG,       Russia  1-0.                         starting  lineup,  Peru's  play-  el  Varane,  Samuel  Umtiti  Even such an offensive ace
            (AP)  —  With  all  its  attack-  "I  think  France  did  some  ers used any and every op-  and Lucas Hernandez who  as  Kylian  Mbappe,  who
            ing talent, France proved it  outstanding  work  of  de-  portunity to put France un-  were  solid  for  the  second  scored the winning goal in
            also has class in defense.   fense," said Gareca, whose  der pressure.                 straight game.               the first half, came to help.
            Other coaches might envy  team was eliminated while  It didn't work.                   "It  doesn't  come  only  from  "If  the  team  needs  it,  you
            Didier Deschamps, who has  the  French  advanced  to  Deschamps         made     two  the  French  defense,"  Des-  need  to  sacrifice  yourself,"
            a forward line bursting with  the knockout stage.         tactical  changes  for  the  champs  said.  "The  attack-  Mbappe    said.   "Today,
            skill,  speed  and  goals.  But  "Credit  needs  to  be  given  game, using Olivier Giroud  ing  players  did  what  they  sometimes we didn't need
            Peru coach Ricardo Gare-     to France, it's not that Peru  and  Blaise  Matuidi  in  the  had  to  do.  They  made  an  to  be  up  the  field  ...  this  is
            ca looked at the other end  fell  short,"  Gareca  said.  starting  line-up.  The  result  effort  for  the  team  to  be  what I did."q
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