P. 17

                                                                                                                           Friday 22 June 2018

            Aruba’s Top Athletes

            Road to IRONMAN 70.3 Costa Rica

            ORANJESTAD  ―  This  week  started this year with triath-
            we  had  the  chance  to  in-  lon.  Running  is  “just”  the
            terview the strong and cou-  last  part  of  triathlons  and
            rageous Amadee Nicolaas.  according  to  most  ath-
            The 29th year old Amadee  letes  the  hardest  part  of
            was  born  and  raised  on  the sport. I wanted to chal-
            the  island  of  Aruba  and  lenge myself and this is why
            has  been  in  the  sport  of  I  decided  to  give  triathlon
            Running  and  Triathlon  for  a  try.  I  AM  CURRENTLY  IN
            quite some time. Her dedi-   LOVE  AND  ADDICTED  to
            cation  and  perseverance  this swim bike and run sport.
            has gotten her a long way  Why  do  one  sport  if  you
            in  these  sports  and  many  can do all three together?
            athletes  admire  her  and  I  completed  3  sprint  dis-
            see  her  as  an  inspiration.  tance triathlons, 1 Olympic
            Upcoming Sunday the 24th  distance  triathlon  and  by
            of June Amadee will be at-   end  of  June  24,  2018  I  will
            tending  her  first  IRONMAN  be an Ironman70.3 Finisher!
            70.3  in  Costa  Rica  which  This is just the beginning!
            will  consist  of  1.9km  swim,
            90km  bike  and  finishing  -  What  event  would  you
            with a 21.1km run. We wish  like to take part of next and
            Amadee all the best on her  what are your future goals?
            journey.                     There are a lot of personal
                                         goals for the future. I am in
            -At what age did you start  my ‘glory’ years at the mo-
            practicing these sports and  ment  and  I  am  planning
            what  kept  you  practicing  to  stay  in  this  moment  for
            them till now?               a  while  together  with  my
            Competitive  running  for  5  coach with proper training
            years.  Why  running?  Run-  and  guidance.  Next  race
            ning builds a tenacity and  is  Ironman70.3  Costa  Rica
            mental    toughness    that  (1.9km  swim-  90  km  bike-
            translates  into  every  area  21.1km  run).  In  October
            of your life. If you can han-  I  have  the  next  BIG  race
            dle  getting  through  26.2  which is the Chicago Mar-
            miles  (42.2km),  you  can  athon. Trainings will start in
            handle anything. This is why  July  and  we  are  definitely
            once you start running and  going for a PR! My ultimate
            love the feeling you get af-  marathon goal is to Qualify
            terwards you will never stop  for  the  Boston  Marathon.
            doing this. Running is like a  When  you're  surrounded
            therapy session. And as Bo-  by  people  who  share  a
            nus: IT IS FREE! Furthermore,  passionate   commitment
            you can run any time of the  around  a  common  pur-
            day! The trail/road is never  pose,  anything  is  possible.
            closed.  Whether  you  want  With  the  guidance  of  my
            to get in a workout at 10pm  coach  we  WILL  definitely
            or 4am, you can. These are  make this happen!
            some  of  the  reasons  why  I  Furthermore,  I  want  to  fin-
            am still in love with running.  ish a couple of Ironman70.3
            However,  there  are  some  and  marathons  in  the  fol-
            sacrifices to become a bet-  lowing  years  and  when  I
            ter runner and you have to  feel  ready  and  my  coach
            suffer from time to time but  thinks  I  am  ready  we  will
            I LOVE this kind of suffering  go  for  an  Ironman140.6
            because in the end you will  (Full  IM).  Full  Ironman  con-
            only  get  faster  and  stron-  sists  of  3.8  km  swimming,
            ger! If you want to get bet-  180km biking and followed
            ter you have to put in work  by running a full marathon
            and  time.  At  this  moment  (42.2km). Then who knows?
            I  am  working  with  Coach  Ultra  marathons?  Ronde  satisfied  with  the  running  ba and Sport Caribe Aruba  Aruba  Top  Athletes  is  a
            Aldrick  Maduro  (Al  train-  van  Aruba  single?  I  am  and  triathlon  events  on  for  believing  in  the  local  new  section  in  ArubaTo-
            ing  Performance)  and  we  looking  forward  to  many  Aruba. What I love the most  athletes!  I  am  honored  to  day dedicated to all local
            have  some  goals  for  the  sportive  and  active  years  are the people you get to  be  part  of  Team  Adidas  athletes  representing  the
            future. So I am looking for-  ahead.                      know during these events/    (female   runner)!   Thank  island  of  Aruba.  Once  a
            ward to my coming running                                 races.  The  running  and  tri-  you,  thank  you,  thank  you  month  we will bring to you
            years!                       -What  changes  would  you  athlon  community  is  awe-   for  the  support,  MY  TEAM  a local athlete from a vari-
                                         like to see in these sports?   some! At last I want to give  ROCKS!                    ety of sports happening on
            Triathlon for 6 months. I just  All  in  all,  I  am  happy  and  a shout out to Adidas Aru-  About                 the island of Aruba.q
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