P. 13

                                                                                                                           Friday 22 June 2018

            MAGEC: It is all about green

            By Linda Reijnders           lecture  on  this.”  Changes
                                         they  made  by  organizing
            ORANJESTAD  —  MAGEC  a  Beach  Clean-Up  that
            Aruba    is   a   non-profit  collected  over  200Kg  of
            organization  that  strives  trash,  excluding  lumber,
            towards  a  greener  Aruba.  they  created  an  edible
            This  group  is  open  to  all  garden  at  an  elementary
            who  wish  to  help  create  school,  participated  in  a
            a  greener  environment.  carnival initiative to collect
            Catherine         Carraha,  plastic  waste  for  recycling
            President  and  Co-Founder  and  implemented  ‘green
            of  MAGEC  and  Lian  van  garbage       bins’   at   the
            den  Berg,  Vice-President  university   to    separate
            and Co-Founder, talked to  trash.  “My  idea  is  also  to
            Aruba  Today  about  their  use  re-usable  cups  within
            passion  for  green  and  the  the  carnival  groups  that
            urge to recruit new board-   participate in the parades.
            members.                     Even  with  the  group’s
                                         name  on  it.  Why  waste  all
            “Making  Aruba  a  Greener  these  plastic  cups?”  says
            Environment Club is the full  Lian.
            name  of  MAGEC,  we  are
            a  student’s  organization  A Cry for Help
            at  University  of  Aruba  and  The  complete  board  is
            currently  comprised  only  going  abroad  to  study,  so
            of  academic  foundation  their  goal  now  is  to  recruit
            year students. This is a one-  new  members.  Catherine:
            year  certificate  program  “We worked so hard to get
            that   equips    motivated  here and the achievements
            students with the skills, tools  we did … it would be sad
            and  capabilities  to  seek  to see that faint.” They will
            successful entry into higher  stay  involved  as  consults,
            education  programs.  We  as the club is in their heart.
            strive  towards  a  more  “It  is  a  great  club  with  a
            greener  and  sustainable  family  feeling.  It  also  is  a
            Aruba     and     organize  great    experience.    You
            different events and come  need to dedicate time but
            up with ideas as to help our  it  will  help  you  organize,
            environment.  We  are  now  to    be   aware    of   the
            a  club  of  17  students  and  environment,  learn  you  to
            are  proud  we  have  one  present  yourselves  and  be
            of  us  in  the  official  Ahata  persuasive,  be  creative…
            environmental board,” says  there  are  many  benefits
            Catherine.  Lian  adds  that  we  will  for  sure  use  in  our
            MAGEC  encourages  all  future.”Lian:  “To  push  and
            people to share their ideas  to  achieve  are  great  skills
            with them as any idea can  you develop with MAGEC.
            be very useful. “We wish to  Joining  any  organization
            activate people and bring  is good for you. It is not all
            awareness.  This  applies  to  sunshine  and  rainbows,  so
            all people of all ages.” The  you learn to keep going.”
            launch  took  place  mid-
            December  last  year  and  Environment & Tourism          and  stimulated  us  to  get  industry to go green.  Lian:  “When  Aruba  would  be
            from  there  they  started  The students state that we  organized.  He  is  a  great  “Here  at  the  university  a  real  green  destination,
            educating.     Lian:   “We  all  know  environmental  professor and he triggered  we  have  conducted  a  we  would  attract  the
            support  organizations  that  pollution is a problem on the  us,  he  was  more  than  a  research   about   plastic  right  tourists  also.  They
            try to get laws changed in  island, but because it does  teacher,  he  guided  us.  straws  and  how  hotels  would  enjoy  a  sustainable
            favor  of  the  environment,  not directly affect us, many  We  organized  the  first  deal  with  that.  There  are  destination.  It  all  has  to
            but  we  ourselves  are  not  do not do anything about it.  Beach   Clean-Up   under  hotels   like   Bucuti   and  do  with  explaining  to  the
            politically   involved.   We  “We had the pleasure that  his  guidance.  Another  big  Divi,  who  are  far  with  the  guests,  making  that  effort.
            wish  to  make  companies  one of our subjects, Earth &  supporter  was  our  faculty  green  vision,  but  for  many  Otherwise  you  will  never
            aware of greener solutions,  Environment,  was  lectured  adviser,  Mr  Giovanni  Lew  there  is  still  a  long  way  to  make a change.”
            for  example  if  they  use  on  by  an  Italian  professor,  Jen  Tai.”  With  regards  to  go  and  this  industry  is  a  For   more   information
            plastic  straws,  we  are  Tobia  de  Scisciolo,  who  is  tourism,  they  see  there  is  big  polluter.  That  needs  to  please  visit  MAGEC  Aruba
            open  to  stop  by  and  completely  into  this  topic  a  long  way  to  go  for  this  be  changed.”  Catherine:  at Facebook.q
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