P. 10

                        Friday 22 June 2018
            Military vows to recover bodies from sunken Indonesia ferry

            By BINSAR BAKKARA                                                                                                   chief  of  Samosir  island  on
            NINIEK KARMINI                                                                                                      Lake  Toba,  told  MetroTV
            TIGARAS,  Indonesia  (AP)                                                                                           that  police  had  detained
            — Indonesia's military chief                                                                                        the  rescued  ferry  captain,
            said Thursday that specialist                                                                                       who  was  also  the  boat's
            navy equipment will be de-                                                                                          owner.
            ployed  to  pinpoint  a  ferry                                                                                      "We focused first on provid-
            that sank in the crater lake                                                                                        ing  health  care  for  him  to
            of  an  ancient  supervolca-                                                                                        recover,  because  his  con-
            no,  offering  a  glimmer  of                                                                                       dition  is  still  unstable  and
            hope to distraught relatives                                                                                        traumatized,"  Darojat  said.
            that  the  bodies  of  more                                                                                         "He's  still  unable  to  answer
            than 180 people presumed                                                                                            our questions, could not fo-
            drowned will be recovered.                                                                                          cus  to  explain  nor listen  to
            Only  18  people,  including                                                                                        our  questions.  It's  obvious
            the  captain,  have  been                                                                                           he is in shock and trauma-
            rescued  and  four  con-                                                                                            tized."
            firmed dead since the ferry,                                                                                        National  Police  Chief  Tito
            massively    overcrowded                                                                                            Karnavian  said  local  trans-
            with  passengers  and  mo-                                                                                          portation officials must also
            torcycles,  sank  early  Mon-                                                                                       be held responsible.
            day evening in waters that                                                                                          About  a  thousand  people
            officials  say  are  up  to  500   Relatives of victims of a sunken ferry wait for news at the Tigaras port in Toba lake, North Sumatra,   crowded  Tigaras  pier  on
            meters (1,640 feet) deep.    Wednesday, June, 20, 2018.                                                             Thursday,  including  sev-
            As the search on Lake Toba                                                                         Associated Press  eral  hundred  relatives  of
            continued  Thursday,  hun-                                                                                          victims, some weeping un-
            dreds  of  people  waiting  torted  in  disappointment  about  the  fruitless  search  Ferries  are  an  important  controllably, others waiting
            at a small port for news of  or  crying  out  the  names  effort. The officer defended  means  of  transportation  in strained silence.
            missing relatives performed  of  loved  ones  when  it  be-  himself by saying he hadn't  in the nation of more than  Cellphone   video   taken
            an  hour  of  mass  Muslim  came  clear  that  no  family  slept for three days.       17,000 islands, which cover  from  another  ferry  that  at-
            and  Christian  prayers  that  member had been found.     The  disaster,  likely  Indo-  an area that would stretch  tempted to rescue people
            were  punctuated  by  sobs  There  was  mounting  an-     nesia's  worst  sinking  in  from New York to London.     after the sinking has spread
            of grief.                    ger  that  hardly  any  bod-  more  than  a  decade,  has  Muhammad  Syaugi,  head  widely online and on televi-
            Each  time  a  search  and  ies  have  been  recovered.  prompted  President  Joko  of the national search and  sion. The video shows doz-
            rescue vessel docked, rela-  TV  broadcast  footage  of  "Jokowi" Widodo to call for  rescue  agency,  said  184  ens of people struggling in
            tives  ran  toward  it,  only  to  one anguished man angrily  an overhaul of safety stan-  people are missing, revised  rough waters and crying for
            turn  away  with  faces  con-  confronting a police officer  dards for passenger boats.  down  from  Wednesday's  help while several of them
                                                                                                   figure  of  192  after  further  try  to  swim  for  an  orange
                                                                                                   checks  showed  some  vic-   lifesaver apparently thrown
                                                                                                   tims  were  counted  twice.  from the ferry.
                                                                                                   The search area has been  Maruddin  Siagian,  waiting
                                                                                                   doubled  to  12  kilometers  with other family members
                                                                                                   (7.4  miles)  around  the  ap-  for  news  of  his  younger
                                                                                                   proximate  location  of  the  brother, said they're haunt-
                                                                                                   sinking, he said.            ed by those images.
                                                                                                   In  Tigaras,  on  the  island  of  "We hope the government
                                                                                                   Sumatra, military chief Hadi  will  never  stop  the  search,
                                                                                                   Tjahjanto   told   reporters  never stop, until all the vic-
                                                                                                   that  officials  believe  many  tims  are  found,"  Siagian
                                                                                                   victims  are  trapped  inside  said.   "We're   tormented
                                                                                                   the  sunken  ferry.  Special-  waiting for news about him,
                                                                                                   ist  deep  water  equipment  without  any  certainty  like
                                                                                                   was to be sent from Jakarta  this. Especially our mother,"
                                                                                                   on  Thursday  afternoon,  he  he  said.  "But  we're  deter-
                                                                                                   said.                        mined to keep waiting un-
                                                                                                   "Our  navy  equipment  that  til  the  body  of  our  brother
                                                                                                   can  reach  up  to  a  depth  is found. For us, his body is
                                                                                                   of  600  meters  will  be  able  precious,  we  want  to  bury
                                                                                                   to determine the exact lo-   him  properly  for  his  soul  to
                                                                                                   cation of the ship," he said.  be  peaceful,  and  so  we
                                                                                                   "When  we  can  determine  are  too."  The  1,145-square
                                                                                                   where  the  ship  is,  we  will  kilometer (440-square mile)
                                                                                                   determine  the  technique  Lake  Toba,  formed  from
                                                                                                   of  how  to  retrieve  the  vic-  the  caldera  of  an  ancient
                                                                                                   tims."  Divers  have  only  supervolcano, is a popular
                                                                                                   been able to reach depths  destination  on  the  island
                                                                                                   of 50 meters (164 feet) and  of  Sumatra  and  one  of  10
                                                                                                   an  underwater  drone  de-   stunning natural attractions
                                                                                                   ployed in the search has a  in  Indonesia  that  the  gov-
                                                                                                   maximum operating depth  ernment  aims  to  develop
                                                                                                   of 200 meters (656 feet).    as magnets for internation-
                                                                                                   Agus  Darojat,  the  police  al and local tourists.q
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