P. 14
Friday 22 June 2018
A new Caribbean Airlift Alliance is in formation in the region
BAHAMAS ― This was an- nations. The power of the
nounced at last week’s Ca- governments may result
ribbean Aviation Meetup in increased competition.
in the Bahamas. The an- Guess, who will be the win-
nouncement was made by ners with growing numbers
Rob Ceravolo, CEO of Trop- of visitors and improved
ic Ocean Airways and Cdr. economy results?
Bud Slabbaert, the Chair- The Alliance will appreci-
man of the Caribbean Avi- ate the cooperation of any
ation Meetup, during the government. But the highly
debriefing session of the qualified professionals of
conference. The attendees the Alliance have the com-
of the session unanimously mand over the necessary
agreed and offered their expertise and knowledge
active support. in the various fields related
to airlift. Professionals are
The third person in the de- not typically prepared to
cision making was Vincent spin their wheels. Therefore,
Verderpool-Wallace, for- governments and their
mer Minister of Tourism of agencies cooperating with
the Bahamas and former the Alliance will experience
CEO of the Caribbean Tour- the benefits of cooperation
ism Organisation, who is a and getting positive results.
strong and well-respected The governments that will
advocate for changes in remain reserved are more
Caribbean airlift and tour- impartial. The Alliance though governments and their constituencies. How- or less on their own and
ism matters. The Alliance in should not be considered their authorities may be ever, they should realize may have chosen for isola-
its current infant stage is a a new contender enter- seen as stakeholders, most that such power means tion. “The Caribbean pic-
gathering of highly quali- ing a boxing ring. Although of the governments in the relative little in a more ture is that tourism repre-
fied professionals with in- the Alliance is a response region have been not part global perspective. The va- sents up to 85% of the reve-
dustrial support that aims to many airlift dilemmas in of solutions. cationers and passengers nue of the islands territories.
for improving airlift and the Caribbean region, the abroad have the full power Governments may exercise
progress in air transporta- emphasis will be on provid- The Caribbean picture to decide which destina- the powers given to them
tion in the Caribbean. ing information, education, is that tourism represents tions they prefer to visit and by their constituencies.
and furthering understand- upto 85% of the revenue of subsequently contribute to However, they should real-
The Caribbean Airlift Alli- ing among all stakeholders the islands territories. Gov- those economies. There are ize that such power means
ance will be non-govern- in airlift matters and even- ernments may exercise the many choices and options relative little in a more
mental, non-partisan and tually finding solutions. Al- powers given to them by within the region but also global perspective. The va-
beyond. The airlines are in cationers and passengers
full power to decide what abroad have the full power
destinations they want to to decide which destina-
fly to. tions they prefer to visit.
Those decisions are very There are many choices
much related to the pas- and options. The airlines are
senger demand. They will in full power to decide what
always aim for a payload destinations they want to fly
of 85%. So, what does po- to. Those decisions are very
litical power mean when much related to the pas-
the guests and transporta- senger demand. So, what
tion operators needed for does political power mean
a healthy economy are when the guests needed
preferring different desti- for a healthy economy are
continued on next page