P. 16
Friday 22 June 2018
Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort welcome logan hospitality
EAGLE BEACH, ARUBA ― Management for a collec-
Bucuti & Tara Beach Re- tion of over 600 member
sort announces the return hotels at Historic Hotels of
of former executive team America – Historic Hotels
contributor Susan Logan Worldwide.
to Aruba’s famed Eagle
Beach Resort. “It’s an absolute pleasure
returning to Bucuti & Tara
Logan will oversee sales, Beach Resort. The property
marketing, e-commerce is one of world’s best with
and related projects for its well-trained dedicated
Bucuti & Tara from her Flor- team led by visionary lead-
ida-based firm Logan Hos- er Ewald Biemans who val-
pitality. Logan is quite fa- ues innovation, sustainabil-
miliar with the resort having ity, re-investments and pos-
worked there more than sesses a clear understand-
20 years before leaving in ing of true hospitality,” says
2009. Susan Logan.
Over the past decade, her “I look forward to contribut-
in hospitality has included ing new perspectives from
owning and managing two my industry experiences to
successful restaurants and attract and please Bucuti &
working with Tara guests.”
Most recently she served as
the Director of Distribution, To learn more, visit Bucuti.
Reservations & Revenue com.q
Bare feet and big smiles
from Oby, Beth, Carol,
Fran and Sabrina
PALM BEACH — Oby, Beth,
Carol, Fran and Sabrina are Hadicurari is located be-
from New Jersey. Their an- tween the Marriott Surf
nual girls’ trip took them Club and MooMba Beach.
to Aruba, where they are It is a wonderful place right
having a blast. We caught on the ocean with a spec-
up with them with bare tacular, picture-perfect
feet and big smiles hav- view.
ing dinner at Hadicurari And the fish comes from
Restaurant. As Oby is a the fishermen across, who
vegan, she got a special bring in their catch on a
vegan meal from the chef. daily basis.q