P. 5
U.S. NEWS Friday 22 June 2018
$ 10
Lawyer: No apparent justification for fatal shooting of teen
EAST PITTSBURGH, Pa. (AP) County courthouse attract- was generous and had a
— A 17-year-old boy fatally ed nearly 1,000 people, in- "million-dollar smile."
shot by a police officer in cluding speakers decrying Allegheny County Police
Pennsylvania seconds after police use of force and gun Commissioner Coleman
he fled a traffic stop did not violence. McDonough said Wednes-
pose a threat to anyone, a Investigators said the officer day that he is confident
lawyer for the family of the stopped the car Antwon the car Antwon was in
teen said. and two other people were was involved in the earlier
Civil rights attorney S. Lee riding in Tuesday because shooting, partly because
Merritt said late Wednes- it matched the description a window had been shot.
day that he doesn't see any of a car reported to be in- He said officers found two
apparent justification for volved in a shooting about guns in the car, and that
the use of deadly force by 15 minutes earlier in a near- the driver was released af-
an East Pittsburgh police of- by town. As the officer took ter questioning without be-
ficer that left Antwon Rose the driver into custody, the ing charged.
Jr. dead. Allegheny County short video shows Antwon McDonough confirmed
police are conducting an and the other passenger that Antwon was not Protestors rally in front of the Allegheny County Courthouse on
independent investigation running from the car. armed and that no shots Thursday, June 21, 2018, in Pittsburgh.
of the shooting in East Pitts- The officer quickly fired were fired at the officers. Associated Press
burgh, a borough about 10 three shots, all of which Pennsylvania law allows of-
miles (16 kilometers) east of struck Antwon, who later ficers to use deadly force of prior law enforcement Pittsburgh officials and
Pittsburgh. died at a hospital from his against a fleeing suspect experience. police issued Thursday ex-
Part of the encounter was injuries. The medical exam- in only a handful of circum- Leaders of the Pittsburgh- pressed condolences and
captured on video and iner has not said where the stances. It's permitted if based Black Political Em- sadness over Rose's death
posted to Facebook by a teen was struck. the suspect poses a threat powerment Project asked and asked the community
bystander. "We must emphasize that of immediate danger, has Thursday for the Pennsyl- to respect the investigative
The shooting has sparked rumors of (Antwon) be- used or threatened lethal vania attorney general's process.
some social media outrage ing involved in a separate violence previously or pos- office to investigate this Democratic U.S. Sen. Bob
and calls for punishment of shooting are unsubstanti- sesses a lethal weapon. and other police-involved Casey also issued a state-
the officer, including from ated," Merritt wrote in his Investigators and city of- shootings, citing only two ment Thursday saying the
rapper Nas and a hand- statement, saying the use ficials have declined to instances where the Al- teen's family has a right to
ful of other celebrities. A of deadly force seems un- name the officer, who has legheny County district at- answers.
Wednesday night protest justified. "We know that he been placed on admin- torney has filed homicide "I am disturbed by what
at the East Pittsburgh po- was not armed at the time istrative leave. East Pitts- charges against police offi- I saw on the video, and I
lice headquarters lasted he was shot down, that he burgh Mayor Louis Payne cers in fatal shootings in the have numerous questions
for several hours and drew posed no immediate threat said the officer had worked last 20 years. about exactly what hap-
more than 100 people, to anyone." for the department for two A joint statement from East pened and why," he said.q
some of whom laid down in Antwon's friends, family weeks and was officially
front of a police cruiser. and teachers said he was sworn in a few hours before
A second protest Thursday a promising student, who the shooting. Payne said
afternoon at the Allegheny volunteered at a charity, the officer has eight years
Court records: Woman charged
in leak case reaches plea deal
By KATE BRUMBACK spokesman Ian Prior con- Winner is a former Air Force
ATLANTA (AP) — A wom- firmed by email that Win- linguist who speaks Arabic
an charged with leaking ner plans to plead guilty. and Farsi and had a top-
U.S. secrets to a news out- The docket shows a plea secret security clearance.
let plans to plead guilty, a agreement was filed Thurs- She worked for the national
federal official confirmed day, but it isn't publicly ac- security contractor Pluribus
Thursday. Online court cessible. Winner previously International at Fort Gor-
records show a change pleaded not guilty and has don in Georgia when she
of plea hearing is sched- been in custody since her was charged in June 2017
uled Tuesday for former arrest. Defense attorneys with copying a classified
National Security Agency didn't immediately respond U.S. report and mailing it
contractor Reality Winner. Thursday afternoon to an to an unidentified news
U.S. Department of Justice email seeking comment. organization.q