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A4   U.S. NEWS
                        Friday 22 June 2018

            #NeverTrump to #OKTrump: Romney's evolution mirrors party

            By STEVE PEOPLES and LIND-                                                                                          Republican-on-Republican
            SAY WHITEHURST,                                                                                                     contest. Or, as some of his
            Associated Press                                                                                                    closest  advisers  suggest,
            PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — Mitt                                                                                         it  could  be  that  Romney
            Romney did not ride a don-                                                                                          was  never  going  to  be
            key.                                                                                                                the  Trump  antagonist  that
            But the one-time presiden-                                                                                          some hoped for.
            tial nominee and now can-                                                                                           Either way, the 71-year-old
            didate for Senate did cheer                                                                                         Republican  leader  should
            enthusiastically  at  a  don-                                                                                       have    an   extraordinary
            key basketball game, cam-                                                                                           megaphone  on  Capitol
            paigning on the ground in                                                                                           Hill  that  will  help  elevate
            Utah  like  a  homegrown                                                                                            his standing as a freshman.
            hero  —  even  though  he                                                                                           As  a  former  presidential
            grew  up  somewhere  else.                                                                                          nominee, he's sure to com-
            What  he  isn't  doing  much                                                                                        mand  attention  wherever
            is  talking  about  President                                                                                       he goes. It remains unclear,
            Trump.                                                                                                              however, whether he'll use
            Romney was once a lead-                                                                                             that status to challenge the
            ing  figure  in  the  "Never                                                                                        president  he  once  called
            Trump"    movement,     but                                                                                         "a con man."
            now  he  says  he  wants  to                                                                                        ONE LAST THING
            work  with  the  president.                                                                                         Despite all the interest in his
            What  does  his  evolution                                                                                          relationship  with  the  presi-
            mean  for  Republicans  still                                                                                       dent,  Romney  isn't  running
            opposed to Trump?                                                                                                   as a big shot.
            WHAT'S HAPPENING                                                                                                    The  one-time  political  ce-
            Romney,  the  Republican                                                                                            lebrity  is  turning  down  na-
            presidential  nominee  in                                                                                           tional media requests in fa-
            2012, has dropped his harsh                                                                                         vor of local outlets. On the
            critique  of  Trump  as  he                                                                                         ground  in  Utah,  he's  kept
            mounts  a  political  come-                                                                                         a  packed  schedule,  cam-
            back  as  a  Senate  candi-  In this Wednesday, June 20, 2018 photo Mitt Romney smiles during a campaign event, in American   paigning  at  local  parks,
            date  in  Utah  ahead  of  a   Fork, Utah.                                                                          private  homes  and  sport-
            June  26  primary.  Romney                                                                         Associated Press  ing events— including that
            recently  surprised  his  most                                                                                      donkey  basketball  fund-
            loyal  supporters,  who  in-  WHY IT MATTERS              after the 2016 election, for a  deferential tone with Trump  raiser,  where  he  cheered
            clude  many  Trump  critics,  Romney's  team  is  down-   smaller group of others, qui-  after his Republican Senate  on  a  4-H  group  mounted
            by  predicting  the  Repub-  playing  the  significance  et  conversations  had  con-  primary  on  Tuesday?  In  a  on  donkeys  and  shooting
            lican  president  would  win  of his new position, but by  tinued about the possibility  heavily  Republican  state,  hoops.
            a second term in 2020. He  embracing Trump's re-elec-     of  mounting  a  2020  chal-  his election to the U.S. Sen-  The aim is to convince Utah
            also downplayed concerns  tion  he's  sending  a  strong  lenge against him — either  ate  is  all  but  assured  if  he  voters that he knows state is-
            about  Trump's  policies  on  message to the president's  in a Republican primary or  wins the June 26 primary as  sues and priorities. And that
            trade,  spending  and  na-   Republican  critics  just  as  as  an  independent.  High-  expected.                  he'll  use  his  clout  on  their
            tional security — the same  they're  beginning  to  con-  profile  Republicans  such  Many Trump skeptics in the  behalf in Washington.q
            policies  he  warned,  in  a  template strategies to stop  as  Arizona  Sen.  Jeff  Flake  Republican  establishment
            high-profile  2016  speech,  — or at least slow — his 2020  and Ohio Gov. John Kasich  hope  Romney  will  emerge
            would trigger an economic  re-election.  The  message,  are  openly  contemplating  as  a  Trump  cudgel  when
            recession  and  jeopardize  according  to  some  Re-      such a move.                 he gets to Washington.
            national security.           publicans who shared their  Romney's  position  doesn't  It  could  be  that  Romney
            "I think President Trump will  reaction on and off the re-  kill  their  prospective  plans,  has simply been downplay-
            be  re-nominated  by  my  cord:  "No  matter  how  you  but it certainly makes them  ing  his  opposition  to  the
            party easily and I think he'll  feel, stop fighting Trump; it's  harder  to  pull  off  with  any  Republican  president  in
            be re-elected solidly," Rom-  not worth it."              kind of legitimacy.          recent months to avoid en-
            ney told dozens of support-  While many Republicans in  WHAT TO WATCH                  flaming  Trump's  loyal  sup-
            ers at a luxury Utah resort.  Congress got that message  Will  Romney  continue  his  porters  before  next  week's
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