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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Friday 22 June 2018
            Amy Schumer gets into the podcast game

            By MESFIN FEKADU                                                                                                    married,  people  don't  re-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Amy                                                                                             ally tell you, but then once
            Schumer is used to getting                                                                                          you  get  married,  you  talk
            glammed  up  for  red  car-                                                                                         to  other  married  couples
            pets, TV shows and movies,                                                                                          and they're like, 'Marriage is
            but for her new podcast, it                                                                                         awesome!' And you're like,
            was all about comfort.                                                                                              'Yes, it is,'" she said.
            "Never will a bra be worn,"                                                                                         "It  was  like  a  secret,  be-
            the Emmy-winning comedi-                                                                                            cause  they  don't  want  to
            an, actress and author said                                                                                         tell you because they don't
            in an interview with The As-                                                                                        want  you  to  be  jealous  or
            sociated Press on Wednes-                                                                                           something.  But  it's  nice.  I
            day.                                                                                                                don't think it's totally neces-
            "Amy  Schumer  Presents:                                                                                            sary, but if you're into it, it's
            3  Girls,  1  Keith"  launches                                                                                      pretty dope."
            Thursday  and  was  record-                                                                                         Schumer  has  had  major
            ed  in  her  apartment  with                                                                                        success  on  TV,  in  movies,
            her  comedian-best  friends                                                                                         on comedy tours in arenas
            Rachel  Feinstein,  Bridget                                                                                         where  pop  stars  perform,
            Everett and Keith Robinson.                                                                                         and even Broadway, earn-
            The original Spotify podcast                                                                                        ing herself a Tony nomina-
            will  be  widely  available,                                                                                        tion this year. When asked
            and Spotify will have addi-  In this April 17, 2018 file photo, Amy Schumer arrives at the world premiere of "I Feel Pretty" in Los   what  advice  she  has  for
            tional exclusive content.    Angeles.                                                                               young  female  comedians,
            "I  mean,  that  was  part  of                                                                     Associated Press  she  said:  "I  would  actually
            the  draw,"  Schumer  said                                                                                          not  give  any  different  ad-
            of taping at home without  comedian  Murray  Hill  and  hadn't heard any podcast  fly on the wall, just hearing  vice  to  a  female  comic
            cameras  filming.  "There's  "Crazy-Ex Girlfriend" actress  like the one she wanted to  casual  conversation  with  then  I  would  to  a  male
            just  such  a  feeling  of  us  Rachel Bloom are featured  produce.                    friends and then also some-  comic."
            hanging out like we would  on episode one and two.        The  idea  of  doing  a  pod-  times,  maybe  learn  some-  "Not  for  any  reason  other
            anyway."                     Schumer  said  some  of  the  cast  started  as  a  joke,  thing or hear a perspective  than the advice is really the
            The  casual  environment  podcasts  she  listens  to  in-  Schumer said, and she had  they didn't have before."     same.  It's  because  it's  not
            helped set the tone for the  cludes "This American Life,"  been thinking about doing  Schumer  and  friends  also  harder  for  female  comics,
            weekly    podcast,   which  ''S-Town,"   Esther   Perel's  it for a year.              discuss  their  personal  lives  it's just harder for females ...
            features   Schumer     and  "Where  Should  We  Begin"  "The  goals  were  to  make  on "3 Girls, 1 Keith." She tied  (it's) even harder than that
            friends  discussing  love,  re-  and  "Oprah's  SuperSoul  us all some money and just  the  knot  in  February  and  for people of color in terms
            lationships,  sex,  comedy,  Conversations."  But  part  of  to hang out, honestly," she  said she's enjoying married  of equality and just like stuff
            politics  and  more.  Guests  the  appeal  of  doing  her  said, adding that the pod-  life.                        that  they're  going  to  en-
            will  appear  each  week;  own  was  because  she's  cast  will  let  listeners  "be  a  "It's  funny,  before  you're  counter," she added.q

            Serena Williams: Young boys need domestic abuse education

            By JOHN CARUCCI                                                                        Williams  says  being  the  due to a pectoral chest in-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Serena                                                             mother of an infant daugh-   jury.
            Williams  says  the  conver-                                                           ter  makes  the  issue  more  Williams  says  she  antici-
            sation  about  stopping  do-                                                           important to her.            pates  being  healthy  for
            mestic abuse shouldn't just                                                            "This  could  be  something  next  month's  Wimbledon
            center around women, but                                                               that  my  daughter  could  tournament.
            men as well.                                                                           face  and  that's  not  cool,"  "Oh  that's  a  plan,  abso-
            The  tennis  superstar  says                                                           she  said  at  a  Purple  Purse  lutely,  absolutely,  and  I've
            education  about  domes-                                                               event. "I want her to know  been  working  toward  it,"
            tic abuse should start when                                                            that  she  can  always  talk  she said.
            men are young boys.                                                                    to  me,  and  talk  to  other  She  also  spoke  about  her
            "I think expanding the con-                                                            people.  That  maybe  she  father,  Richard  Williams,
            versation  to  men  and  ex-                                                           doesn't have a voice, may-   and  his  upcoming  induc-
            panding  the  conversation                                                             be she can't use her voice,  tion  into  the  American
            to young boys, it's so impor-  Professional tennis player Serena Williams appears at an event   but  we  can  be  her  voice,  Tennis  Association's  Hall  of
            tant,"  she  said  in  an  inter-  to launch a national street art campaign with Allstate Foundation   we  can  support  her  in  so  Fame.  Williams  coached
            view on Wednesday.           Purple Purse on Wednesday, June 20, 2018, in New York.    many  different  ways,"  Wil-  Serena  and  her  fellow
            "This is a human rights issue.                                        Associated Press  liams said.                 champion  sister,  Venus,
            We  should  all  be  treated                                                           Williams was pregnant with  from  when  they  were  chil-
            the  same.  We  should  be  young men, to our boys, to  singles  champion  is  the  1-year-old  Olympia  Oha-       dren  until  they  were  win-
            treated  equal.    With  do-  our daughters — to let that  ambassador  for  Allstate's  nian  when  she  won  the  ning titles as adults.
            mestic  abuse,  it  doesn't  new  generation,  and  let  Purple  Purse  foundation,  Australian  Open  in  Janu-    "That's really wonderful and
            care  what  color  you  are,  the  generation  now  know  which  aims  to  help  stop  ary  2017.  She  returned  I  know  he  is  really  excited
            what  background  you're  that,  let's  stop  this.  Let's  domestic abuse and what  to  Grand  Slam  play  last  about that and I am, too,"
            from," she continued.        change this. Let's create a  it  calls  the  financial  abuse  month at the French Open  she said. "I was just with him
            "It's  important  to  get  the  better us."               that can accompany such  but  had  to  withdraw  after  yesterday  and  we  talked
            message out there — to our  The  23-time  Grand  Slam  relationships.                  reaching  the  fourth  round  about it. It was great."q
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