P. 30

                        Friday 22 June 2018
            'The King' is guilty of an Elvis crime- excess

            By MARK KENNEDY                                                                                                     slick imagery and heaps of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    cash.  But,  wait.  Wasn't  this
            It's usually a bad sign when                                                                                        supposed  to  be  about  El-
            critics start questioning your                                                                                      vis?
            film before it's even finished.                                                                                     There are also some curious
            But director Eugene Jarecki                                                                                         appearances.  Dan  Rather
            had to endure worse. While                                                                                          is  shot  very  cinematically
            making  the  documentary                                                                                            along  the  skyline  of  Man-
            "The  King,"  he  actually  got                                                                                     hattan,  but  adds  little.
            gruff from a member of his                                                                                          Ethan Hawke has some in-
            own film crew.                                                                                                      teresting stories about Elvis'
            After  a  car  breaks  down,                                                                                        time  at  Sun  Records  but
            Jarecki  takes  the  oppor-                                                                                         they could have been told
            tunity  to  ask  the  driver  of                                                                                    by  studio  boss  Sam  Phil-
            the  truck  hauling  it  to  be                                                                                     lips' son, who is weirdly not
            fixed what he thinks of the                                                                                         much included.
            film  so  far.  The  crewman                                                                                        Speaking  of  Hawke,  he's
            responds that he's not sure                                                                                         clearly  a  smart  guy  but
            what  Jarecki's  intention  is                                                                                      what is he doing here? Why
            and  doesn't  really  buy  the                                                                                      is Alec Baldwin in the Rolls-
            tenuous  analogy  he's  de-                                                                                         Royce?  Mike  Myers?  They
            veloped so far. Who needs                                                                                           have  interesting  things  to
            film critics, huh?           This image released by Oscilloscope Laboratories shows a scene from the documentary "The   add  as  cultural  observers
            Credit  Jarecki  for  includ-                                                                     Associated Press  but  there  are  moments  in
            ing  the  exchange  in  his                                                                                         "The  King"  where  it  seems
            meandering,     overstuffed   sit in its back seat and talk  that  Elvis  was  no  "hero  to  can feel Jarecki desperate-  like  an  extended  episode
            and  sometimes  fascinat-    about Presley as they drive  me." John Hiatt even starts  ly working, slicing, trying to   of "Comedians in Cars Get-
            ing  film  about  Elvis  Presley   through  key  locations  in  to cry in the back seat, pro-  make  connections.  What   ting Coffee."
            and  America.  The  direc-   The King's life, from his lowly  foundly sad for a fellow mu-  could have been a gentle,   The film weirdly toggles be-
            tor seems to acknowledge     beginnings  in  Tupelo,  Mis-  sician who was "trapped" in  personal  travelogue  is  re-  tween speaking to real fig-
            that he may have bitten off   sissippi,  to  his  sad  end  in  his fame.              worked and reworked until    ures in Elvis' life — like friend
            way too much here but he     Graceland.                   But  Jarecki  seems  to  want  it's often guilty of the last sin   George  Klein  and  Presley's
            still thinks the idea is worth   So far, so good. We get Em-  more,  something  deeper  of Elvis — excess. This film is   pianist  Tony  Brown  —  and
            chewing.                     mylou  Harris  to  call  him  a  and  profounder.  Perhaps  cluttered with half-thoughts   discussing  his  cultural  im-
            The idea is this: Get Elvis' old   "Greek  tragic  figure"  and  the rise and fall of Elvis Pre-  and  tenuous  connections,   pact with presumably more
            1963 Rolls-Royce and invite   Chuck D to explain why he  sley  is  a  reflection  of  post-  like  footage  from  1933's   exciting  celebrities  with
            a wide group of people to    once  wrote  blistering  lyrics  World  War  II  America  as  "King  Kong"  making  fre-  questionable   expertise.
                                                                      it  morphed  from  small  to  quent  appearances  with-   (Ashton  Kutcher  actually
                                                                      imperial  to  then  sick  and  out  much  purpose.  (The   makes  a  powerful  witness
                                                                      bloated? Maybe he's even  King.  In  New  York.  OK,  we   to  the  uncomfortable  na-
                                                                      a reflection of the history of  get it).                  ture  of  sudden  worldwide
                                                                      the  entire  country  —  from  The  best  parts  are  when   fame).
                                                                      poor  and  fragile  in  1776  African-American      crit-  Then  there's  that  moment
                                                                      to the hottest thing on the  ics  like  Chuck  D  and  Van   when   the   Rolls-Royce
                                                                      planet as a superpower to  Jones dig into Elvis, a man    breaks  down  and  every-
                                                                      later  addicted  to  pills  and  who made a fortune taking   one tries to make THAT an
                                                                      destined to die on a gold-   black  music  and  making    analogy  of  post-industrial
                                                                      en toilet at age 42? All this  it  palatable  for  whites.  Yet   America.  Actually,  Jarecki
                                                                      plays  out  as  the  Clinton-  Presley  never  marched  for   comes  into  some  good-
                                                                      Trump  election  comes  to  civil rights or used his fame   natured ribbing for even us-
                                                                      its  nail-biting  conclusion,  to  help  the  very  people   ing Elvis' Rolls-Royce, which
                                                                      complete  with  CNN  and  he  plundered.  Other  valu-    is, of course, an English car.
                                                                      Fox  news  announcements  able  spots  are  when  the     More  than  one  observer
                                                                      about the race, muddying  filmmakers  explore  pov-       wonders why he didn't use
                                                                      the focus of the film. Are we  erty, race and the decline   one  of  Presley's  old  Cadil-
                                                                      Fat Elvis? Is Trump?         of the American dream at     lacs,  a  more  perfect  sym-
                                                                      Throughout "The King ," you  the  hands  of  corporations,   bol  of  America's  trials  and
                                                                                                                                tribulations. That's what this
                                                                                                                                whole  film  feels  like  —  for-
                                                                                                                                ever looking for an analogy
                                                                                                                                that fits.
                                                                                                                                "The King," an Oscilloscope
                                                                                                                                Labratories release, is rated
                                                                                                                                R by the Motion Picture As-
                                                                                                                                sociation of America for "for
                                                                                                                                language,  some  disturbing
                                                                                                                                images and brief drug use."
                                                                                                                                Running time: 109 minutes.
                                                                                                                                One star out of four.q
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