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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 25 July 2020
            E.U. unveils plans to step up fight against child sexual abuse

            By SAMUEL PETREQUIN          spread  of  the  coronavi-   son, said two-thirds of child
            Associated Press             rus  have  exacerbated  the  sexual  abuse  content  is
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  Worried  problem  for  children  who  hosted  in  the  European
            by  an  alarming  spike  in  spent more time online and  Union,  specifically  in  the
            child  sexual  abuse  before  were  more  vulnerable  to  Netherlands. Dutch Justice
            and during the coronavirus  predators in isolation.       and  Security  Minister  Ferd
            pandemic,  the  European  "In  many  cases,  children  Grapperhaus         proposed
            Union's  executive  arm  un-  are sexually abused by per-  legislation  this  week  to
            veiled  plans  Friday  for  a  sons  they  know  and  trust,  make the possession or dis-
            center devoted to prevent-   and on whom they are de-     semination  of  instructions
            ing  the  mistreatment  of  pendent,"  the  commission  for how to hunt and groom
            children and for legislation  said in its plans. "This makes  children  for  sexual  abuse
            requiring  online  platforms  these  crimes  particularly  punishable by a prison sen-
            to  report  child  pornogra-  difficult to prevent and de-  tence of up to four years.
            phy.                         tect."                       The  European  Commission
            Under the European Com-      Reports of online child sex-  plans to propose next year   European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson listens
            mission's  plans,  the  center  ual abuse in the EU have in-  legislation  requiring  online   to a question during an online news conference with European
                                                                                                   Commissioner for Promoting our European Way of Life Margari-
            would    help   coordinate  creased from 23,000 in 2010  platforms to detect and re-   tas Schinas at the EU headquarters in Brussels, Friday, July 24,
            actions among the EU's 27  to  more  than  725,000  in  port the sharing of child sex   2020.
            nations in the areas of law  2019,  according  to  figures  abuse  images,  Johansson                                           Associated Press
            enforcement,  deterrence  from  the  National  Center  said,  She  said  about  80%
            and  assistance  for  victims  for  Missing  and  Exploited  of  the  illegal  material  re-  egy for the next five years,  of cocaine were seized last
            of  child  sex  abuse.  The  Children relayed by the EU.  ported to authorities is pro-  the EU also plans to develop  year and that the produc-
            commission did not provide  International  police  agen-  vided  by  Facebook  on  a  a plan to tackle illicit drug  tion  of  synthetic  drugs  in
            a timeline, but said it will im-  cy  Interpol  has  reported  a  voluntary basis.     and firearms trafficking. Jo-  the  bloc  has  reached  "in-
            mediately  launch  discus-   surge in the online distribu-  As  part  of its  security  strat-  hansson said that 100 tons  dustrial scale.''q
            sions  with  member  states  tion  of  explicit  sexual  im-
            and EU lawmakers.            ages of children during the
            The  commission  said  the  pandemic.
            center  would  be  similar  A similar increase has been
            to  the  National  Center  for  noticed  globally,  with  re-
            Missing and Exploited Chil-  ports of child abuse world-
            dren, a U.S. nonprofit refer-  wide  rising  from  1  million
            ence  center  which  helps  to  almost  17  million  during
            families when a child goes  2010-2019  and  about  70
            missing  and  exploited  vic-  million  images  of  children
            tims.                        being    sexually   abused
            The  commission  pointed  identified.
            out  that  lockdowns  im-    The  EU  commissioner  for
            posed  to  slow  down  the  home  affairs,  Ylva  Johans-

            Vietnam bans wildlife

            imports, markets amid

            new health fears

            HANOI,  Vietnam  (AP)  —  are used in traditional med-
            Vietnam  announced  Fri-     icine or in preparing exotic
            day  that  it  was  banning  cuisine.  The  move  comes
            wildlife  imports  and  would  amid increased scrutiny of
            close  wildlife  markets  in  the health risks of the wild-
            response to renewed con-     life trade as the world deals
            cerns  about  the  threat  with  the  new  coronavirus,
            from  diseases  that  can  which  is  thought  to  have
            jump  from  animals  to  hu-  jumped from animals to hu-
            mans, such as the virus that  mans. "COVID-19 elevated
            causes COVID-19.             the  issue  of  wildlife  trade,
            An  order  signed  by  Prime  so  Vietnamese  lawmakers
            Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc  got involved with the issue
            on Thursday bans all imports  in the past few months and
            of  wildlife  dead  or  alive  helped  push  the  directive
            and includes eggs and lar-   forward," he said.
            vae.  It  also  merits  tougher  The directive is not perfect
            penalties for crimes involv-  as it still has exceptions that
            ing the trade in wildlife.   will allow some trade in wild
            Vietnam has been a popu-     animals to continue, but it
            lar  destination  for  wildlife  is  a  good  start  and  can
            products — often from en-    hopefully  made  stronger
            dangered  species  —  that  over time, Galster said.q
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