Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200725
P. 28

                     Saturday 25 July 2020
            Always rocky, China-U.S. relations appear at a turning point

            By KEN MORITSUGU                                                                                                    World War II era.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Election-year   politics   in
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  Four  de-                                                                                         the  U.S.  are  fanning  the
            cades after the U.S. estab-                                                                                         flames,  as  President  Don-
            lished  diplomatic  ties  with                                                                                      ald  Trump  appears  to  be
            Communist  China,  the  re-                                                                                         using friction with China to
            lationship between the two                                                                                          drum  up  support  among
            may have reached a turn-                                                                                            his base. Whether or not he
            ing point.                                                                                                          is  reelected  in  November,
            Tensions  have  reached                                                                                             underlying  differences  will
            new  heights  on  what  has                                                                                         remain.
            always been a rocky road,                                                                                           "We are looking at a struc-
            as  the  ambitions  of  a  ris-                                                                                     tural  change  in  the  rela-
            ing  superpower  increas-                                                                                           tionship,  which  will  contin-
            ingly  clash  with  those  of                                                                                       ue even if Trump does not
            the established one. China                                                                                          get  a  second  term,"  said
            ordered  the  closing  of  the                                                                                      Steve Tsang, director of the
            U.S. Consulate in the south-                                                                                        China  Institute  at  London's
            western  city  of  Chengdu                                                                                          School of Oriental and Afri-
            on  Friday,  in  rapid  retali-                                                                                     can Studies.
            ation  for  the  closing  of  its                                                                                   Militarily,  American  and
            consulate in Houston.                                                                                               Chinese   warships   often
            Two  weeks  ago,  Chinese                                                                                           jockey  for  position  in  the
            Foreign  Minister  Wang  Yi   In this Sept. 16, 2018, file photo, American flags are displayed together with Chinese flags on top   South China Sea. Economi-
            asked  aloud  if  relations   of a trishaw in Beijing.                                                              cally, the U.S. is leaning on
            could  stay  on  track.  On                                                                        Associated Press  its allies to exclude Chinese
            Thursday,  U.S.  Secretary                                                                                          telecom  leader  Huawei
            of  State  Mike  Pompeo  decades  recognized  Tai-        United States.               tion sent an aircraft carrier  from their mobile networks,
            delivered  an  answer:  The  wan  as  the  government  Setting aside political differ-  through the Taiwan Strait in  raising  the  specter  of  cy-
            time has come to change  of China after Chiang fled  ences,  the  U.S.  and  China  1996  after  China  fired  mis-  bersecurity.   On   human
            course.                      there when he lost control  promoted  economic,  so-      siles toward the island.     rights,  the  U.S.  is  imposing
            "The old paradigm of blind  of the mainland in 1949.      cial  and  cultural  ties  that  In  2001,  a  Chinese  fighter  sanctions   over   Chinese
            engagement  with  China  Relations  between  Wash-        were  briefly  interrupted  a  jet and a U.S. Navy surveil-  policies in Hong Kong, Tibet
            simply  won't  get  it  done,"  ington and the Communist  decade  later  by  China's  lance  plane  collided  over  and Xinjiang,
            he said in a speech  at the  government  in  Beijing  be-  military  crackdown  on  the  the  South  China  Sea,  a  Tougher  U.S.  views  on  Chi-
            Richard  Nixon  Presidential  gan to thaw in the 1970s, as  1989 pro-democracy dem-    vital  shipping  lane  in  the  na have now been "baked
            Library  in  Southern  Califor-  China's ties with the Soviet  onstrations  in  Beijing's  Ti-  Asia-Pacific  region.  China  into the system," Tsang said.
            nia. "We must not continue  Union  deteriorated  and  ananmen Square.                  detained the U.S. crew for  Pompeo's  speech  was  the
            it. We must not return to it."  leader Mao Zedong sought  Economic links grew expo-    days  after  its  plane  made  latest  in  a  series  of  sharp
            It was Nixon's visit to China  a counterweight to its more  nentially  in  the  following  an  emergency  landing  at  criticisms  aimed  at  China
            in 1972, the first by an Amer-  powerful neighbor.        years,  with  heavy  invest-  a Chinese base.             by  Cabinet-level  U.S.  of-
            ican  president  since  the  A new leader, Deng Xiaop-    ment  by  U.S.  businesses  in  As  China  has  grown  into  ficials,  including  Defense
            Communists took power in  ing, visited the U.S. in 1979  China  and  an  accompa-      the  world's  second-largest  Secretary  Mark  Esper  and
            1949, that upended a Cold  after    the   establishment  nying Chinese trade surplus  economy,      behind   only  Attorney General Bill Barr.
            War paradigm and paved  of  diplomatic  ties,  smiling  that has reached $350 bil-     the  U.S.,  it  is  increasingly  Although   Trump   earlier
            the way for the normaliza-   in  photos  as  he  tried  on  a  lion annually.          viewed  as  a  competitor,  played up what he called
            tion of relations in 1979.   cowboy  hat  in  Texas.  The  The relationship was punc-  both  economically  and  a  warm  relationship  with
            The United States had been  Houston  consulate  that  is  tuated  by  bouts  of  ten-  militarily,  and  a  potential  Chinese  leader  Xi  Jinping,
            a close ally of then-Chinese  being  shut  opened  later  sion.  The  U.S.  continues  to  challenger to the Western-  communication  between
            leader  Chiang  Kai-shek  in  the same year.              support  Taiwan  militarily,  led democratic model that  the sides has fallen to new
            World  War  II  and  for  three  It  was  China's  first  in  the  and the Clinton administra-  has  dominated  the  post-  lows.q

              U.S. military chief visits Israel amid tensions with Iran

              JERUSALEM (AP) — The top  ter  an  air  raid  on  the  Syr-  tier  damaged  a  building  over Syria.             in the civil war.
              U.S. general made an un-    ian  capital,  Damascus,  and a vehicle in the Golan  Israel has long viewed Iran  Israeli   Defense   Minister
              announced  visit  to  Israel  suspected  to  have  been  Heights, which Israel seized  as its main regional threat  Benny  Gantz  said  that
              on  Friday  to  discuss  "re-  carried out by Israel, killed  from Syria in 1967 and later  because of its nuclear pro-  in  his  talks  with  Milley,  he
              gional security challenges"  five foreign fighters, includ-  annexed.  The  military  de-  gram  —  which  Tehran  in-  emphasized  "the  need  to
              at  a  time  of  heightened  ing a member of the Iran-  clined  to  provide  further  sists  is  for  purely  peaceful  continue  the  pressure  on
              tensions with Iran and its al-  backed Hezbollah.       details.                     purposes — as well as Iran's  Iran and its proxies."
              lies across the Middle East.  The   Lebanese   militant  Recent  weeks  have  also  military presence in neigh-  The  Israeli  military  "is  pre-
              Army Gen. Mark Milley, the  group has vowed to retali-  seen a series of mysterious  boring Syria and its support  pared  and  ready  for  any
              Joint Chiefs chairman, met  ate for the killing of its fight-  explosions in Iran, including  for armed groups like Hez-  scenario  and  any  threat,
              with  senior  Israeli  military  ers  in  Syria,  and  in  recent  a blast at what analysts say  bollah.         and  I  do  not  suggest  our
              and intelligence leaders at  days Israel has sent infantry  was  a  nuclear  centrifuge  Israel  has  carried  out  enemies to test us.
              an  air  base  in  southern Is-  reinforcements to its north-  production facility.   scores  of  airstrikes  in  re-  We have no interest in es-
              rael and held a video con-  ern border with Lebanon.    Milley's  visit  also  came  cent years targeting Iran's  calation, but we will do all
              ference with Prime Minister  Earlier Friday, the Israeli mil-  hours  after  a  U.S.  fighter  military  presence  in  Syria,  that  is  necessary  to  pro-
              Benjamin Netanyahu.         itary  said  an  explosion  on  jet passed near an Iranian  where Tehran is a close ally  tect  Israeli  citizens,"  Gantz
              The  visit  came  days  af-  the Syrian side of the fron-  passenger plane as it flew  of  President  Bashar  Assad  said.q
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