P. 29
PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 16 august 2017
Fox removes video with cars plowing through demonstrators
AP Television Writer
News said it has removed
a video from its website
that depicted cars plow-
ing through demonstrators,
saying it was “inappropri-
The development was part
of another fast-moving day
Tuesday for media keeping
up with the fallout from a
violent racial protest over
the weekend in Charlottes-
ville, Virginia, including a
contentious late-afternoon
news conference by Presi-
dent Donald Trump and a
deleted presidential tweet.
The 90-second video had
been picked up in Janu-
ary from The Daily Caller,
a website co-founded
by Fox personality Tucker
Carlson. The Daily Caller’s
video editor, Mike Raust,
wrote when it was posted:
“Here’s a compilation of
liberal protesters getting
pushed out of the way by People fly into the air as a vehicle drives into a group of protesters demonstrating against a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville,
cars and trucks. Study the Va., Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017.
technique; it may prove Associated Press
useful in the next four after the session, broadcast Bush, emotionally waved your job?” mentators on normally
years.” live on television, a CNN a printed copy of a tweet On CNN, analyst David Trump-friendly Fox News
The video, its existence re- onscreen headline said: from former Ku Klux Klan Chalian said that “this is Channel, although Trump
ported by Slate Tuesday, “Trump News Conference leader David Duke praising a president who has lost had his supporters.
was reposted on the Fox Goes Off the Rails.” Trump’s news conference touch with the country that “I think he did a great job
Nation opinion website. MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wal- and said of Trump’s staff, he represents.” today,” said Madison Ge-
“The item was inappropri- lace, once an aide to for- “who resigns over this? The news conference drew siotto, an analyst on the
ate and we’ve taken it mer President George W. Which one of you is leaving a mixed response by com-
down,” said Noah Kotch, network. “He’s a leader.”q
Fox News Digital editor-in-
chief. ‘Seeing Red’ has strong char-
“We regret posting it in acters, emotional narrative
A car struck a group of
counter-demonstrators to By JEFF AYERS a secret. She was going to
a white nationalist event in Associated Press reveal the truth during their
Charlottesville, Virginia, on A man’s heroic act in the sit-down session in front of
Saturday, killing 32-year- past has ramifications in cameras.
old Heather Heyer and in- the present in “Seeing The Major’s son, John, has
juring 19. Red,” Sandra Brown’s lat- a strained relationship with
Representatives from The est collision of suspense his father, and it boils down
Daily Caller did not imme- and romance. to him not believing the of-
diately return messages Kerra Bailey, a television ficial events of that day. His
seeking comment. journalist, wants to inter- obsession for the truth has
Also Tuesday, the president view Major Franklin Trap- cost him his job with the Bu-
retweeted and deleted per. Twenty-five years reau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
a cartoon showing a train earlier, he saved several Firearms and Explosives, a
labeled “Trump” running people, including a little fiancee and the Major’s
over a man with “CNN” girl, after a hotel bombing. respect. Now Bailey has
covering his face. He gave many interviews, been pushing him to get
His news conference from and every time there was her access to his father, her
Trump Tower featured the another major incident, rescuer.q
president answering sev- he became the spokes-
eral questions about his person for heroism. A few
reaction to violence at the years ago, he became a This cover image released
weekend demonstration, recluse and quit answering by Grand Central Publishing
and appearing to equate his phone. Bailey was the shows “Seeing Red,” a novel
the actions of demonstra- little girl he saved that day, by Sandra Brown.
tors on both sides. Shortly and her identity has been Associated Press