P. 32

              Wednesday 16 august 2017
                  $28.75 charge to visit Elvis’ grave during vigil upsets fans

            By ADRIAN SAINZ and KRIS-                                                                                           Trust and his daughter, Lisa
            TIN M. HALL                                                                                                         Marie  Presley,  until  2005.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Elvis  Presley  Enterprises  is
            MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — For                                                                                           now  majority-owned  by
            nearly  four  decades,  fans                                                                                        Graceland  Holdings,  led
            of the late singer Elvis Pre-                                                                                       by managing partner Joel
            sley have made a solemn                                                                                             Weinshanker.  Lisa  Marie
            procession  past  his  grave                                                                                        Presley  retains  15  percent
            at  his  Graceland  mansion                                                                                         ownership in the company.
            during the annual candle-                                                                                           The  new  entertainment
            light  vigil  commemorating                                                                                         complex  is  part  of  a  $140
            his death, without paying a                                                                                         million  expansion,  which
            penny.                                                                                                              also  includes  a  $90  mil-
            This  year,  on  the  40th  an-                                                                                     lion,  450-room  hotel  that
            niversary of the rock n’ roll                                                                                       opened  last  year.  The
            icon’s  death,  it’s  going  to                                                                                     complex, featuring exhibits
            cost them $28.75.                                                                                                   of  Presley’s  cars,  clothing
            Many fans are not happy.                                                                                            and  other  personal  items,
            Visitors who plan to attend                                                                                         replaces  the  aging  build-
            the  vigil  beginning  Tues-                                                                                        ings that housed the exhib-
            day night and running into                                                                                          its for years.
            Wednesday must have an                                                                                              Access  to  restaurants,  gift
            Elvis  Week  Property  Pass                                                                                         shops  and  an  entertain-
            wristband  to  walk  up  the                                                                                        ment  tent  where  people
            long  driveway  and  past    Priscilla Presley, center, former wife of Elvis Presley, is escorted by security after greeting fans at   gathered  before  the  vigil
            the  graves  where  Presley   Elvis Presley’s Memphis home, near Graceland on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017, in Memphis, Tenn.   used to be free, though vis-
            and  relatives  are  buried,                                                                       Associated Press  itors still actually had to buy
            Graceland  told  the  As-                                                                                           the food or memorabilia at
            sociated  Press  in  a  written   sages on social media, say-  says fans should be insulted  They are in business. Corpo-  the eateries and shops.
            statement. The $28.75 wrist-  ing  they  won’t  attend  an-  at the new charge.        rations, they want the bot-  Now, access to them is in-
            band also provides access    other vigil.                 “I looked forward to going  tom line.”                    cluded in the fee to enter
            to a new $45 million enter-  Longtime fan Fred Schwarz  down  there  this  year,  and  Elvis Presley Enterprises was   the complex.
            tainment  complex  at  the   of  Springfield,  Illinois,  said  they come up with all this,”  created by the Elvis Presley   Cheryl  Skogen,  of  Los  An-
            Memphis tourist attraction.  Tuesday  that  he  and  his  Schwarz said. “I don’t want  Trust  to  manage  its  assets,   geles, was third in line wait-
            Graceland,  operated  by     wife have been to several  to  even  go  to  Memphis  according  to  Graceland’s       ing on Tuesday morning for
            Elvis  Presley  Enterprises,   vigils  and  have  enjoyed  anymore.  The  people  run-  website.  It  was  wholly   the vigil later that evening.
            says  it  anticipates  large   them. But not this year. He  ning that are not Elvis fans.  owned  by  the  Elvis  Presley   “I  don’t  think  Elvis  would
            crowds and it has updated                                                                                           like  it  if  he  knew  the  fans
            its security measures for El-                                                                                       were  charged  to  go  up
            vis Week, the annual cele-                                                                                          and see,” she said.
            bration of Presley’s life and                                                                                       Some  fans  don’t  have  a
            career  in  music  and  mov-                                                                                        problem  with  the  charge.
            ies.  Presley  died  on  Aug.                                                                                       Joe  Makowski,  who  saw
            16, 1977, in Memphis.”In or-                                                                                        Presley more than 80 times
            der to keep everyone safe                                                                                           in  concert  and  came  to
            and  ensure  an  enjoyable                                                                                          Graceland  after  Presley
            and  meaningful  event  for                                                                                         died  in  1977,  said  it’s  a
            all, we have worked close-                                                                                          good idea because of the
            ly  with  local,  state  and                                                                                        cost  of  security.  He  also
            federal  security  authori-                                                                                         said these types of charges
            ties  to  establish  new  pro-                                                                                      are seen at other tourist at-
            cedures  that  have  been                                                                                           tractions.
            widely  used  across  the                                                                                           “It  goes  along  with  the
            U.S.,”  Graceland’s  state-                                                                                         territory  of  the  popular-
            ment  said.  A  few  Presley                                                                                        ity of Elvis,” said Makowski,
            fans  made  a  pilgrimage                                                                                           of  St.  Petersburg,  Florida.
            to Graceland the year he                                                                                            “There’s a price for that as
            died,  and  they’ve  contin-                                                                                        well,  to  accommodate  all
            ued  coming  ever  since.                                                                                           the people.”
            Graceland  says  it  averag-                                                                                        News  of  the  vigil  charge
            es 500,000 visitors per year                                                                                        also  upset  Anthony  Stuch-
            from  around  the  world,                                                                                           bury,  of  Bolton,  England,
            and  attendance  for  this                                                                                          who  has  been  to  Grace-
            year’s  vigil  has  been  pro-                                                                                      land more than two dozen
            jected at 30,000 to 50,000.                                                                                         times but did not come this
            The  announcement  sur-                                                                                             year.
            prised  fans  who  didn’t                                                                                           “I  understand  they  are  a
            know  about  the  charge     Glasgow, Scotland, resident Bryan Glencross strikes a pose in his Elvis-inspired outfit while waiting   business,  and  there’s  ab-
            when they made plans to      to begin a tour of Graceland, Elvis Presley’s Memphis home, on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017, in Mem-  solutely   nothing   wrong
            come to Elvis Week. Some     phis, Tenn.                                                                            with them making money,”
            reacted  with  angry  mes-                                                                         Associated Press  Stuchbury said. q
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