P. 25

BUSINESS                 Wednesday 2 august 2017

            Banks and tech stocks send Dow industrials closer to 22,000

            By MARLEY JAY                                                                                                       the iPhone.
            AP Markets Writer                                                                                                   Sprint  had  its  best  day  this
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Banks                                                                                           year  after  it  said  it’s  open
            and  technology  compa-                                                                                             to combining with another
            nies took U.S. stocks higher                                                                                        phone  company  or  a  ca-
            Tuesday,  and  less-loved                                                                                           ble  company.  The  fourth-
            sectors  including  phone                                                                                           largest  U.S.  wireless  carrier
            and real estate companies                                                                                           also  reported  its  first  quar-
            also climbed as companies                                                                                           terly profit in three years as
            continued to report strong                                                                                          it cut cost and added wire-
            second-quarter results.                                                                                             less  subscribers.  Sprint  rose
            Payment  processors  also                                                                                           89  cents,  or  11.2  percent,
            made  hefty  gains,  while                                                                                          to $8.87.
            Sprint  said  it  gained  wire-                                                                                     T-Mobile USA climbed $1.41,
            less  subscribers  and  that                                                                                        or  2.3  percent,  to  $63.07
            it’s open to combining with                                                                                         and  Verizon  Communica-
            a  competitor  or  a  cable                                                                                         tions gained 49 cents, or 1
            company.  Royal  Carib-                                                                                             percent,  to  $48.89.  Phone
            bean  Cruises,  Xerox  and                                                                                          companies,    real   estate
            shopping  mall  operator                                                                                            firms and utility all benefited
            Simon  Property  Group  all                                                                                         because  bond  yields  fell,
            climbed, while athletic ap-                                                                                         which  made  the  compa-
            parel maker Under Armour                                                                                            nies  more  attractive  to  in-
            and  industrial  companies   Traders Michael Milano, left, and John Bowers work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange,   vestors who want income.
            fell  after  disappointing  re-  Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2017. Banks and technology companies took U.S. stocks higher Tuesday, and   Utility company Scana con-
            sults.  General  Motors  and   less-loved sectors including phone and real estate companies also climbed.           tinued to rise after it said it
                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
            Ford slumped on weak July                                                                                           will end construction of two
            sales reports.               which  rose  $1.23,  or  1.3  sors to decide where an au-  Tuesday, and its stock rose  nuclear  reactors  that  cus-
            Some  of  the  largest  gains   percent, to $93.03 and Citi-  tonomous car should steer,  4.7  percent  in  after-hours  tomers  have  already  paid
            went  to  companies  and     group, which added $1.15,  and  Intel  agreed  to  buy  it  trading.  Apple  reported  billions  to  build.  Scana’s
            industries  that  have  strug-  or 1.7 percent, to $69.60.  for $15 billion in March. Intel  earnings and revenue that  South  Carolina  Electric  &
            gled this year, like real es-  Intel  rose  as  South  Korean  gained 88 cents, or 2.5 per-  far   exceeded   analysts’  Gas  unit  and  state-owned
            tate  investment  trusts,  or   regulators  signed  off  on  its  cent, to $36.35.     forecasts,  and  issued  a  Santee  Cooper  say  they
            which  have  missed  out     deal  for  Mobileye.  Mobil-  Tech could be in for more  solid  outlook  for  the  fourth  have already spent $10 bil-
            on  the  gains  entirely,  like   eye  makes  software  that  gains  Wednesday.  Apple  quarter, when the compa-    lion on the project and that
            phone  companies.  Randy     processes information from  reported  a  strong  quarter  ny is expected to launch a  it  could  cost  $20  billion  to
            Frederick, vice president of   cameras and other car sen-  after  the  closing  bell  on  10th  anniversary  version  of  finish. q
            trading  and  derivatives  at
            the  Schwab  Center  for  Fi-
            shift is a good sign for the  Apple posts strong 3Q, provides upbeat forecast
            nancial Research, said the

            stock market.
            “When  people  are  will-
            ing  to  go  out  and  do  the                                                         $49  billion  to  $52  billion.  new features.
            proverbial  bargain  hunt-                                                             That’s  better  than  Apple’s  If  the  release  of  the  next
            ing in areas that have not                                                             performance     last   year  iPhone  was  going  to  be
            outperformed  as  much,                                                                when  its  popular  line  of  delayed  until  October  or
            that  shows  confidence,”                                                              iPhone 7 phones came out.    even  later,  analysts  were
            he  said.  “The  broader  the                                                          The  upbeat  forecast  is  expecting  Apple  to  lower
            bull  market  becomes,  the                                                            likely  to  ease  concerns  its  revenue  projections  for
            more  sectors  that  partici-                                                          that  production  problems  the  current  quarter  to  be-
            pate, the more sustainable                                                             might delay the release of  low $45 billion.
            it becomes.”                                                                           Apple’s    next-generation  Luca Maestri, Apple’s chief
            The Standard & Poor’s 500                                                              iPhone,   which   typically  financial  officer,  declined
            index  rose  6.05  points,  or                                                         comes out in late Septem-    to comment on the timing
            0.2  percent,  to  2,476.35.                                                           ber. That model is expect-   of  the  next  iPhone  during
            The  Dow  Jones  industrial                                                            ed to boast a higher-quali-  an interview with The Asso-
            average  climbed  72.80                                                                ty screen and several other  ciated Press.q
            points,  or  0.3  percent,  to   A Chinese family walks out of an Apple store in Beijing, Sunday,
            21,963.92.  The  blue  chip   July 30, 2017. Apple’s earnings climbed 12 percent to $8.7 billion
            index  closed  at  a  record   in the company’s latest quarter.
            high  for  the  fifth  day  in  a                               (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
            row.  Nasdaq  composite      SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —  billion.
            added 14.82 points, or 0.2   Apple’s  earnings  climbed  The  fiscal  third-quarter  re-
            percent,  to  6,362.94.  The   12 percent to $8.7 billion in  sults  announced  Tuesday
            Russell 2000 index of small-  the company’s latest quar-  exceeded analysts’ projec-
            er-company stocks gained     ter  amid  rising  demand  tions  for  the  period  span-
            3.19 points, or 0.2 percent,   for  iPhones  while  the  iPad  ning from April to July 1.
            to 1,428.33.                 snapped  out  of  a  3-1/2-  Just  as  importantly,  Apple
            Banks  helped  lead  the     year sales slump.            predicted  revenue  for  its
            way.  The  top  gainers  in-  Revenue  increased  7  per-  current  quarter  ending  in
            cluded  JPMorgan  Chase,     cent from last year to $45.4  September will range from
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