P. 23
TECHNOLOGY Wednesday 2 august 2017
Apple’s next big leap might be into augmented reality
By MICHAEL LIEDTKE we use our phones.” Apple
AP Technology Writer rivals such as Google and
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Microsoft are also starting
Apple’s iPhone may be to deploy AR systems.
ready for its next big act WAITING FOR APPLE’S NEXT
— as a springboard into BIG THING
“augmented reality,” a Apple has been looking for
technology that projects something to lessen its de-
life-like images into real- pendence on the iPhone
world settings viewed since the 2011 death of
through a screen. If you’ve its co-founder CEO Steve
heard about AR at all, it’s Jobs, the driving force be-
most likely because you’ve hind the company’s inno-
encountered “Pokemon vation factory.
Go,” in which players wan- Cook thought he had
der around neighborhoods come up with a revolution-
trying to capture monsters ary product when Apple
only they can see on their began selling its smart-
phones. AR is also making watch in 2015, but the Ap-
its way into education and ple Watch remains a niche
some industrial applica- product.
tions, such as product as- In this Monday, June 5, 2017, file photo, John Knoll, of Industrial Light & Magic, right, speaks about For now, the iPhone re-
virtual reality during an announcement of new products at the Apple Worldwide Developers Con-
sembly and warehouse in- ference in San Jose, Calif. mains Apple’s dominant
ventory management. Associated Press product, accounting for 55
Now Apple is hoping to percent of Apple’s $45.4
transform the technology and scream,” Cook said. in an existing room, educa- apps. billion in revenue during
from a geeky sideshow into Many analysts agree. “This tion, health care and more. Those apps, however, won’t the three months ended
a mass-market phenom- is the most important plat- We just don’t yet know work on just any Apple de- in June. The total revenue
enon. It’s embedding AR- form that Apple has cre- what they’ll actually do or vice — only the iPhone 6S represented a 7 percent in-
ready technology into its ated since the app store in look like. and later models, including crease from the same time
iPhones later this year, po- 2008,” said Jan Dawson of AUGMENTING THE IPHONE the hotly anticipated next- last year. Apple earned
tentially setting the stage Jackdaw Research. At Apple, the introduction generation iPhone that Ap- $8.7 billion, up 12 percent
for a rush of new apps that There’s just one catch: No of AR gets underway in ple will release this fall. The from last year.
blur the line between real- one can yet point to a killer September with the release 2017 iPad and iPad Pro will AN AR EXPLOSION ... MAY-
ity and digital representa- app for AR, at least beyond of iOS 11, the next version of run AR apps as well. BE
tion in new and imagina- the year-old (and fading) the operating system that Apple isn’t the only com- Tim Merel, managing di-
tive ways. fad of “Pokemon Go.” In- powers hundreds of mil- pany betting big on AR. rector of technology con-
CEO Tim Cook hailed AR as stead, analysts argue more lions of iPhones and iPads Facebook founder Mark sulting firm Digi-Capital,
a “profound” technology generally that AR creates around the world Zuckerberg talked up the believes Apple’s entry
in an interview with Bloom- enormous potential for new Tucked away in that re- technology at a company into AR will catalyze the
berg Businessweek in June. games, home-remodeling lease is an AR toolkit in- presentation in May, calling field. His firm expects AR
“I am so excited about apps that let you visualize tended to help software it a “really important tech- to mushroom into an $83
it, I just want to yell out new furnishings and decor developers create new AR nology that changes how billion market by 2021, up
from $1.2 billion last year.
White House investigating email prank against top officials That estimate assumes that
Apple and its rivals will ex-
pand beyond AR software
By DARLENE SUPERVILLE related issues very seriously his reply. The network also are Jon Huntsman, Trump’s to high-tech glasses and
Associated Press and are looking into these said Anthony Scaramucci, nominee to be the U.S. am- other devices, such as Mi-
WASHINGTON (AP) — The incidents further,” she said who was ousted Monday bassador to Russia; and crosoft’s HoloLens headset.
White House acknowl- in response to inquiries. after a brief tenure as com- Eric Trump, one of the presi- For now, though, nothing
edged Tuesday that top CNN identified Tom Bossert, munications director, also dent’s two adult sons. The appears better suited for
officials, including President the president’s homeland responded to the prankster, younger Trump said he im- interacting with AR than
Donald Trump’s homeland security adviser, as one of who pretended to be Re- mediately recognized the the smartphone. Google
security adviser, respond- the officials who fell for the ince Priebus. The two have email as a “sham” and already makes AR soft-
ed to a British-based email ruse. Bossert apparently be- a contentious relationship contacted authorities. ware called Tango that
prankster. lieved he was correspond- and Priebus was dismissed CNN said the prankster, debuted on one Lenovo
Spokeswoman Sarah Huck- ing with Jared Kushner, as chief of staff last Friday, who uses the handle SI- smartphone last year and
abee Sanders said the Trump’s son-in-law and se- days before Scaramucci NON_REBORN on Twitter, will be part of another
White House is investigat- nior adviser, and included was forced out. shared the emails with the high-end device from Asus
ing. “We take all cyber- a personal email address in Other identified by CNN network.q this month.q