P. 18

               Wednesday 2 august 2017

               Column: Mayweather-McGregor is a stale act already

            By TIM DAHLBERG                                                                        is  Mayweather  and  Mc-     hats  proclaiming  himself
            AP Sports Columnist                                                                    Gregor has been exposed.  “TBE’”  (The  Best  Ever)  is  so
            LAS VEGAS (AP) — There’s                                                               And, in a revealing twist, it  desperate  to  sell  this  fight
            a  reason  tons  of  good                                                              was  done  by  the  fighters  that  he’s  promoting  it  by
            seats remain for what was                                                              themselves.                  suggesting  he’s  not  that
            supposed to be the year’s                                                              The  drama  has  already  good anymore.
            hottest ticket.                                                                        played  out,  almost  before  “That’s  what  makes  this
            Actually,  there  are  two                                                             it really got started. The act  fight so entertaining,” May-
            reasons  the  hype  bubble                                                             is tired, as anyone who saw  weather  said  on  the  All
            surrounding  the  fight  be-                                                           the media tour or watched  Access  show.  “I’m  not the
            tween  Floyd  Mayweather                                                               the  first  “All  Access”  epi-  Mayweather of the past.”
            Jr.  and  Conor  McGregor                                                              sode on Showtime can at-     He’s  right,  because  the
            has  been  punctured,  at                                                              test.                        Mayweather  of  the  past
            least a bit.                                                                           See Floyd play with his mon-  was at least mildly interest-
            In their quest to extract ev-                                                          ey. Watch Conor model fur  ing.
            ery dollar possible, promot-                                                           coats  and  boast  that  his  But  the  money  act  is  as
            ers  wildly  miscalculated   This July 13, 2017 photo shows Floyd Mayweather Jr., left, and   net worth will quadruple.  dated  as  the  check  from
            their  audience.  This  isn’t   Conor McGregor, of Ireland, facing each other for photos dur-  Listen  as  they  scream  pro-  the  Pacquiao  fight  that
            boxing, with an established   ing a news conference at Barclays Center in New York.    fanities at each other, then  Mayweather    seems    to
            wealthy fan base willing to                                           Associated Press   try  not  to  laugh  at  the  in-  have trouble cashing.
            pay thousands of dollars as                                                            side joke they share as they  Gone  are  the  days  when
            they did for Mayweather’s    tion for the most part don’t  friends,  cheering  on  Mc-  face off for photographers.  he and 50 Cent used to toss
            2015 fight with Manny Pac-   have 10 grand to blow on  Gregor from the couch in-       It’s  all  a  big  tease,  a  fan-  around stacks of bills, then
            quiao.                       a pair of seats. They’ll have  stead of inside the arena.  tasyland  built  on  dreams  head out in the Bugatti to
            The 20-something UFC fans    to be content to sit in front  The  other  reason  might   and hopes. It’s as phony as  the strip clubs to throw dol-
            that are driving this promo-  of the television with a few  be  that  the  con  job  that   the $100 million check that  lar bills at dancers. The Big
                                                                                                   Mayweather  likes  to  wave  Boy mansion doesn’t seem
                                                                                                   around  when  the  truth  is  so big anymore, and there
                                                                                                   he  can’t  even  afford  to  are only so many times you
                                                                                                   pay his taxes without selling  can  watch  Mayweather
                                                                                                   some of his assets.          sitting in his private jet.
                                                                                                   That’s  enough  to  sell  it  to  The same holds true for Mc-
                                                                                                   home  viewers  at  $99.95  Gregor. His fur coats seem
                                                                                                   apiece.                      nice enough — though it’s
              Located in the Riu Antilles Resort (Formerly the Westin Resort)                      It’s  entertainment,  much  hard  to  be  sure  the  one
               FREE TRANSPORTATION TO THE CASINO FROM ALL                                          like  Wrestlemania,  and  a  he wore at the media tour
              HIGH RISE AND LOW RISE HOTELS AND TIMESHARES.                                        good excuse to get a few  stop in New York was really
                                                                                                   friends together for a party.
                                                                                                                                made of polar bear — and
                 CALL 525-7777 FOR MORE INFORMATION                                                But it’s a little tougher to jus-  he’s thrown out a few gen-
                                            LIVE POKER                                             tify  $15,000  (plus  $1,292.81  uinely funny lines.
                                                                                                   in  service  fees)  for  two  But  it  mostly  feels  forced,
                                                                                                   seats in Section 4, Row S of  like the UFC star has been
                              GAMES START 8 PM TO THE WEE HOURS                                    the T-Mobile arena that are  rehearsing  too  long.  Yes,
                                                                                                   so  far  from  ringside  you’ll  it’s  easy  to  mock  May-
                                                                                                   need  to  spend  another  weather  for  allegedly  not
                               1-2.....2-5......5-5            1-3.....2-5......5-5                $100 for a pair of binoculars  being able to read, but 50
                                                                                                                                Cent  delivered  the  same
                                                                                                   to see the action.
                                  $100 HIGH HAND BONUSES EVERY HOUR                                The  bottom  line  is  that  material  years  ago  after
                      OVER $20,000 PER WEEK GIVEN OUT IN HIGH HAND BONUSES                         there’s no there there. This  he and Mayweather had a
                                                                                                   is  more  reality  show  than  nasty split.
                                                   CRAPS                                           fight, and the reality is that  Indeed,  by  the  time  the

                              ONLY CASINO IN ARUBA TO OFFER 3, 4 & 5 TIME ODDS                     it’s such an awful mismatch  tour hit New York the trash
                                                                                                   that  Nevada  boxing  regu-
                                                                                                                                talk  was  stale.  Aside  from
                                                                                                   lators  should  be  ashamed  the  F-bombs  thrown  out
                                                                                                   of  themselves  for  even  like red meat to the eager
                                              SPORTSBOOK                                           sanctioning it.              crowd,  there  wasn’t  any-
                                                                                                   But Mayweather is starved  thing  that  screamed  “Buy
                                        LIVE SIMULCAST OF ALL MAJOR TRACKS                         for cash, and doesn’t mind  me!” about the fight.
                                           THROUGHOBRED AND HARNESS                                making a fool of himself to  And to think there are three
                                                                                                   replenish his bank account.  more  All  Access  episodes
                                                                                                   The boxer who likes to wear  remaining. q
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