P. 16

               Wednesday 2 august 2017
            Urban Delight: Rooftop Movies under the Aruban Sky

            ORANJESTAD  -  Foundation  ture  is  Art  Connect.  Come  risk’  kids,  aged  twelve  to
            CINEARUBA and The Acad-      and enjoy the only Rooftop  sixteen,  living  in  the  dis-
            emy of Fine Arts and Design  film experience in Aruba.    enfranchised  and  volatile
            Aruba  present  Shortcutz  The  main  movie,  Art  Con-   area  of  Laventille,  Port  of
            Aruba & Rooftop Film Club  nect  is  a  feature  length  Spain,  Trinidad.  The  movie
            on  Saturday,  August  5th.  documentary  film  that  re-  is  directed  by  Miquel  Ga-
            This  month  short  films  are  veals  and  illuminates  how  lofre,  producers  are  Char-
            Mán,  Boster-A  Serial  Killer  creativity  has  inspired  and  lotte  Elias  and  Lorraine  O
            (+Q&A) and our main fea-     changed  the  lives  of  ‘at  Connor.

                                                                                                   Shortcutz  Aruba  is  a  film  at  http://www.cinearuba.
                                                                                                   platform  for  emerging  tal-  com/shortcutzaruba. Doors
                                                                                                   ents,  industry  profession-  open  at  7pm,  the  event
                                                                                                   als  and  movie  lovers,  with  starts  at  7:30pm.  Location:
                                                                                                   monthly  screenings,  film  Academy of Fine Arts and
                                                                                                   competitions,  and  guest  Design Aruba, Ooststraat 2,
                                                                                                   speakers.  The  international  Oranjestad.
                                                                                                   network  of  short  films  fi-
                                                                                                   nally arrived to Aruba, you  For  more  information,  call
                                                                                                   can  even  submit  your  film  (297) 592-5245.q
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