P. 12

               Wednesday 2 august 2017

            Brazil’s president faces congressional vote on his future

            By MAURICIO SAVARESE                                                                                                tions  for  many  legislators
            Associated Press                                                                                                    at  a  time  the  country  is
            SAO PAULO (AP) — For Bra-                                                                                           struggling  to  emerge  from
            zilian leaders, August is the                                                                                       its  worst  recession  in  de-
            cruelest month — and one                                                                                            cades.
            that now presents a poten-                                                                                          Temer is accused of receiv-
            tially fatal challenge to the                                                                                       ing  bribes  indirectly,  via  a
            presidency  of  Michel  Te-                                                                                         confidant who was caught
            mer.                                                                                                                by  police  carrying  a  suit-
            In modern times, August has                                                                                         case  with  about  $150,000
            been a devastating month                                                                                            in cash.
            for  Brazilian  presidents,  31                                                                                     The   case    erupted   in
            days  in  which  they  have                                                                                         May  when  a  recording
            been  impeached  or  re-                                                                                            emerged  in  which  Temer
            signed. One even commit-                                                                                            apparently  tells  a  meat-
            ted  suicide.  Temer’s  own                                                                                         packing  company  execu-
            predecessor,  President  Dil-                                                                                       tive  to  keep  up  paying
            ma Rousseff, was removed                                                                                            of  hush  money  to  former
            last  Aug.  31  for  breaking                                                                                       Chamber     of    Deputies
            fiscal  rules  in  her  manage-                                                                                     Speaker  Eduardo  Cunha,
            ment of the budget.                                                                                                 who  is  serving  a  15-year
            Temer is facing his own Au-                                                                                         sentence for corruption.
            gust  showdown  —  a  vote                                                                                          Temer  has  denied  wrong-
            in  Congress’  lower  house   Brazil’s president Michel Temer gestures during his visit to the operations control center at the   doing  and  he  adamantly
            Wednesday on whether he      Army’s headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, July. 30, 2017. For Brazilian leaders, August   rejected calls for him to re-
            should  be  suspended  and   is the cruelest month — and one that now presents a potentially fatal challenge to the presidency   sign from across the politi-
            put  on  trial  over  a  bribery   of Michel Temer.                                           (AP Photo/Leo Correa)  cal spectrum.
            charge filed against him by                                                                                         Until  a  few  weeks  ago,
            Brazil’s attorney general.   tion  of  justice  accusation  “Even  if  he  wins  now  Couto said Temer has been     the  president  appeared
            Opposition  lawmakers  feel  that  Attorney  General  Ro-  (Wednesday)  it  won’t  be  using  much  of  his  political   to have an ample margin
            confident  about  adding  drigo Janot could bring be-     over,” said Claudio Couto,  capital  to  curry  support   of support among the 513
            Temer  to  the  list  of  August  fore the end of the month.  a  political  science  profes-  ahead  of  Wednesday’s   members of the Chamber
            casualties, either this week  The  latter  would  bring  its  sor  at  Fundacao  Getulio  vote,  including  the  prom-  of Deputies.
            with  the  bribery  charge  own vote by the Chamber  Vargas, a Sao Paulo-based  ising  of  billions  of  dollars    Chamber     Speaker    Ro-
            vote  or  in  a  likely  obstruc-  of Deputies.           university and think tank.   in  earmarked  appropria-    drigo  Maia,  an  ally  of  the
                                                                                                                                president, has said that for
                                                                                                                                much of July, he was con-
            Puerto Rico university seeks to double fees amid crisis                                                             fident  that  Temer  would
                                                                                                                                have “a comfortable win”
                                                                                                                                in  the  vote  by  the  house,
            By DANICA COTO               Puerto  Rico  could  pay  up  The university on Tuesday is  pled  with  the  strike  led  to   where the governing coali-
            Associated Press             to  $115  per  credit  instead  expected to submit its fiscal  the  resignation  of  several   tion  has  remained  strong
            SAN  JUAN,  Puerto  Rico  of $56, while those seeking  plan to the federal control  top  university  officials,  in-  enough  on  some  issues  to
            (AP)  —  Puerto  Rico’s  larg-  a  master’s  degree  could  board  overseeing  Puerto  cluding two presidents and   pass legislation.
            est  public  university  says  pay  $270  instead  of  $140  Rico’s finances.          three board members.  Stu-   But as August approached,
            it  is  planning  to  double  its  per credit under plans ap-  It  is  the  latest  hit  for  a  uni-  dent  leaders  rejected  the   news  got  worse  for  the
            course  fees  following  de-  proved late Monday by the  versity   that    reopened  proposed  increases  and       president.  Last  week,  an
            mands that it slash its bud-  university board.           in  June  following  a  two-  said  they  would  limit  ac-  Ibope institute opinion poll
            get amid a dire economic  The fees would go into ef-      month  strike  organized  by  cess to education for thou-  said  just  5  percent  of  Bra-
            crisis.                      fect  next  year,  and  offi-  students  protesting  $450  sands  of  people  living  on   zilians  surveyed  approved
            Starting next year, students  cials  warn  that  another  20  million in proposed budget  an island with a 12 percent   of  Temer.  Adding  to  the
            seeking  a  bachelor’s  de-  percent increase could be  cuts  sought  by  the  control  unemployment rate and a     pressure, the vote of every
            gree  at  the  University  of  implemented if needed.     board.  The  demands  cou-   45 percent poverty rate.q    deputy will be public. q
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