P. 13

                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 2 august 2017

            At Fishes & More:

            Chef Bruno Adds Spice to the Menu and to His Team

            PALM  BEACH  -  Laughter,  teasing
            and jokes fill the steamy air in the
            kitchen of Fishes & More Restaurant
            when  Chef  Bruno  Ricardo  Santos
            Silva  (35)  and  his  team  are  in  full
            swing.  Billowing  steam  from  bub-
            bling pots and pans blur the pho-
            tograph a little. We’re talking with
            the  new  chef  of  the  popular  res-
            taurant; it is 4 o’clock in the after-
            noon, time to prepare for the rush
            that is called Early Bird, a big hit at
            Fishes  &  More.  Filling  the  shoes  of
            former Chef Dennis comes easy to
            Bruno, who was his sous-chef until
            4 months ago. ``We have a great
            team working here,’’ he says about
            the smiling group around him.
            Let’s get to know Bruno, who is from
            Brazil (the Minas Gerais province),
            but came to Aruba when he was
            12  years  old.  His  father,  who  is  in
            construction, brought his wife and
            two sons here from Belo Horizonte.
            As Portuguese-speaking Bruno did
            not speak a word of Dutch, English
            or Spanish, he had a terrible time
            at  the  elementary  school,  failing

            miserably  as  he  could  not  under-
            stand a thing. Fortunately he found
            out early where his passion lay: in
            the  kitchen.  The  road  to  Fishes  &
            More  went  from  the  John  F.  Ken-
            nedy School to EPB and EPI; his job
            at Tierra del Sol was his first culinary
            Now, as the new chef of well-loved
            Fishes & More, he loves the feeling
            of responsibility, taking good care
            of the palates of his guests. Asked

                                                what dishes he would recommend  Specials: he loves to play with fu-     rants  are  lined  up  around  a  cozy
                                                from the menu, Bruno says that the  sion and traditional cuisine, mixing  plaza.  Fishes  &  More  enjoys  star
                                                Paella is very good, as are the Piña  and matching. Especially the Asian  status, however, as reviews are un-
                                                Colada  Shrimps  and  the  Famous  touch  is  intriguing,  so  he  adds  a  failingly really enthusiastic and the
                                                Fish Dish, which is a seafood com-  dash of ginger, a drop of soy sauce  price-quality ratio is excellent. With
                                                bination. ``The Lobster Tail, the live  and something beautiful has been  Chef Bruno at the helm, you can’t
                                                Caribbean  Rock  Lobsters  in  the  created. Fishes & More Restaurant  go wrong there!
                                                tank and the Red Snapper are also  is part of the Aruba Wine and Dine  Pabien to Chef Bruno – his road to
                                                wonderful’’, he adds.               (AWD)  family  in  the  Arawak  Gar-  the top has taken him 14 years, but
                                                Bruno’s creativity surfaces with the  den,  where  various  great  restau-  he has succeeded. Well done!  q
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